Sleepy Verse


A collection on drabbles centered around the polyamorous relationship of Kris, Suho and Tao.

Drabbles will be rated G - NC17


A barista, a secretary and college student don't have much in common besides being exhausted after a long day. At least they didn't before they all lived together and gave polygamy a shot.


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Chapter 14: Oh how I miss these drabbles, they always had this little cozy feeling from them~
aarushic_18 #2
Chapter 14: I LOVE THESE SO MUCH!!!
aarushic_18 #3
Chapter 8: Ayeeee you made me ship a new ship
--babystar #4
Chapter 14: I'm in love with this seriously! This is what i had been lookin for tbh but sutaoris tag is like dead TT but this is saving my life! ♡♡♡
miinnehxD #5
Chapter 14: this fic is so cute i cri please update more thank you <3
Chapter 14: awww so cute and fluffy ^^
love these fics so much.
keep working on them
alicemusic666 #7
I really love this. Will there be more?
Chapter 14: fluff fluff fluffy fluff xD i love this story ^^
Chapter 14: sooooo soooooo adorable oh my god I'm dying like omg no!:'D ♥️
thank you for this absolutely adorable update!