Pink Princess



When guys become fathers, they loose all the aspects of being a "man".


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"Appa! Umma! Come play dress up with me!" Your 5 year old ran into the family room jumping and down. "Dress up?! Sure!" Jin said said jumping up from the couch and scooping her up then running off to her room, you chuckled and followed right behind them. "Do you have any guy clothes?" Jin asked looking at his 5 year old who ran to dress up chest and grabbed a few scarves, a feather boa, and a pink sun hat. "Ew no appa, boy clothes are ugly." She said setting the stuff down on her table and went to go get her play make-kit "Umma can you get my jewelry case?" She said climbing into her chair "Sure sweetie." You said walking over to the corner and picking up her pink caboodle, "Here you go." You said setting it on the table,  "Thank youuu." She said.
"Okay umma, what should we do first to appa?" She said while placing a finger on her chin and tilting her head thinking. "Hmm, I think we should do his make-up!" I said picking up a tube of red lipstick and smirking at Jin, he just glared at me. "Yeah, I agree!" She said and started rummaging through the her makeup container, which was just a bunch of old makeup that I didn't use or was worn out. "Close your eyes appa!" She said while opened a eyeshadow quad. "Eyeshadow? Don't you think daddy will look a little silly with eyeshadow on?" He questioned her "Of course not appa, you're gorgeous appa, and you're going to be even prettier when I'm done with you. You're going to make The other princesses jealous." She said while concentrating on his eyelids. Her little unstableness hands caused her to go off the eyelid a few times, it was so adorable. "You're doing so good sweetie." You told her while opening up a container of blush and set it on the table, "Really?! Then the next time you go out, IM doing your makeup." She said clapping. Jin smirked and said "Yeahhhh ___ you're gonna be so hot, all the other mothers will be jealous." He said laughing "Hold still appa! You're messing me up!" She said hitting shoulder, you just laughed. 
After doing Jin's makeup, it was time for his hair. "Okay umma, start picking out some jewelry while I do his hair." She said standing on a chair behind Jin. "Appa, you need to fire who ever does your hair. They're doing a terrible job." She said combing his hair in different directions, "Geez thanks sweetie" he said chuckling. "Okay, Ive found some pretty nice Jewelry for our princess!" You said while holding a big necklace, a few rings, and a pair off clip-on earrings. "Yay! Appa, you look so pretty!" She said while putting his hair in the forth pony tail. "Can I see?" He asked leaning his head back, looking up at her. "No! Not yet, wait till I'm done." She said smiling, you just laughed at how cute they were.
"This feathered scarf really brings out your eyes appa." Your daughter said, you almost fell out of you chair laughing, "Yeah babe, pink really is your color" said. "Okayyyy, I'mmm done!" She said clipping the last earring on his left ear. "Really? Can I see now?" He asked "Yes, are you readyyyy appa?!" She said smiling while clutching the mirror, "Mhmm" Jin said clapping his hands and nodding. "Ta-Dah, It's the pink princess!" She said while shoving the mirror in his face. The look on Jin's face was priceless, you pulled out your phone from your back pocket and snapped a few pictures. "Don't you love it appa?" She she said smiling while clasping her hands together, Jin saw the look on his 5 year old face and couldn't help but smile "I love it." He said while picking her up and kissing her cheek. "Can you do that again for the camera?" You asked smiling while holding up your phone, you smiled and bent down to kiss Jin's lips that had red lipstick going wayyy outside of the line of his lips. "Okay umma, are you ready?" Your daughter asked smiling at you, "Ready for what?" You asked confused. "Your turn." She said, "Yeah your turn." Jin said doing that evil laugh, oh boy you were in for it now.


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lol anhything for his little girl. this was really cute. and ofc jin would be thrilled to see his wifey get the same makeover treatment too. lol
btw, where is that picture of jin from? lol
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so cute ^^
I was at instagram, when I saw the link. Omg I totally love this story. So freakin cute <3
I can just image Jin making all the other princess jealous because of his beauty xD Such a funny daughter he has there :P