Yulsic one shot (Destiny)


A nice weather, the beautiful stretch of the seashore is decorated with white flowers hanging all over the chairs and an arch in front ready to witness a grand wedding. The people close to the “couple” are all settled on their seats filled with mixed emotions. The soft yet heartwarming music is playing as if it speaks for the hearts of the two important people for that day.


Perfect right? But not for her.

There she is. Sitting in the limousine prepared for her.

Crying her heart out.

Why not?

She doesn’t know the groom!


Her sobs was cut when she felt the door beside her opened. Wiping her tears away she looks up seeing her mother’s worried face.

“Sweetie let’s go.”

She can feel the pain from her mother’s voice.

“Mom…” She once again felt the lump on as her vision becomes blurry from the tears forming on her eyes.

The old lady gives a reassuring look as if telling her everything will be fine. Which is a big joke! It will never be fine! If her mom only have words over her dad then there will be no wedding happening today. But no, just like her, her mom can’t do anything but to agree with her father.

Or maybe there is something she can do.

Ran away!

It’s now or never.

Oh heck yeah! It’s her life! No one has the right to say what she’ll do with it even her own father.

Gathering all her courage she stepped out of the car ready to face her dad. She stands straight right in front of him with her head up battling with his imperious stare.

“I’m not marrying him DAD!”

She saw him twitch his brows as his facial expression darkens. Feeling her knees getting weak she tried to stand still as her heart beats faster as if it wants to jump out of her body.

“What did you say?” It was short but full of authority.

“I’m not marrying him.” She said once again but more louder and tougher. “Even if you disown me as your daughter.”

“Eonnie..” Krystal who managed to rush on her side pulled her arms lightly.

“How dare you!” Her father breathes in heavily trying to stay cool. He doesn’t want the guests to be aware of what’s about to happen most importantly the side of the groom.

“I’m sorry but I can’t obey you this time dad. This is my life! I believe I have all the right to decide what’s good for me or not. So if you can’t accept that I’m sorry.” Her tears are now flowing continuously.

“I love you dad.”

She turns around to have a last look on her family.

“I love you mom, Soojungie.”

Seeing her mom and sister in pain weakens her so she moves her feet and ran as fast as she could to get away from this supposedly beautiful day but turned out into a huge drama.

The problem is.

Where will she go?

With her mind all messed up she will do anything just to get away from that place.

Then there’s this shining red sports car with the passenger side all opened up as if it’s waiting for her. She accelerates towards the car and closes the door.

“Uhm this isn’t your bridal car miss…”

“Please take me away from here” 

From her peripheral view she saw the man drops his jaw in confusion.


 Her voice cracks as she pleads. The man moves a little but did not utter any words. After a heavy sigh she felt the car moves slowly, that’s when she burst out again. She just doesn’t care about anything but to let it all out. All of sudden she smelled a manly scent stopping her cries. She removed her palms covering her face and saw a white hanky close to her being offered by the man beside her. She switches her look form the hanky to the man smiling awkwardly at her.

“Oh my god! He is so handsome!”


“Yeah I’m here now don’t worry”

Yuri sits uncomfortably to his car as he takes a glimpse on his wristwatch.

“You better be Kwon Yuri or else…”

“I get it okay, I’ll see you later!” Yuri ended the call to avoid another long argument and was about to get off from the car when an intruder suddenly gets in and closed his passenger door with full force. The girl is wearing a beautiful wedding gown but he can’t see the latter’s face clearly since her hair was covering it. Thinking that the girl mistaken his car as the girl’s bridal car, Yuri faces the girl.

 “Uhm this isn’t your bridal car miss…”

“Please take me away from here” 

Yuri was shocked by the sudden hoarse voice courtesy of course by the mysterious bride. He unconsciously drops his jaw upon realizing what’s happening.

“She ran away?”

Yuri starts the engine and stepped on the gas. The moment the car moves the girl cried as if there’s no tomorrow. Of course it distracts him. He took his handkerchief out of his pocket and offered it to the girl without uttering any words. He saw the girl looks to him so he smiled at her awkwardly.

“Pretty eyes.”

For a second he was lost in her brown orbs. There something in there that makes his heart beats abnormally.

“Damn you Yuri you’re driving!”

“Thank you.”

He heard a soft and delicate voice bringing him back to reality. The girl takes the hanky from him, her cold fingers slightly touch his hand. He felt sudden electricity rushing through his veins straight from his…


“Stupid brain! Please function properly!

The ride was a silent and awkward one. He wanted to ask the girl where she wanted to go but he doesn’t have enough courage to do so. Obviously she doesn’t know where she wanted to go too. 

“At least ask her name Yuri. Damn this silence is hurting my ears.”

Then his phone rang making him jump slightly on his seat. Reaching in for his phone he manages to steal a glance at the girl beside him.

“At least she’s a little calm now.”

Seeing the name calling he cursed on his mind.

“Oh DAD! I’m so dead!”

“DAD!” He said softly but he was welcomed by an angry voice of his father.

“Where the hell are you? You said you we’re already here!”

“I was Dad, something came up so I had too…”

“Enough of this bull Yuri you better comeback here or you’ll…..”

Yuri heard a voice over the background talking to his father. The person seemed nervous.

“I’ll call you later!” He heard his dad breathes heavily then ended the call.

“I need some air.”

Yuri looks around and saw an open field with tall grasses. He pulled over and turns off the engine.

“Let’s take some fresh air.” He said while looking at the girl. He earned a nod as a response so he stepped out of the car quickly to open the passenger door. The girl gets off slowly with her head hung low but she manages to give him a slight bow.

“Thanks.” She said softly.

“Welcome, let’s go over there.” Yuri said still observing the girl.

“Nae.” She said shyly then moves her feet towards where Yuri pointed.

“So what’s your name?” Yuri who is following her from behind finally had the strength to ask.

“Jessica Jung.”

“So it’s Jessica. Nice name.”

“I’m Kwon Yuri.” He took a big step to catch up with the girl. He offered a handshake which the girl took slowly.

“She’s freezing.”

“Nice meeting you Jessica.” He let go of her hand and took his suit off.  “It’s cold please wear this.” He smiled while hanging the suit on her bare shoulders.

“It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you.”

That’s all Jessica could say. To thank the guy who saves her. She could say thank you to him a million times.

“Now Jessica go let it all out. Say everything you want to say. You can scream if you want.” Yuri stepped back to give her space.

Jessica gave a hesitant look at Yuri making the latter chuckles. Just then the man looks away and screams.


Jessica can’t help but giggles at Yuri’s humor.

“Just like that.” Yuri looks back to her smiling.

Jessica nodded and faces the open air then screamed her lungs off.


Jessica felt a little lighter and she can now smile.

“Feeling better now?” She heard the manly voice that soothes to her ear.

She nodded happily. But then her stomach growls making her face turns bright red.

“How about grabbing something to eat?” Yuri can’t hide his wide smile because of how cute Jessica looks right now. She was holding her stomach with an embarrassed face.

“Let’s go?” Yuri offered a hand once again which she still not looking at him.

So now.

They are walking hand in hand.

“How did you and dad met?”

Jessica curiously asked her mother while the old lady is busy cooking. The latter chuckles at the younger girl’s question.

“I met him on our wedding day.”

Jessica gave an unbelievable look. “What?” She heard it clearly but she wasn’t sure if her mom is serious.

“Fixed marriage sweetie.” Her mother answered as if it was nothing.

“And you’re fine with that? Marriage is for two people in love with each other. It is supposed to be like that right?” Jessica reasoned out like she was the older one.

“Well I learned to love your dad so I’m so fine with it now sweetie. Besides your dad gave me you and Soojung so I guess were DESTINED to be together.” Her mom stares at her while smiling. Oh yeah she can see the genuine happiness in her eyes.

“Well good thing it worked for you. When it’s my time I want to marry the man I love!” Jessica’s eyes glitters just imagining her own wedding. She heard a chuckle making her look back to the older Jung.

“We’ll see how DESTINY will play on you.”


“You believe in destiny?”

There goes that masculine voice again. She could listen to it all day.

“But wait! Did he hear me saying destiny? Stupid Jessica you just embarrassed yourself in front of him again!”

“What?” She asked innocently. Well not so innocent at all.

“I heard you say destiny. So you believe there’s one?” Yuri stares at her waiting for answers.

They were now on their way to Yuri’s house somewhere in the middle of the woods. It’s kinda weird but she somehow felt safe. She doesn’t know why she trusts the man either but he looks kind so she willingly accept the offer. She has nowhere to go either way.

“Yeah..” She answered shyly.


Jessica blushed at the man’s last remark.

“Damn Yuri what are you doing to me.” She can feel the temperature rising on her face. “Stop blushing Jessica he might see you and embarrass yourself for the nth time.”

“We’re here!” Yuri said excitedly. “I’ll just get the grocery.” Yuri gave a big smile then stepped out of the car. They stopped on a convenience store on their way since Yuri offered to cook dinner for them. Jessica opened the door and was shocked when she felt the rocky ground. Well she’s wearing high heels by the way making her stumble a little.

“Careful, it’s rocky.” She heard Yuri said from behind.

“Huh?” Jessica didn’t hear him clearly.

Yuri flashed a killer smile making her knees weak that she has to lean on the car for support.

“You might fall. So be careful.” Yuri’s eyes glitters while smiling with that boyish and oh so hot looking face.

“I think I just did.” 

Jessica looks around and to her dismay it’s rockier to where they will be heading.

“Told you its rocky.”

Jessica gasp upon realizing Yuri is now on her back.

 An inch away specifically.

“Don’t worry I’ll catch you if you did.” She could feel her whole system shaken with his masculine voice so close to her ear.

And her heart.

“Damn Yuri what are you doing to me?”




“Welcome home! The bedroom’s there, there’s a bathroom inside you can have a shower. I only have male clothes though so feel free to wear what makes you comfortable.” Yuri said while holding onto the bags of groceries.

“So I’ll work on the kitchen now and yeah.  Feel at home.”

“Thanks. I’ll go ahead.” Jessica turns around. She has to at least distance from him before she goes crazy.

With all of his kindness.

And over him.

“You might fall. So be careful.”

“Don’t worry I’ll catch you if you did.”

“Seriously Yuri? What the hell was that?” He shook his head while preparing the table. Jessica had been inside the bedroom for about an hour now and he’s done cooking.

“But then it felt great saying that to her, double meaning definitely. With all the hair on her face a while ago, I wasn’t expecting that she has a goddess like beauty. She’s just so fine”

I can’t help.

But to be attracted.

“Jessica what are you doing to me?”

And she believes in…


Just then a figure came out making him stoned to where he’s standing.

There she is wearing his white t-shirt which is oversized for her. She has her brown hair now down and all wet. Her milky white skin is shining in the moonlight slightly entering the living room to where she is standing at. She has this awkward expression but didn’t make her less attractive.

So beautiful

“Thank God it’s my car you jumped into and not the delivery truck behind.”

“And Yuri stop staring you look scary now.”

Yuri scolded himself upon realizing he had been staring.

With his mouth slightly open.

“Uhh. Dinner is ready.”

Jessica tucked her hair behind her ears and smiles awkwardly cutely at him.

“God this girl will be the death of me.”\

After their dinner Jessica insisted to clean up but Yuri didn’t let her to. He said she is a princess guest so she shouldn’t be cleaning.

“My mom would be dead jealous I insisted to help. I don’t even wipe dust in our house. Oh dear Jessica were you trying to please him?”

 Jessica observes how the man skillfully moves in the kitchen.

“Geez how can someone so manly knows how to work in the kitchen, he looks so y right now.”

“Wait did I just said y? Damn Byunsica what are you thinking?”

“And Yuri what are you doing to me?”


Jessica’s thoughts were cut again by the manly and soothing voice of no other than Yuri.

“Ohh. What were you saying?” Jessica hides her blushing face as once again embarrassing herself in front of Yuri.

Yuri chuckles at her antics.

“I said it was a tough day for you so I suggest you rest in there now.” Yuri couldn’t hide his smile with how the girl was acting. He surely enjoys whatever the girl is doing.

“Ah nae.” Jessica stood up not looking at his eyes.  Yuri watches her with a smile glued on his face.

“This girl is really something.”

“Goodnight. Thanks for the great meal.” Jessica said then bowed at him then she proceed to the bedroom.

“Goodnight Sica.”


“Dear God, are you trying to kill me? Why do you have to give me a nickname Yuri?

“And you said it so sweetly!”

“I’m gonna have a heart attack now! Goodbye life!”

“Sica.. Beautiful name just like the owner.” Yuri still kept the smile on his face while gathering the comforter.

“Now it’s time to have a bonding with nature.” Yuri said then goes out of the house. He usually stays outside overnight just to get some fresh air which he seldom gets especially when his father throws a lot of works in the office. It seriously is suffocating that’s why he decided to build a house in the middle of the woods.

Yuri creates a bonfire to at least have something warm. He carefully places the comforter in the ground and sits in there. He stretched his arms back and closes his eyes and sniffs the fresh air freely.

“This is life!” Yuri said making the most of his great time away from his busy city life.

Then the beautiful face of Jessica appeared on his mind. Her cuteness when she’s embarrassed. And he will never forget how gorgeous she looked with his t-shirt on. Damn those brown eyes, it’s killing him every time.

“And it’s our first meeting! Oh boy! Love at first sight must be real!”

Or should I say


He smiled at the thought.

“Oh Yes!”




Yuri opened his eyes just to see the girl who occupies his mind right on that moment.

”Jessica?” Yuri stood up quickly totally shaken by the girl’s sudden appearance.

“I cant… sleep.” The girl looks down while playing with her fingers. She is obviously shy.

“Ohh GAWD! Jessica why so cute?”  Yuri sat back again but left a space for Jessica.

“Sit here then.” He tapped the space beside him which the latter followed.

“What are you doing here? It’s cold out here.” Jessica asked.

“I like it cold. It’s refreshing” Yuri said with a smile.

Jessica gave an o shaped lips while nodding.

“Are you cold?” It was now Yuri’s time to ask.

“Nah but my nickname is Ice princess because of my cold attitude.” Jessica pouted making Yuri laugh, the kind of laugh that she could listen to all day. It just sounds so good.

And y.

“That’s cute Sica.” She heard him said making her blush. “Can I call you Sica?”

Jessica couldn’t respond quickly. Hell she’s been trying so hard to recover as her heart beats so fast right now.

“You don’t like it?” Yuri asked worriedly

“No I like it. It sounds good.” Jessica said shyly.

“Okay Sica then. Call me Yul.” He once again flashes that boyish oh so charming y manly smile.

“My nickname is Black Pearl.”

Jessica furrowed her brows.

“Black Pearl?”

“Yeah, because I’m dark.”

She giggled with the way he said it.

“You look good though.” Jessica unconsciously blurted out.

“Oh really?” Yuri’s eyes glitters.

“Oh god kill me now! Stupid Jessica! How many times are you going to embarrass yourself in front of him??? Die now girl DIE!”

They talked about a lot of things, they laugh until they tears up, found out how their father order them around like a puppy.

“And there’s this one time..” Yuri stopped as he hears a faint breathing beside him. Jessica has fallen asleep. He can see her beauty up close. Dang there’s no flaws in this girl’s face! Perfect! I wonder who’s the lucky guy she supposed to marry. Oh not so lucky since she ran away.

But wait….


Ran away?



He forgot!

“Yuri?” His thought was once again cut by the soft sweet voice. Then he realized their faces were an inch away from each other. They can feel each other’s hot breath.

“Uhhm?” Yul manages to answer even though he is so tempted to capture those red lips almost touching his.

“What were you doing in the resort?” Jessica asked while looking in his eyes not moving and just enjoying the man’s warmth.


“You see the resort was exclusive for my wedding today. So what were you doing in there?” Jessica curiously asked. This question has been bugging her that’s why she can’t sleep.

“I’m attending a wedding?” Yuri answered.

“My wedding?” Jessica gulped as she smells his breath. It smells so good.


“Our wedding.”

Yuri closed the gap slowly and captures Jessica’s lips.

Jessica on the other hand responded to the kiss. Heck she doesn’t care about his explanation anymore. She had fallen to the guy. And it all made sense now.

Destiny played with her really well.


(personally made this one so won't have problems imagining YULSIC KISSING! KEKE!)


“Appa how did you and eomma met?” The seven year old mini Yuri asked while munching on his cereal.

“We met on our wedding day.” Yuri put down the newspaper he was reading.

The little man furrowed his brows. “Aren’t you suppose to meet before that?”

“You see Yoong.” Yuri looks around and goes closer to his son’s ear.

 “Your eomma jumped on my lap! OWWWW.! Yuri almost jumped on his seat as he felt someone pulled his ears.

“Stop giving false details Seobang!” Jessica who happened to hear what Yuri said angrily pulls her husband’s ear.

“But it was the truth!” Yuri said while supporting his ears still being pulled by his wife.

“I jumped on your car that you happen to name LAP. I did not literally jumped on your lap don’t confuse our son!” Jessica let go of Yuri’s ear while Yoong laughs at his father’s misery.

“Hey buddy we’re supposed to be a team since we’re the boys.” Yuri said while scratching his ears.

“You’re funny appa but sorry I love eomma more.” Yoong did merong to his poor father.

“Good boy!” Jessica showered her son kisses.

“Am I going to meet my wife on my wedding day? Since grandma also met granpa on their wedding day? The innocent kid asked making his parents laugh.

“Let’s see how destiny will play on you little one.” Jessica patted her son’s head

BEEP BEEP. The family looks outside and saw the Kim’s car.

“Seohyun’s here!” Yoong said excitedly then heads to the door to welcome the other family. Seohyun on the other hand is now getting off the car.

“Seohyun~ah careful! You might fall!” Yoong shouted.

“Ohh. Familiar line!” Jessica gave a meaningful look to her seobang.

“Yeah, but hey! That worked!” Yuri encircled his arms around Jessica’s waist and kissed her atop the head.

“Sure do. I love you Seobang!” Jessica stares at Yuri lovingly.

“And I love you too my beautiful wifey.” Yuri said then captures Jessica’s lips.




so yeah hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to comment. kekeke




















































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Chapter 1: I'm back:)
tartar #2
Chapter 1: wooooowwwhhh... sweet.. daebak..
Chapter 1: one shot only? :(
this story is so daebak!
where's the honeymoon author ssi? hehehe *ert mode*
Chapter 1: Aiisshhj.... Why it's only oneshoot???

Gaahhh... I love the story author-shi and the pict was daebak daebak daebak sageonnnn !!!!
Chapter 1: wow hahahah,,, destiny hahahh,, sweet moment hihihih
Chapter 1: Why. why does this story has to be cute? Ah. I am liking this. Thanks for this one shot. I really enjoyed it.
Chapter 1: YULSIC!! <33 Sweet ^.^ Hehehhe Destiny :))
Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL! So sweet! Should add in some sequel ahem...Honeymoon...LOLOL
But I loved this one shot!
Chapter 1: Woow indeed perfect