In trouble!

Day by day,I'm sorry... T-ara (Roly Poly)

Written this in a rush! @@ sorry for being gone too long (cue TOP's Doom DaDa intro) Busy busy! Might have typo or awkward grammars...

P.S I won't be discribing T-ara members (too much work! >< kkk~)


News travels fast, especially in a small town – “A group of teenage school boys who are famous of being a gang had been found seriously injured at the abandon buildings. A homeless man was wondering around that area when he spotted them. Police had started their investigations…” The headline of the Monday paper wrote.

Of course, no student bothered to read them, they get the information through social media. They were all shaken about the news; especially the seniors. They heard that they were beaten up really bad and also have pictures as proof. They saw the pictures and they have only one guess, only one group of people that can cause injuries like these – LC9. But they couldn’t think of any reasons that LC9 would want to attack them, they are wild in fighting but tame in choosing opponents; the victims aren’t stupid enough to challenge them either.

Eunjung tapped her nails impatiently, then finally slams her hand on her desk; frightening the timid teacher who is ‘trying’ to teach. Her other friends stared towards her boredly, flickering their hair and some rolled their eyes and went back to their mirrors.

“What’s up girl?” Jiyeon leans forward from her seat.

“Useless, a bunch of trash.” Eunjung mumbled.

“Chill, I thought you hated him. He’s still trying to hook up with you.” Soyeon brushed her bangs.

“It’s not LC9…” she mumbled again.

“Oh speak up Jungie, you know how I feel about mumbling.” Soyeon folded her arms and roll her eyes.

“I said, it’s not LC9 that attacked them. It’s done by a junior… and I think I know who…” her eyes narrows until they are slits.



Lunch finally came, it took Jangmi quite some time to get rid of King; that or he got dragged away by Jun and AO. She had been hearing whispers around all day but she did not show any signs of worry. “CheaJin doesn’t seem to know yet…” the only thing that she worries about. But sooner or later he would know about the incident, but she won’t let him know it’s all her doing.

“Hey Jin and Miin~” SaeYong greeted the both of them.

My Name had always have their lunch beside the school fence, where there’s a big tree shading an abandon bench.

“Miin made bento for everyone!” ChaeJin announced happily and opens it without a second thought.

“Wait!” Insoo stopped him, “we need drinks.” He smirked, “would you go buy us some at the vending machine?”

ChaeJin had his mouth dangling open “Hyung why me?” he finally closes it.

“Cause you’re the youngest.” Jangmi smirked too.

SaeYong immediately jumps up “Don’t worry, I’ll go get them! What do you want Miin?” he smiled brightly at her.

“Lemon juice?” she asked.

“Noted!” he said and drags ChaeJin with him, to which he whined.

“I’ll go with them, with those two, something’s bound to happen.” JunQ sighed and followed after the two boys.

“So you really made all these?” Insoo starts a casual conversation with her.

“Yup.” She smiles.

“Jin tell us many things about you, he really looks up to you.” GunWoo joins in.

“I would say the same about you.” Jangmi looked straight into his eyes; GunWoo only smiled and nodded, he then stayed silent and let Insoo continue the conversation.

‘I only hope ChaeJin didn’t tell her too much about me…’ he thought.

Bickering could be heard from a distance and the 3 knows that the juice boys are back.

“I told you not to.” SaeYong said towards ChaeJin.

“What happened?” Insoo asked.

“They almost broke the vending machine.” JunQ shakes his head.

“Not my fault!” ChaeJin yelled.

“Yeah it was.” SaeYong eyed him and quickly sat next to Jangmi, “here Miin, your juice.”

“Thanks Yong~” she smiled like a child and SaeYong mentally noted that Jangmi likes lemon juice.

Lunch was filled with laughter until someone brought up the recent news. GunWoo seems to be deep thought and Jangmi paused from eating and carefully eyed ChaeJin; spotting any signs of suspicions. Luckily she found none and their time together was ended by the bell.



Minutes before the bell ring, seven pairs of eyeliner-ed cat like eyes were glaring at them. The leader – Eunjung spat in disgust, she will do something about the matter.


“Is that today’s paper Yerin-sshi?” Mr. Chea asked as he pass by the counter.

“Yes, would you like a copy of it?” she asked politely.

“No that’ll be fine, I’ll just read it here for a while and be on my way.” He smiled at her and proceeds to read the headline.

He paused at the title and quickly speed reads the contents. He’ll be needing a word with Jangmi when she comes back from school.



“Guess she’s not comming.” Jun yawned.

Rasa punched the fragile wooden door and left a hole in it, “Looks like she needs a proper invitation.”

“Ooo~ hyung is mad~” AO covers his mouth dramatically.

While a scene is going on over there, the rest of the group didn’t seem much bothered about it. They all minded their own business, “Got the news today? Idiots think that we did it.” J-Hyo laughed.

E. Den’s ear perks up at the mention of the hot topic, of course he knows that none of them did it, no one’s that bored. Only one person came to his mind, one other person that is capable of such.



“So you guys aren’t coming back until Wednesday? Oh, ok…” ChaeJin answers the house phone after they got back from school. “Hmm…? Ok, MIIN!!!” he called upstairs.

“What!!!???” she yelled back from her room.

“Dad wants to talk to you!” he yelled again, and by the next second, Jangmi jumped down the stairs and took the phone from him.

“You wanted to speak to me?” she speaks into the phone and ChaeJin went into the kitchen.

“Is ChaeJin around?” he asked.

Jangmi looked around and answered “Nope, sounds serious, what happened?”

“I’m sure you know Miin… it’s all over the news. Please tell me you didn’t do it.” He sighs through the phone.

Jangmi paused, she knows that he knows, “I would never.”

“You’re telling the truth?”

“Yes uncle.” She bit her lip.

There was a long pause, then “Ok… I trust you. You kids be safe alright?”

“Ok, bye.” She breathed out and hung up.

“So what dad said?” ChaeJin came out from the kitchen with an apple.

Jangmi slowly turns towards him and lightly shook her head “Nothing.” It was barely a whisper.


Finals are comming!!! So i'll be gone for 2 weeks! *gosh* (Tellin u guys b4 hand, Wait 4 meeeee~~~ T^T)

Thanks for subbies and commenters! you guys are awesome!

Will be back soon! Till then~ i'll have a big present for you guys~~~!!!!!!


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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 1: Jangmi means rose!!! ^o^
Very good story!
Chapter 10: hi i just read this and i love it but i want to know if your ever going to write more for it again? I hope so because its a good story.
OurKpopAddiction #4
Omg I love this story I'm literally dying here please keep updating :D!
Chapter 7: Update soon I'm growing so old of waiting! I think I'm growing white hair O.o ~ just kidding but still update as soon as possible
Chapter 5: i think thats fine to dye your hair actually i rlly rlly wanna dye my hair but my dad will kick me from home for sure kkkk
Chapter 5: i think thats fine to dye your hair actually i rlly rlly wanna dye my hair but my dad will kick me from home for sure kkkk
Chapter 5: Please update soon (:
Chapter 1: update soon authornim~~