Be here now


Between the years 72 - 73 BC, a rebellion grows. This group looks unkindly upon the Romans, and seeks to be wholly free in this world. Leading them is an attractive man who rules with responsibility, respect, and wisdom. His head General is an equally attractive man, but thrives in the loss of blood. Their bond is great, and they have never been closer to anyone than each other. Until a slave enters their lives -- a pretty young man with long silky hair and a strong will and heart. Will they remain brothers, or will their jealousy, love, and lust surrounding this newcomer drive a wedge between them?


This story is still in rough draft form. Which means this is the absolute perfect time to vote for which three idols you'd like to see in these places! The places are:

Group leader




I had YunJae with another character, maybe Se7en, in mind. But if you can see another couple that you think would fit the ticket better, comment below or send me a message!

these 'auditions' you could say end in two days time.


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