Chance 1: Broken Hearts

Another Chance of Love

Attention!! If you didn't read the prologue yet, please go to the foreword to read it.. It's a part of the story too.. Thanks!! ^-^

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                       She was shocked and turned to her right.. He was crying too.. For a moment, she stop crying.. He noticed that she had stopped.. "I told you... I.... Will cry with you..." he said between his sobbing.. Now, it's his turn to cry, hardly.. Just at that time, people who are passing by, started to noticed, an adult man was crying in the public.. Eun Young was just stared blankly at him.. The feeling of confuse and sad mixed together..

                       "You're worse than me..", finally she was able to say something.. Then she started to cry along with him.. She passed the handkerchief back to him.. "You need it more than I do.." Joon took it back, wiping his tears too and he smiled slightly.. He looked up at the night sky..

                      "This is funny.. We're passing the handkerchief to wipe our tears to stop it from coming out.." he said but then stopped..

                       "But it doesn't seems to obey us this time.." Eun Young said.. Joon nodded, smiled bitterly..

                      "I wish I would fall for someone else instead of him / her" they said at the same time.. They turned to look at each other.. Then, they laugh..

                     "We're always being in common.." Joon said.. "We even thought the same thing as well.."

                     "And we go through this kind of condition together.." she added.. There she goes.. She began to cry again.. Joon joined her.. "You've kept all these for such a long time Joon.. Cry all you want..", trying to control his tears, he tried to say something while looking at her..

                     "Maybe we weren't destined to be their partner.." he said..

                     "Maybe... You... Doesn't handsome enough.." she replied jokingly..

                     "What? Me? Or maybe it's you who doesn't pretty enough..." they managed to chuckle..

                      "Yeah.. It's somewhat true.." she looked at her lap..

                     "Need the handkerchief again?" he shove it to her..

                    "Thanks.." after she took the handkerchief, Joon's phone ringing.. It's Myungsoo..

                     "Yah! Why did you leave so soon?" Myungsoo asked, half shouted..

                    "Jagiya, who did you call? Eun Young?" Soo Yeon's voice can be heard.. Joon swallowed his saliva..

                     "It's Joon."

                      "Oh.. Uhm.. Ask him if Eun Young was with him.." Soo Yeon awkwardly said.. Soo Yeon had been awkward with Joon after the day Joon confessed to her before they graduated.. Since that day, Soo Yeon and Joon hardly talk to each other.. And Myungsoo have no idea that Joon had a crush on Soo Yeon and even confessed to her..

                    "Hey, was Eun Young with you?"

                     "Yes, she's with me.." he looked at Eun Young and she returned the look..

                    "Oh, okay.. Ah! You didn't answer my question just now.. Why did you leave so soon? You missed the photo session.." Myungsoo asked..

                    "We.. Just.. Have to go.. Need to do something" and that 'something' was crying..

                    "Aish.. What's more important right now than your friend's wedding?" he asked.. 'Our hurtful feelings' Joon thought..

                   "We're sorry.. And.. I think, It's not a big matter even if we're not include in the wedding photo" Eun Young turned to look at him..

                    "What nonsense.. We're friends.." Joon laughed a bit as Myungsoo said that..

                   "Again, I'm so sorry.. I've to hang up now.. Bye" then he cutted the line.. Myungsoo, at his house was feeling confused..


                   "Just what's wrong with him?" Myungsoo said.. Soo Yeon stayed silent.. She know exactly why did Joon behaved like that..


                    "So, we better go home now.. It's getting late.. I'll send you home okay? We've to go work tomorrow.." Joon said.. Eun Young just nodded.. It's a bit funny since they went to work at the same place but in different department.. They often see each other but never talk at the office.. That make a sense why everybody didn't know that they came from the same high school.. Only the manager knows, since he's the one who had accepted them to work there.. Along their way to Eun Young's house, in Joon's car.. Eun Young recalled what happened in their friend's wedding ceremony..


                    Eun Young and Joon were sitting quietly at the VIP served table at the front rows with Soo Yeon and Myungsoo's family.. Their face were expressionless.. The moment Myungsoo and Soo Yeon were legally announced as husband and wife, Eun Young's eyes became teary.. Joon turned to look at her.. As he had expected, she'll cry.. Everyone were crying to but Eun Young's crying was different from them.. All of sudden, by just looking at Eun Young who was crying made him got the sad feelings too and, a moment later.. Tears started to fall from his eyes..

                   Soon, Myungsoo and So Yeon cutted the cake, to celebrate their marriage.. Eun Young stood up and began to walk out from the marriage ceremony hall.. Joon followed her..

                  "Eun Young!" he shouted behind her.. She stopped but didn't turned to face him..

                  "Joon... Enough... I don't wanna stay here any longer.." tears keep on streaming on her cheeks.. At the same time, Myungsoo was on the microphone said..

                  "Thanks to my family who had approved our relationship for these years, thanks to our ex-teachers who managed to squeeze some times to attend our wedding ceremony, thanks to our friends and mostly thanks to our bestiest friends, Joon and Eun Young.. You guys really help us a lot by encouraged me to finally asked Soo Yeon to be mine, I owe you guys.. And lastly, thanks to everyone for coming today.."

                  At that time, Eun Young cried even more harder and started to run away again.. She thought it's the best way that she asked him to just confessed to Soo Yeon if he really like her.. She thought she can forget about him as the time pass.. But she just couldn't let him out of her mind.. She realised that she wasn't as pretty as Soo Yeon, who knows how to be fashionable, to put on make-up, wearing skirts.. It's not like she don't wanna do that but she feels those things didn't fit with her.. Plus, wearing those make-up and pretty clothes, doesn't change the fact that she's no one but just a plain girl.. Joon followed her with his car as she ran to the main road..

*end of flashback*

                  "Eun Young.." Joon called out her name softly.. She's a bit startlet that made she turned to her left..


                 "We're here, at your house.." Joon informed, she looked around.. It's true.. They've arrived..

                 "Oh.. Thanks.. Jalga.." she opened the door and got out from his car.. As she walked to the door, Joon step out of his car..

                 "Eun Young.." she turned and looked at him.. Waiting for him to continue his words..

                "Let's just.. Try to forget about all those pain, together.. Remember that you've me, your friend.. Ani.. You're best friend.." he smiled.. She was a bit blank on what he was saying but she then know what does he meant by that.. She smiled back..

                "Ah.. Ne.. Thanks.. My best boy friend ever.. See you tomorrow.." she turned and entered her house.. Joon got into his car and drove off from her house area..

                 'Who should she lean on that could understand her feelings other than me.. Because our hearts broken together, at the same time..'


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Annyeong! ^-^ So how was the 1st chapter?  Is it bad? Sorry that it's just a short one.. I'll try to gain more idea.. If you guys have any idea for this story, please don't be shy to share it with me, I'll try to consider it to put in the story if it fit with the story.. And for you guys, who was confused how did Myungsoo and Soo Yeon (Jessica) characters came from, please read the story description.. Thanks! ^-^ So, That's all.. Thanks for reading.. Comment if you have something to tell me.. :D

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Leonicograce #1
Chapter 5: Why dont u continue this lovely story, author? Love this one!
Chapter 5: Seokjin and joon have a different character and i love them both... hehe.. confuse confuse...
This chapter is worth the wait... but wish for new chapter soon.... plzzzz =)
Chapter 4: I really like the direction of this story! Can't wait to read more!! Please update again soon!
Chapter 4: Woooahahh..... this became more more excited to read... honestly i love seokjin character here...
He treat amber in a sweetest way... but a lil teasing and flirting way...
Joon will have a tough competitor if seokjin is appear in the middle of their friendship, way more tough than before...
Update more sooner okay... thanks a LOT
Chapter 4: Oh ma gash i completely forgotten this fic xD i subscribed and commented this fic 2 years ago ! This fic is ancient ! xD HAHHAHAHAH Anyways.. i love the flow of it. I meant the story xD. Cool that you're having your sem-break ! Same like me ! And myungsica aren't the main huh? So Jin will be the third person? Ok. Good luck with this author-nim ! Fightinggggg
lynn88mr #6
Chapter 3: Hey, this is nice.. really. Amber has always been my bias since i've known fx. Okay, here's my suggestion. To spice things up, since Jessica knows joon's feeling towards her, make her feels a bit jealous and uncomfortable when she sees the sweet interactions between joon and amber. And amber neglecting myungsoo (she always there when he needs her) and have spend more time with joon. How about that?
Helloyo #7
Chapter 3: A way u can write the fanfic is writing that L and Jessica got divorce and L fell in love with Amber and that Jessica also fell for joon. If u write, then this is going to be my favorite fanfic
I totally want to see L and Amber
Chapter 3: Sad beginning.. huhu.. poor joonber.. can't wait to see them unite x3
Chapter 3: Thanks for picked amber to be ur lead/main female character in this story...
JoonBer fighting!!! :D
krisber_1806 #10
Chapter 3: TT_TT
Poor joonber.
Now myung and jess is married.
Is there were have new character??
Or still myung and jess?