A Comfortable Den For Two

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Yesung is a business entrepreneur, always looking to expand his little hole-in-the-wall café.  By chance he meets a young man named Kyuhyun, who sparks a magnificent idea in his mind, and who becomes one of his dearest friends. Two years roll by, and Kyuhyun is struggling with his hidden feelings for him. Kyuhyun's friends encourage the pursuit of love, but will he succeed in winning Yesung's heart?


TitleA Comfortable Den For Two

Main Pairing: KyuSung (Kyuhyun/Yesung)
Side Pairing: EunHae (Hyukjae/Donghae)
Side Characters: So far, Sungmin and Shindong. 
Genre: Slice of life, crack!humour, possible romance.
Setting: Alternate Universe.
Length: On-going, chaptered. Wordy. 
Disclaimers: The characters in this story are based on real people, who own themselves. I only write my portrayal of them. The plot, however, is mine.
Warnings: Rated between (PG) and (PG-13) for  language and suggested themes.


What do you mean he's not coming?" The blonde asked Kyuhyun, who had just announced Yesung had bailed.
"I don't think he was comfortable about the age difference." Kyuhyun muttered.
The blonde snorted a disapproving sound and rolled his eyes. "It's only by a few years."
"I know," Kyuhyun retorted. "I really wanted him to come, too."
"Have you told him yet?" The blonde asked, trying to change the subject to what was becoming a more pressing deal.
Kyuhyun made a "pth" sound with his lips, blowing his bangs out of his eyes and turning away from his friend.  "No."
"Why not?"
"I told you already, Min. He's not looking at me like that. It's just a stupid one-way crush."
The blonde sighed dramatically; similar to that of his friend mere moments ago when he had arrived to break the bad news. He
took a sip of the Cola in the glass in front of him, but said nothing to reply. Kyuhyun already knew what he was thinking anyway.
This wasn't the first time the subject was brought up.

"Stop looking at me like that," Kyuhyun snapped. "I can't tell him! It'll ruin everything." He slid his own glass across the table
closer to himself so he could pick it up and bring it to his lips, angrily.

"But what if he likes you, too?" Sungmin wondered. "And you're both just feeling like that, thinking the other doesn't feel the
same?  It's really sad, because you're both too good a pairing for one another. It would be disappointing if you never even tried."


Chapter two is up!


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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 2: Update plssss
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 2: Noooooo please update.... please please please, I'm begging here authornim, please come back to this awesome story. My Kyusung Heart waits in anticipation!!!!!
390 streak #3
Chapter 2: aaaaah~ you!!! don't stop here, hanging me like this T^T
Chapter 2: I really want to know what will happen next~~~~
Chapter 2: Oh authornim you just know how to give a heart attack to your reader,,,why did you stop here,,

Waiting for updates,,,my kyusung feels
Chapter 1: Nice chapter authornim,,,,
Why are you soooo evil that you left me hanging like this?
Please, don't quit this story. I like it.
Chapter 2: You really need to continue this story. I need to know what will happen next!!
Please, just like “Thr hunger” :( don't leave me hanging. ;3;
Authornim??? You cannot just leave us with a cuddling kyusung in bed huhu. Please comeback and update T_T
Chapter 2: Omg continue this story please! Please! I'm soooo into it :))