Untitled (Can't Think Of A Title, Oops.)

Difficulty in Love

Your P.O.V~

I woke up when Junkyu's alarm went off. I groaned loudly and slammed on the snooze button, hoping to shut it up in time for me to go back to sleep. Sadly, it went off again right when I was drifting off to sleep.

"He's not even here, why do I still have his alarm set?" I asked myself as I got out of bed lazily. "There is no reason, is there?"

I stared into the mirror and looked over my features for a while. I guess I'm not ugly, but I'm not as pretty as what I know Junkyu could get. Ah, why do I always think like this? What is wrong with me?

When I woke up completely, I took a quick cold shower and fed the kitten. Oh, how much I love that kitten, so playful and loving. Kinda like how Junkyu was before he and the rest of MYNAME debuted. Argh~

After I fed the cat, I fed myself. I ate toast, because I was never the cooking one, Junkyu was. He'd always ook me a wonderful breakfast before I'd leave to go to university.

After I ate, I put the kitten in his room, gave him water, the heat, and left to get to the subway before it left. I'd rather not be late for my first lecture of the day, again.

JunQ P.O.V~

I woke up when I heard the boys yelling. I looked around but I couldn't find any of them.

"Shut up! I'm tired still! It's only 7:00!" I whined.

"Aish, why do I even bother?" I groaned as I got out of bed.

Once I got out of bed, I lazily walked into the den and found all of the boys around a computer screen.

"What are you idiots doing now?" I asked as I lightly tapped Jinseok on the back of his head.

"Hyung! Uhm, nothing!" Jinseok yelled at me and then hid the screen from me.

"Let me see that, right now Jinseok." I glared as I hit his hand away from the screen so I could see. It was a amera set up in my and _______'s house, why?

"Why is there a camera in my house?!" I squeaked. They have no reason to put a camera there!

"Uh, no reason. But look, she was complaining about you being gone, see!" Jinseok showed me the video, and I chuckled. So cute sometimes, ______.


I FINISHED THIS UPDATE! YAY! Sorry it tookme so long, I had such a horrible case qof writer's block, it's not even funny. Oh my, but reading other fanfics, inspired me. Yay, anyway. . . I'm going to try to update everyday for the next week. Mwoh. BYE~

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Chapter 3: Seems interesting but I'm confused. How did the camera get there? Or is it going to be revealed in the next chapter? Either way, I'll be waiting for your next update :)
Chapter 2: Interesting fic ^^
First Myname fic to be honest and I am liking it :D
Update soon~
Chapter 1: update soon authornim~~