"A Rendezvous Or By Chance Meeting"

First Love

(Phone Ringing)


"Hel...lo....Oh I'm glad you picked up the phone...........Hmm....Where do I start???Okay...hmmm.....I dropped my phone somewhere and I think you found it....So, I was wondering when can I get it back???And...hmmm....sorry to say like this...but for returning my phone, what can I give you...amm.....as a reward????"

"Sorry....but I didn't expect anything......I...I'll return it to you......Tell me where can I find you???"



I headed to a place where I am supposed meet the one who got my phone...It seems like a guy as a voice seems like a guy....Hue~I was really tired today. I didn't meet sis Hyo at the event....Apparently, the event was just ended when I reached there...I couldn't even see my bias's face....I was late for the event thanks to him.....Him???Just saying "him" makes me think about him again.....If I knew earlier, I would stay at that cafe the whole day from dawn to dusk..But now.....Look at me....I was late to get Luhan's autograph....I couldn't even see his shadow and Hyo unni..

"Well, I'm here......But where is he??I said and looked at my watch."Gosh....It's almost 7....."

I looked around."Hah....I made a rendezvous in front of that cafe....."I whispered. It was closed now. "I'll come back tomorrow, to you and to JeongMin"I said like a lunatic, pointing at a closed door.

I heard some footsteps and saw a bunch of drunk coming towards me. "Gosh....I hope they aren't the one who got my phone..." I said myself and walked away to hide myself from them. After four exactly steps, I slipped and fell like a walking baby. "Oshhh......That hurt"

"Let me help you"

I heard a familier voice. A voice that melts my heart. A voice that makes my heart beat fast. A voice that makes me forget about the world.A voice....of Jeong Min.....I knew it was his voice......I turned my head and yes.....It was him, standing besides me...

He helped me to stand up. "Are you okay?"he asked me with his heaven-saked voice. "I wish I am but I'm..............not okay. My legs hurt. Oww...."

"Let me help you. Can you walk?"he asked me again. He held my left arm softly. "Oh my god...he held my arm"I was filled with happiness. "Not really....I can walk but that's painful." I answered him back. "Can you please take me to a bus stop over thethere?"I asked him like an innocent baby with a soft pretending voice. "Of course I can..."

When we reached the bus stop, I sat down on the branch. He sat besides me and said,"Will you go to a hospital or something if it's still hurt?Or call your parents??" He's such a nice guy. With his handsome face and such kindness, He's so perfect. "I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Well, here's your phone."He handed me my phone.

"........How did you???Ha???Wha???"

"You forgot your phone at the cafe."

"Oh...thanks by the way......I'm Dani....Kim Dani

"JeongMin...Lee JeongMin"

Then there was complete silence. A night breeze scrubbed my face. He was looking at the sky. It was like romantic scenes from movies. In movies, a girl confesses a boy and then they both are in love. I wish it would happen to me. I'll tell him that I like him. What am I thinking??I gonna tell him....Tell him??How will he react???I really didn't have any ideas that it was him who got my phone. And then, things happened...He held my arm....and now, he's sitting right besides me looking at the sky....Is he just looking at the sky or is he waiting for something...something like "I like you" coming from my mouth....Wait...this must be it....He wants me confess him.....No way......He had no idea I'm in crush to him.....This is really a good chance.....I must confess him....But what will he think???Unknown girl....saw him at the cafe for only an hour, and fall for him, and then suddenly confess him....This is ridiculous....

"What should I do?????This is the only good chance.....but I'm too shy to say like that...."Thoughts were killing me..........

Then, I made up my mind......I have decided what to do.................

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sebaeksoo #1
Oppa,why don't you continue? XD and check out your sis's,my fanfics Too... Fighting to both of us!
Please continue updating.. Fighting...
Chapter 1: *no words*
I'm the first one to comment..
It's so shocking that u could write as well as author Crystalaventer..
I'm glad that u posted this anyway. Waiting for ur next stories..