The Truth

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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K.Will: You Don't Know Love


The alarm clock went off and resounded in the bedroom.

Luhan’s eyes snapped open, and he looked around his surroundings. He looked down and saw Danji deeply asleep curled up against him. The alarm clock had not stirred her awake. *I knew we shouldn’t have watched another movie.* Luhan gazed at her, and his face softened with tenderness. She looked like a celestial angel in his arms. He hated to disturb her, but he knew if he didn’t wake her up, she was going to be late.

Luhan lowered his head and murmured sweetly, “Wake up, gongzhu. It’s time for you to get up.”

Her eyes peeled open slowly, and she blinked several times. “What time is it?” Danji mumbled, disoriented.

“It’s time for you to get ready for school.” Luhan softly her cheek.

“School.” Danji replied blankly. She had forgotten all about school.

Today was the first day of her second semester of college. She would have a whole new schedule.

It was like starting over again. She didn’t know if she should be happy or wary.

Luhan sat up, grasped her wrists, and gently pulled her up. “Come on. You need to get ready. I don’t want to be late and get upset again.”

“Okay, okay. Fine.” Danji sighed and ran her fingers through her messy bed hair. She pouted up at him. “I want a good morning kiss.”

Luhan grinned, happy to oblige. Willingly, he bent down and softly kissed her. “Now go wash, or I’ll just be tempted to keep you in bed all day.”

“That’s a good threat.” Danji chuckled and finally got up.

Luhan watched her leave the bedroom and sighed wistfully. *I wish she could just have stayed. I would have easily kept her with me.* He lay back down and closed his eyes.

Danji tied her hair into a bun and stepped into the bathroom. After washing, she patted her face dry. A scratch and a whimper came from outside the door. Danji opened the door and looked down. Wangzi barked up at her and wagged his tail happily. Danji giggled and picked him up. “Good morning, Wangzi. Did you have a good night?” She kissed its nose and cradled it gently in her arms as she walked into the bedroom. She opened her closet to choose her outfit for the day.

“Don’t wear anything cute, revealing, beautiful, pretty, or tight.” Luhan warned.

“I just won’t wear anything at all.” Danji rolled her eyes.

“No! Never that! Only if you stay home with me!” He pouted. She shook her head at his remark and pulled out an outfit. “Get out, Luhan. I need to change.”

“Oh, I’m fine where I am.” Luhan propped his elbow up on the pillow and grinned.

Danji gave him a stern look and pointed to the door. “Out. Now.”

Luhan made a face and got up. He was at the door when she called, “Hold on.”

Luhan turned around, hoping she had changed her mind.

Danji pushed the dog into his arms. “Okay. Now you can get out.”

Luhan snorted and stalked out with Wangzi. Danji closed the door and locked it for good measure. Luhan sank onto the couch and sighed as he held the dog up in the air. “Why can’t I stay in the room when she changes? I already saw everything. She’s too self-conscious. She doesn’t realize how beautiful and tempting she is.”

Wangzi tilted his head with a little whimper. Luhan chuckled and lightly tapped its wet nose.

Danji dressed and came out to the living room. Luhan and Wangzi watched her as she headed to the kitchen. Luhan’s eyes slid down to her short skirt, and his eyes narrowed. “Why are you wearing that?”

“Because I think it looks pretty.” Danji opened the cupboard and reached for two cereal bowls.

Luhan released the puppy and got up. “I told you nothing pretty!”

“You would have said every article of clothing I owned is pretty.” Danji pointed out.

Luhan jutted out his lower lip but didn’t argue, since she was right. Danji poured cornflakes and milk into each bowl and set them on the table. The couple sat across from each other and began to eat their cereal. Luhan slowly chewed his cereal as he studied her. Danji noticed his stare and blinked. “What?”

“You’re not nervous like you were on the first day of college.” He pointed out.

“Yeah, I don’t feel nervous. I must be used to college.” She shrugged. “I just hope I make some more friends and don’t tick off my professors.” Danji sighed.

Luhan cupped her chin and tilted her face upwards. She looked into his mesmerizing eyes.

“You’ll do great.” He smiled warmly. Danji smiled back.

Done eating, they headed to the bus stop together. Luhan tightened his grasp on her hand and sighed pensively. “I wish you didn’t have to go to school. Or I wish I could have signed up for college. I don’t want to be separated from you.” Danji squeezed his hand. “I’ll come back before nightfall. Hopefully my classes end early, and I can come back sooner.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s enough.” Luhan mumbled.

“When is Kris oppa coming back from China?” Danji asked.

“Today.” Luhan answered.

They heard the bus coming down the road. “It’s time for me to go. I’ll see you later, Luhan. Tell Kris oppa I said hi.” Danji kissed his cheek and hopped onto the bus. She looked out the window and waved with a happy smile. Luhan responded with a small smile and half-heartedly waved back. The bus zoomed off, and Luhan was left alone again. With an unhappy sigh, he trudged back to the cabin. He went into the cabin and was met with the strong scent of coffee.

The only one who made coffee in the morning was Kris.

*Is he back already?* Luhan went into the kitchen to find the alpha sipping coffee and looking through the town newspaper. “You’re back.” Luhan stated.

Kris looked up. “You are, too.”

“Yeah.” Luhan sighed and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Kris watched him and raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you just come from Danji’s house?”

“Yep.” Luhan replied.

“Then why the hell do you look like the earth split in half?” Kris questioned.

“Because I feel that way.” Luhan muttered as he sank onto a chair.

“Did you and Danji fight?” Kris asked warily and sat on an empty chair.

“No.” Luhan sighed.

“Then?” Kris prompted.

“I just…I don’t know. I feel really empty after I sent her away to school. I wish she didn’t have to go. Or I wish I had been smart enough to sign up for college. I hate being away from her for more than one minute now. I just want us to be together without any distractions.” Luhan confessed.

“You have it bad.” Kris mused.

“I do.” Luhan admitted.

Kris studied his depressed friend. “Why don’t you go surprise her with a visit then?” “A visit?” Luhan sat up straighter.

“Yeah, go visit her on campus. You can see her and maybe have lunch with her.” Kris suggested.

Luhan brightened. That actually sounded like a good idea. He can show up her at her school with flowers, and she would be so touched by his romantic gesture that she would leave the school with him. Luhan laughed out loud and rubbed his hands together with glee. “What a perfect idea.”

Kris eyed him. “…Okay. I’m going to pretend I never saw you laugh like a psycho. What have I done to Danji?” He shook his head and left the kitchen.


“Okay. Don’t forget to bring the worksheet tomorrow. You are dismissed.” The nutrition teacher released them early. Danji packed up and left the room. She still had two whole hours until her next class. What would she do until then?

At that precise moment, her phone rang.

“Hello?” Danji answered.

“Are you on campus yet?” A gentle voice asked.

Her eyes shined. “Alen oppa!”

Ten minutes later, she was at the coffee shop. She burst inside, and her eyes did a sweep of the room. She spotted Alen at a table in the back next to the window and quickly walked over. “Oppa!”

Alen looked up and smiled. Danji sat in front of him with a loud exhale. “Whew! I just ran all the way from the health building.”

“That’s on the opposite end of campus.” He pointed out.

“I know. I’m tired.” She sighed and then burst into laughter. “I sound like an old grandma.”

Alen chuckled at her comment. He pushed the Java Chip drink towards her. “Have some. Maybe you’ll feel re-energized.”

Danji eagerly drank the cool beverage and beamed happily. “Thanks. I needed that.”

“What is your schedule like this semester?” Alen asked.

“Hectic.” Danji took the schedule out of her folder and handed it to him. He studied her schedule and made a mental copy in his mind.

“I have Ceramics II. I’m dreading it because I know it’ll be harder. But at least I have the same professor, so I’ll know what to expect.” Danji shrugged.

“And you’ll have me who can help you through any problems.” Alen stated.

She gaped at him. “No way! You’re a teacher’s assistant again?!”

*I signed up so that I can be close with you.* He nodded. “The experience is nice, and I like helping out, too.”

“That’s awesome! We’ll have another class together!” Danji squealed, ecstatic to have another familiar face in her most daunting classroom. Alen smiled amiably. He was just as excited as she was.


After math class, Danji made her way to the art building for her ceramics class. She went up to the third floor and slipped into the already-crowded classroom. Most her classmates were familiar because they had taken the first ceramics course together last year. Danji greeted a few students, took an apron, and put it on. She looked up and met eyes with the teacher’s assistant.

Alen winked, and Danji bit her lower lip to keep from smiling too hard. She chose a seat at the end of the middle aisle and brushed her hair out of her face. Danji blew breath out from her cheeks and looked up. Alen was talking to the professor. He looked like a very studious pupil, and she couldn’t help but admire his dedication and hard work.

Alen swung his eyes towards her, and she blushed for no apparent reason.

That startled me. I was thinking about him, and he looked directly at me. It was like he had read my mind.

The corner of his lips hitched upwards. *Oh, Danji. If you only knew.*

The professor pushed her glasses up her pointy nose and clapped her hands. “Let’s get started, shall we?” It was the first day, but they were already making things. Danji had trouble sticking the handle onto the cup. The clay became floppy and useless in her hands, and she grew frustrated.

“Need help?” Alen appeared out of no

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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748 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1113 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!