Golden Coyote

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Infinite: The Chaser


“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! WHY DO I SEE MY MATE AND MY PACK MEMBER ABOUT TO KISS?! CAN SOMEBODY EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!” Kris roared with fury. His loud shouts brought the rest of the pack outside.

“Holy …this does not look good.” Tao gulped with wide, fearful eyes.

“Oh damn.” Xiumin smacked his palm over his face. Chen shook his head. “I knew this would happen.”

Lay sighed. All their efforts had gone to waste now.

“Holly! Explain to me at once! Tell me what I saw was a lie!” Kris’ fierce fire red eyes landed on Danji who began to tremble. “I…I…”

“Don’t blame her. She did nothing wrong.” Luhan said in a low voice.

“What did you say to me?!” Kris sneered.

Luhan looked at him directly without flinching. “Don’t demand an explanation from her. She doesn’t owe you anything. She’s done enough, and frankly, I’m tired of it all.”

“Ge…” Tao whimpered.


“Duizhang, calm down.” Xiumin grabbed his arm.

Kris twisted away angrily. “How the hell do you expect me to calm down when my pack member is going behind my back with my mate?!” He spun around and stared at Danji with hurt, betrayed eyes. “Is that why you didn’t want to kiss me? Is that why Luhan has been escorting you home? Why you’ve been so unlike you lately?”

She bit her lower lip. She had no idea how to fix this situation.

Kris walked towards her. “Answer my questions, Holly.”

Luhan quickly stepped between them and pushed him away. “Stay away. You’re not calm enough to be around her.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me as if you’re protecting my mate from me! I want the truth now!” Kris snarled.

“You want the truth?! FINE! I’ll give you the damn truth!” Luhan was the one who had no control now.

“Luhan!” Lay shouted in warning, but it was too late. The cat was going to be out of the bag once and for all.

“SHE IS NOT YOUR MATE!” Luhan yelled.

Kris stared at him as if he had gone insane. “What the hell are you saying-“


Silence descended, wrecking havoc.

Kris shook his head. “That’s ridiculous-“

“Is it? Really? No, it’s not. You’re just in denial to accept the fact that she isn’t your mate. She’s nothing like Holly. You want to know why? Because she’s not.” Luhan sneered.

“Luhan! That’s enough!” Xiumin hissed, but he could not stop the truth from pouring out. “You wonder why she doesn’t want you to kiss her, don’t you? You want to know why I’ve been escorting her? Why something feels so ‘off’ about her? Because she’s NOT Holly. She’s Danji, my mate. Not yours. Holly is dead, Kris, and she’s been dead for the longest time.”

Kris looked so shocked and appalled that it hurt Danji. Tears began to fall from her face. *I was afraid of this. I didn’t want him to ever be hurt. I really didn’t.* Tao looked down with a depressed expression. *Poor Kris ge.*

Luhan realized what damage he had caused because his tone grew quiet and composed. “She’s not Holly, Kris. Holly is gone. You just don’t remember because you erased the most painful part of your past.”

Kris’ eyes slid over to Danji, and she stood there with the most guilt-ridden expression. *She is Holly. She is. No…she’s not. She doesn’t have Holly’s hair. Holly’s piercings. Holly’s height. Holly’s appearance. Holly’s boldness. she’s not Holly. The real Holly is gone. Is that why I have been so obsessive and clingy over her lately? Because deep inside, I knew she was no longer here. I wanted to keep her with me and never lose her. But Holly is no more. My Holly…is dead.*

Something hard and heavy slammed into his chest, and for a moment, he couldn’t breathe.

It was reality.

His Holly was gone. The one girl he would ever love was dead.

His head felt like it was splitting open, and he got down on his knees as he clutched onto his ripping heart.




All the screaming sounded far, far away. Everyone was running towards him, except Luhan. He was rooted to the ground with a look of pure terror.

“Kris! Get yourself together!” Xiumin shouted.

“Kris!” Chen shook him hard.

“Oppa!” Danji wept beside him. In the midst of bedlam, all hell broke loose.

A wild yelp in the woods made all of them look up. *What…is that noise?* Danji looked up.

A red coyote with yellow eyes ran straight for her. Before she could scream, the coyote snatched her up by her sweater and dragged her across the yard.

“DANJI!” Luhan yelled. There was a shred of clothes, and the silver wolf dashed after them.

Kris slowly started to regain his consciousness. He was still confused, but the fact that this “Danji” girl had been snatched by a coyote made him wake up. He didn’t know why, but he felt as if this human girl had been very important to him. He had to save her and protect her.

“Kris!” The pack shouted in shock as he morphed into a wolf. With an irate howl, he dashed into the forest.

The coyote continued to drag Danji through the forest. The back of her sweater ripped, and she rolled onto the dirt path. Coughing hard, Danji struggled to get up. Her body ached all over. She managed to get up and limp quickly away. Her heart pounded with each second. The coyote had literally attacked her out of nowhere. She had to get away before he came back for her.

Danji came into a field of flowers and rushed through it. Livid growls surrounded her, and she saw five pairs of yellow eyes glaring at her. *Oh, no. They found me again.* Danji stopped and spun around with a crestfallen expression. She believed she was going to die like this.

Without a chance to apologize to Kris for pretending to be his mate.

Without the opportunity to explain to him that she never wanted to hurt him.

The coyotes rushed towards her at once. Danji closed her eyes as she waited for death to take her.

A loud, angry growl rang in the air as a gold-colored coyote leaped into the air and bit the red coyotes’ captain in the neck. Her eyes flew open, and she gasped at the scene playing in front of her. All of a sudden, there were brown (and one gold) coyotes surrounding her. *Oh my god. Two packs in one attack? This is a nightmare!* But to her surprise, the brown coyotes’ target wasn’t her at all. If she was not mistaken, the brown coyotes seemed to be protecting her. They fought against the red coyotes from going anywhere near her.

The gold coyote spun around and met eyes with her. She became lost in his sensual, gold eyes. He loped over, and she stepped back instinctively. The large coyote lay on his stomach and made a soft bark, urging her to get on.

Danji bit her lip.

Did she really trust this coyote? What if he tried to kidnap her, too?

The coyote barked again, more urgently this time.

*Oh, what the heck. I need to get out of here, and he’s the only way out.* Danji put her faith in him and climbed onto his back. The gold coyote darted out of sight. They became farther and farther away from the field. Danji gripped onto the coyote’s fur as anxiety twisted in the bottom of her stomach. How far was he taking her? Had she been a fool to trust him?

She was considering jumping off when the coyote started to slow down. She recognized her surroundings. She wasn’t too far away from her home.

The coyote came to a halt and bent down. Guardedly, Danji climbed off of him and backed away. She gazed at the coyote with wariness. Why had he helped her out back there? The gold coyote gazed at her intently for a few seconds before vanishing into the woods. Danji took a step towards him but stopped abruptly. *What am I doing? I will not go after a coyote, no matter how good his intentions may have been.* She stepped back and started running in the other direction.

The gold coyote came upon an isolate part of the forest and stopped. He morphed and a tall male with pale, milky skin stood in the place of the coyote. *That was too close.*

Alen put a palm against his forehead and leaned against the tree trunk. He looked down at the moonstone hanging from his neck and sighed. He had not used the moonstone in fear of revealing the identity of himself and his pack.

Alen heard a howl in the distance, and his eyes sharpened. The howl had come from Bin. Alen jumped into the air, promptly changed into a coyote, and dashed off to help his pack.

Meanwhile, Danji was almost at her cabin. She spotted her home and relief washed over her. She started to run towards her haven. She bounded up the patio, and a loud, menacing growl came from behind her. *Oh, no.* Her stomach churned queasily. Dreadfully, Danji turned around.

A red coyote stealthily emerged from the forest. His haunting, yellow eyes pinned her down, and a wave of panic poured over her.

The red coyote barred his teeth and started to race towards her.

Danji whirled around and slammed her palm against the detector. The door sprung open, but the coyote was faster. He leaped up and clamped his jaw down on her shoe. Danji screamed as he dragged her down the patio and onto her front lawn. She lay on her stomach and dared not get up. She was sure to be bitten as soon as she moved. The coyote behind her snarled and opened his mouth.

Danji buried her face in arm and waited for the painful experience.

A rumbling roar shattered the sky. A gray wolf sprang out of nowhere and tackled the coyote onto the ground.

Danji spun around, and her eyes widened when she spotted the wolf with the scar underneath his eye. *Kris oppa.*

The gray wolf looked up and stabbed her with his gaze. His fire red eyes softened for a brief moment. Then he let out a painful yell as the coyote bit his side.

“Oppa!” Danji shrieked.

Kris spun onto his back and ferociously paid the coyote back with an excruciating bite. The coyote whimpered sharply. Kris pinned the coyote down and ripped his throat out. Danji flinched as blood s

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748 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1113 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!