Bible One - Who is that person?

Monster Vengeance

Bible One



Narrator POV

Nam Woohyun is a normal school boy which have been transferred to Japan. He had to leave his family and friend in South Korea for having a better education and life in Japan.  He walk out from the airport after arrived in Tokyo.  He feel so excited for having a new life there.




Nam Woohyun pov

“Eh, you gonna go to japan?” asked my sister. I nodded to show my agree.her face likely sad but in the same time she was happy.”Congratulation oppa! You are such lucky to have this kind of opportunity, I’m so jealous with you oppa” she pouted. I chuckled after she say that. “ one gonna play with me oppa…” she continued and let out sighness. I throw my smile and patted her head. “Don’t worry, I will play with you when I have long holiday, I will comeback to see you as soon as possible” Her expression turned to happy, she give a cute smile.”Jjinja? yay!! Im happy oppa gonna comeback see me” she running around happily.



That night,

I was packing all my things and my sister also help me. While she put my stuff in the bag, her finger touch with needle, and she hissed in pain “ Ouch!!” I was shocked and look at her finger that start bleeding. Then I take plaster and clean her finger with iodine, put the plaster on. While I adjusted it, “ you believed vampire ?” I looked at her eyes and throw smile, I patted her head. I believe…. That just a fairytail” I laughed. “ oppaa!! Im serious!!” she pouted. “oppa also serious..oppa do not believed those things much actually” I replied. “hmmm..I wish that was real, I really wanna see the vampire” she continue. “why you are really want to see them?” I asked. “ because they such cool creature, they have awesome power. I don’t think so all vampire is bad” she give her own opinion. Even though she still a 10 years old girl but somehow the way she thinks is like an adult,somehow I feel she is more likely a older sister.”you are such funny sister, stop talk about vampire, they gonna haunted you in the dream” I tried to .



Next day

Sunlight striking on my eyes, its make me hard to open my eyes. I feel such lazy to awake, but my sister already come into my room and shaking my body.” Oppa…wake up now… you gonna be late for your flight” she yelled like my mom too. “Aishhh this kiddo” I mumbled to myself. I bring my towel and walk toward my bathroom. While I get bath, my sister help me tidy my messy bed. Its make me feel she is such adorable.LOL. then my phone ringing. My sister answered it for me while I was in bathroom”



“Annyeonghaseyo..” she answered the phone.



“ahhh seukkie, where is your woohyun oppa?” sunggyu voice.



“ ahh, sunggyu oppa, oppa in the bathroom, he gonna get ready for going airport” she replied.



“Oh I see, so when his flight?”



“his flight is 10.30 a.m. oppa “



“okay tell him don’t ever be late, and called me when he almost arrived, I will fetch him” he said.



“okay oppa, I will” she end the conversation.



After awhile, im done with my shower. “who is calling just now” I asked to my sister.



“our cousin in japan, sunggyu..he say don’t be late and asked u to call him when you almost arrived there..he gonna fetch you in airport” she said. I nodded while  wearing my clothes. She going out from my room and helping mother cooking.



After finished prepared myself and especially my identity card and passport, I bring all my stuff to outside and put it into my uncle car, he gonna bring me to the incheon airport as promised. Before I take a leave, I hug my parents and my sister. Suddenly my sister giving me a wrapped box to me. “ what is this?” I asked. “this is my most favourite book, I hope you keep it..always remember me okay?” she wrapped her arm around my waist. I feel so happy to have her as my sister, then I hug her back tightly. “ I will always remember you seukkie, behave yourself okay?” I throw my smile and walk toward my uncle car.



End flashback



Tokyo’s airport


Finally I arrived in japan, I take all my stuff and put into the trolley, I walk out and found my cousin, sunggyu who are already waiting me outside. And then we greeting each other as usual, we haven’t seen each other for along time but we still like a close friend, just contact to each other through social websites and phone.



“welcomed to japan dude” sunggyu said.



“thanks hyung…” I laughed.


“so lets go now, everyone is waiting for us at home” he take my bag and put into the car, I also help him as well. Then we start our way toward his house.



While we are on our way, I’ve seen such many beautiful place in japan. Sakura still blossoming wildly and its make the scenery such beautiful. Sunggyu stop his car in front of supermarket for buying something for awhile, so im just waiting inside the car, while I was watching  around from inside the car, suddenly I saw a mystery person who wear black coat that almost covered him/her. I continue watch that person, and that person realized I was watching and look at me, I feel startled. Our eyes contact each other, that person was female because she got long hair, but the fierce one, I saw her glowing red eyes. Its make my body shivering. I turn my face because feel scared. Then when I turn my face back, she is gone. Its make me feel such weird. Where did she go? Who is her? My mind full of question about her.



Then sunggyu comeback, its make me shock for awhile.



“hey whats wrong? You look pale woohyun” he asked.



“ehh…n-nothing…I’m fine!” I said.



“ oh..okay, you such weird.” He start driving his car back.



While woohyun and sunggyu on their way to sunggyu’s house, there is a creature that watching them from far, that thing was grinning to itself. What the motive?


Sorry for my late update somehow! Well I think this is the hardest fanfic that I have make, and this is my second account, my main account is reikitty

You can find me there too ^^ well this story full with fantasy , so please bear with me, I gonna try my best to give best shot for you!

I’m sure my grammar make it such messy rite? Hehe im not really talented, so please tell me if I got any wrong on grammar.

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Chapter 7: it's good :)
Chapter 6: waiting 4 the next chapter :)
Chapter 4: i wonder who's that person
-Fairytales- #4
Please pick up the poster and BG that you requested, it's done ;D
I'll be looking forward for this story <3 omfg hwaiting!!!
Chapter 3: kind of interesting.. looking forward to read the start of this story :) good luck with ur story