THE STORY OF US (Romantic Comedy)
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I put the paper down the table and rubbed my eyes gently. I looked at the wall clock; 3:30am. I’ve been here at my office for 10hrs straight. For normal people, they would already feel exhausted but I am not normal, I’m not even sure if I am a human.


I started picking up another batch of documents I need to review when my phone rang. I don’t need to look at the screen to know who is calling for I know who he is already. He’s been constantly bugging me after he learned I accepted another company project.


“Are you still awake?”, he asked me with a hint of annoyance on his voice.


“No, I’m sleep-talking”


“That’s not funny, Chaerin”, he somberly responded.


“You know, it will took me more time to finish this if you keep on calling me every hour”, I pointed out. I’m currently working and he keeps on destructing me, I’m starting to get annoyed, to be honest.


“Give yourself a break, Chaerin”


“And what? Let other people laugh at me again?”, I gritted, unable to control myself. Darn it!


“You don’t need to prove yourself to them, you did…”


“NO!”, I cut him off and stared darkly at the papers in front of me. “I will show them they messed with the wrong person.”


I only received a loud sigh from the other line. I know he’s worrying a lot about me after what happened to our company last week. I was tasked to handle a big project before and I do believe in myself so I accepted it. I worked hard a lot for that. Sleepless night, errands here and there just to make that project successful. However, by the time I presented my project, I ended up being a laughing stock and was told that I am never enough for the company.


You are not enough!


You are such a disappointment, Chaerin!


“You need to rest” , his voice cut through my tracks. I don’t even notice I was gripping the phone hard. I just nodded my head as if he could see me before ending the call.




I have to show them I can do this. I’m not going to stop until they see what they have to see, until they see who Lee Chaerin really is.



I jerked from my sleep when I heard my office’s door cracked open. I straightened myself up only to whimpered as I feel numb all over my arms. Obviously, I fell asleep while working with my project.


“Good morning, Ms. Chaerin. Your breakfast is ready”, the maid sheepishly greeted me before putting down the tray of food on the other table.

Breakfast? I whipped my head to look at the clock and I abruptly stood up. 6:00 am. Shot! I’m late!


I hurriedly went to the door and grab my school bag before heading to the closest sink to brush my teeth.


“Ms. Chaerin, your breakfast”, the maid called out.


“Just leave it. I need to go”, I waved my hands and swiftly went to the front door, grabbing my keys. I don’t have time to eat nor to clean myself up. I trust my fashion sense so I ‘m pretty sure no one will even notice I don’t take a shower.


I worked overnight and lost track of time without even knowing I already fell asleep. I still have a lot of paper works to finish but I can just do it later. I need to hurry now because one thing I hate is being late in class. It’s the first day of school and it’s not a good reputation for me if I arrived there late, I can’t afford it. I know I am known for being the baddest female in town but I don’t gained that title for no reason, you know.


I started the gas of my Lamborghini Aventador and took off. Along the ride, I can’t stop thinking about what happened last week. The words they told me keeps  haunting me like a worst nightmare.


*sigh* I’ve been living my life pretty easy, born with a silver spoon. Our family’s old money is the reason why I can afford whatever I like but I don’t act like how common rich girl there is. I’m different! I claimed to be different. I always want to show others what I’m really capable of without dragging my family’s name.


The gripped on my stirring wheel tightened. “You are strong, Lee Chaerin”


After minutes of driving, I finally reached the entrance of my school. I went directly to our school's exclusive parking building and there I saw my name painted on the wall. I have my own parking space like every other exceptional rich student here at Seoul Life University.


I hopped out my car and quickly messed my hair to complete the look. With this style, at least, people won’t suspect me of not taking a shower today. I swiftly roamed my eyes but I ended up scolding myself.


Why am I looking for someone?


No one’s here. I don’t know what’s something special for being late for school if you are a rich kid but it annoys me. Students always comes late here, it seems like a competition and whoever has the most late will received a gold medal. As I said, I claimed to be different. I am not lazy like those people around here.


I scoffed at my own thoughts and started my way to my class. As I am walking, I saw a commotion happening in front of me. For normal days like this, I will just ignore it and continue strutting my but this one is different.


“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to”, I heard a girl’s voice. I nonchalantly glance at the cacophony happening just in front of me.


“Sorry? Your sorry can’t even pay the damage that you made”, the other girl retorted sharply. I grimaced just by looking at her make-up. Is she trying to be a clown or something? What’s that on her face? Is that a chalk? I was about to walk away since this kind of scenarios doesn’t even deserve any minute of my precious time when…




A gasped followed by snickers from the crowd was heard.

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For my old subscriber of this story: Bear with me. I did a complete revision of the chapters I had posted before but my story line remains the same so you are not going to be lost. Thank you.


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Yma_0421 #1
Chapter 7: Hope u update soon
Tariki_inday #2
Chapter 7: Thanks...
xe2d2205 #3
Chapter 7: I love this story. Thank you for new update
xe2d2205 #4
Chapter 6: thank you for new update
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter..
xe2d2205 #6
Chapter 5: thank you for new update
Chapter 4: More daragon juseyoooooooo~
Chapter 4: Its TOP turn... thanks for the update! More please.... ^_^
Minsa_ #9
Chapter 3: You are one of the very few authors who still write daragon, rinrin and topbom fics and I thank you for that! Your story is amazing so far
Chapter 3: I like the flow of the story.. interesting.. update more authornim.^_^