Christmas Gift [one shot]


Cast: Kim Jaejoong and Lee Yeonhee


This is my late christmas fic . This story is drop dead fluffy


Love is a very powerful word, and it is most definitely used too freely in this world today. But when it’s truly meant, when it’s a true feeling between two people, there is nothing more beautiful. So why is it that people today throw around such a precious emotion, such a kind word? Why do they believe they’re in love? How do they know? These questions will never be answered…but we all know that love does exist…and there’s no more perfect story of true love than that of Yeonhee and her darling Jaejoong.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Seojun13 #2
760 streak #3
Chapter 1: ❤️
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