
The Commander and The Ace ¦ One Shot Collection [ Hiatus; Taking Requests ]

Another episode of Running Man has just ended. The boys had to sleep in the props van because they lost the cooking game against the girls. Girls' Generation, their guests for the day, greeted their oppas a good night before heading towards the camper. Everyone was clearing the truck from the props used for the show. Passing crates to one another, setting it down on the small tent being set up by the staff. Haha on the other hand was whinning at the production staff to why he isn't in the camper along with SoNyeoShiDae when he was the one who made them win in the first place.

"Aish! Donghoon-ah! You already know why."

Jongkook scolded his dongsaeng while shaking his head in annoyance. Everyone was already feeling sleepy and all they wanted to do was get in the cold van and rest. When The Commander and The Kids was about to enter the truck, Jaesuk protested and blocked the way to get in. As usual, Jongkook gave out his angry glare at his hyung, causing the elder to jump in fear and laugh. Haha, being all playful once more, gripped on Jaesuk's pajamas and shook him. Jaesuk of course didn't backed down from the childish act of his dongsaeng. "Yah!" They both shouted as they released each other, laughs filling the air once more.

A game of rock, paper, scissors was then declared by Jaesuk himself. He just wanted the night to end so this was the easiest solution he had thought of. All six men gathered their fists and played the child's game. As they threw their pick, three men cried out in joy while the other three stood there with their mouths open in shock. The Commander and The Two Kids have obtained the best place in the truck van - the warmest spot, while Jaesuk, Kwangsoo and Sukjin got the last three worst spots - by the door.


Door → Sukjin → Jaesuk → Kwangsoo → Haha → Jongkook → Gary


Now that broadcast was over, the dongsaengs have traded their places to their hyungs. Sukjin was now in Gary's place since he was the oldest. Jaesuk was now in Kwangsoo's mat but being "Ne Dongsaeng" and "Uri Hyung", Haha and Jongkook stayed to were they were. Everyone was now finally settled. warm blankets up to their chins, soft pillows underneath their heads and mosquito nets protecting them from harsh insect bites. It was then Jaesuk declared lights off. As everyone was fast asleep, it was caught on camera that someone was still awake, moving restlessly underneath the sheets. From the darkness that surrounded them, a small flash of light appeared from nowhere.


Soft whispers were now echoing through out the container van. Vague words, both gentle and concern were wrapped around the voice of the speaker. The time on the camera showed that it was already two in the morning. When all were already supposed to sleep, one was still awake?






"Hyung~ Jongkook Hyung~" A sleepy voice called out.
"Oh?" Shock evident in his voice.
"Go to sleep~"

Donghoon immediately passed out after scolding his elder, turning to his side and entering dreamland once again. Jongkook agreed to what his dongsaeng said and bid the person on the other line a good night. Hiding his phone under his pillow, he turned to his side and closed his eyes, entering dream world along with his cast mates.



Who could it be?



* * * * * *


The next morning has arrived and the second half of the episode has started once they've woken up. All Running Man members have got out of the truck and one by one they were told to get in the prepared vehicle to go to the next location. Haha and Jongkook were the ones left on the camping site. Both were fixing their things and preparing themselves for the next mission. Just when the car that Haha would be riding on came, the younger man saw his hyung on the phone again. It wasn't like Jongkook to be on the phone always. He even seldom uses it during filming. This action has caught Haha's eye and he was dying in curiosity in who his hyung is talking to.

"Hyung!" Haha called out.

Jongkook looked at his dongsaeng and waved at him a finger, saying that he was on the phone. Haha gave out a pout and before he could call back again, Taek PD has already instructed the driver to go. Haha's brain was racked with curiosity. Was the call that important that he neglected his dongsaeng? Maybe he has a girlfriend already? Eunhye? Shaking his head to free himself from worries, he faced his VJ and gave out some comments to about what would happen on the day of filming. And just like that, all his worries were gone. It was amazing how female guests affect these men.

Day two of filming has ended and SoNyeoShiDae thanked their oppas in taking care of them during the show. Seohyun, the winner, gave Jaesuk and Jongkook a hug before departing, giving them both her utmost gratitude in helping her through out the two days of filming. As everyone had bid their goodbyes, the Running Men stayed and talked a little more. All six were gathered in a table, eating the brunch the production team had prepared for them. Everyone was quiet. Enjoying the meal the their mouths and stomach welcomed.

"Why not we visit Miss Mong?" Jaesuk said all of a sudden.
"Hyung, you know she hates people going to her house." Haha butted in and everyone gave a laugh, agreeing to what he had said.
"Maybe we can tell her to go meet us somewhere." Gary declared but piped down immediately when everyone gave him a weird stare.
"She's sick, Gary. You can't ask her to go out just to meet us." Jongkook shook his head. "Why don't we just give her a call? She must be awake by now."

Agreeing to what The Commander had said, Jaesuk took out his mobile and dialed Jihyo's number. Everyone gather up in a circle, scooting close to Jaesuk just to give their regards to the only girl of the family. The phone had already ringed countless times, making the boys once more. Just when they thought she was asleep, they heard a groan from the receiver, making everyone look curiously at the phone.

"Yah! Jihyo-ya!" Haha shouted. "It's already eleven thirty. Get up!"
"Yah!" Jongkook admonished. "She's sick remember." Haha chuckled apologetically and turned his attention back on the phone.
"Yah! Jihyo! Go back to sleep."

Jaesuk chuckled and pushed Haha to the side, putting his lips near the phone to greet his dongsaeng. "MongJi~" Jaesuk cooed. "How are you feeling? Everyone misses you especially Gary."

Gary gave out an embarrassed expression then laughed, reaching for the phone. As he was about to greet the other half of Monday Couple, Kwangsoo shouted at the phone just to greet his Noona. Everyone got startled especially Gary and started teasing Kwangsoo for his misdeed. Everyone was happy to hear that the only girl was recovering from her fatigue. Each of them greeted her a get well soon and said that they are excted to for next week's filming.

As everyone got into their respective cars, Kwangsoo jogged up to Jongkook as he was about to get in. "Hyung!" The tall maknae called, stopping Jongkook from his tracks to face his good friend. In Running Man, everyone knows that Jongkook bullies Kwangsoo. But behind the camera, Kwangsoo and Jongkook are like brothers. Jongkook is fond of how honest and caring Kwangsoo is to his hyungs and noona, earning him a soft spot in The Commander's heart.

Kwangsoo held a paper bag to Jongkook and smiled at his hyung. "It's for noona. Are you going to visit her today?" Kwangsoo whispered and Jongkook smiled, nodding as he took the paper bag from his dongsaeng's hand. "Tell her I said hi okay? And that I'll try to call her after filming today."

"Arasseo." Jongkook grinned and patted Kwangsoo's shoulders, greeting the maknae a good luck for his filming day today. As Jongkook got in his car, Gapjin, his manager, told him about his schedules for the week. Attentively listening, Jongkook jotted down notes on his free times and how many they would be. He knows that he would be busy for a while but he wanted to reserve some special time for him and her. Tapping Gapjin's shoulder, he told his hyung to head straight to Ilsan which his manager agreed with no questions asked. Holding the paper bag Kwangsoo gave, he looked at the seat beside him, another paper bag which its aroma filled the car.

"It smells like potatoes in here again, Jongkook." Gapjin teased as he headed for the highway.
"It's not my fault she loves these stuff. Oh and drop by Starbucks? The Americano is a must." Jongkook chuckled and his hyung sighed in amusement.
"You've got it that hard huh?"

Jongkook just gave out a shrug and sat comfortably on his seat. He thought about what his manager has said. Have I really got it hard? He wasn't sure of the answer but if it was a yes, he wasn't ashamed to admit it. He's not new to this relationship thing but what he was new with is that he's dating a celebrity. He's had his share of lovelines. Eunhye, Hyori and Yejin were some but he treated them as siblings or just close friends since everything was just for the show. But ever since this woman joined Running Man, it's been different. Of course she has Gary for the Monday Couple which he admits to himself gave him some jealousy issues as his feelings grew deep. But when he finally got her, making him exclusively his, his Monday Couple issues vanished. She would always reassure her man that it's all for show and nothing more, that she loves him and not Gary. A smile crept on Jongkook's face as he reminisced the day they came to be.


It was their first night in Thailand and everyone just finished their dinner at the banquet area. Coffee was served and some pasties as their desserts and they chatted the night away. Of course, Sukjin and Jaesuk were the most talkative ones but their stories and such were amusing to everyone, even to Nichkhun and Minjung. Kwangsoo couldn't stop mentioning about the fans that greeted them in Thailand and ended up surveying on who has more and who has less. The Running Man members and guests filled the room with laughter and such. But when they noticed that it was getting late, they all decided that it was time for bed. The Running Woman was busy watching television to make her sleep when she heard her door bell ring. A curious look washed over the actress' face to why there was someone on her door step at this hour. Taking the robe that hung on the bathroom door, she wrapped the garment around her body and looked through the peephole to see who it was.

"Oh?" Jihyo said to herself as she saw a staff of the hotel holding out a tray with a glass of orange liquid on it. Without hesitation, she opened the door and greeted the young fellow.

"Miss Jihyo Song?" The man said, earning a nod from the actress. He then smiled and offered the tray to her and with a smile, she took the tray in her hands, still curious to why it was sent to her room. The staff then bowed and took off, leaving a dumbfounded Jihyo by the hall. As Jihyo closed the door and entered her room once again, she noticed a piece of paer just beside the highball glass of orange juice.

"What's that?" Curiosity filling her senses, she opened up the paper and read the note.


Please meet me at the roof top in 5 minutes? I have to tell you something important.
- Your Best Friend, Jongkook


This piqued her senses further, her face being the shade of pink as she read the note. 'Why does Jongkook Oppa want to see me? What is he going to say?' As she couldn't bare the suspense, she wore her jacket and slippers and left her room in a flash. While waiting for the elevator, she found herself fixing herself and staring at her reflection on the elevator doors. She could help but feel nervous about her meeting with Jongkook at this time of the night. 'Maybe he wants to form an alliance?' She thought but it still wasn't clear to why he had to send her to the roof top just to ask for it. Shaking her head to clear her reverie, she entered the elevator as soon as the doors opened. Pressing the 'P' button on the wall, she sighed in nervousness and the elevator ascended.

On the rood top, a man wearing a yellow jacket was looking out by the edge, admiring Thailand's beauty. Although the climate was hotter than Korea, the wind from the roof top was extravagant, keeping him chilled as he waited for the woman he had summoned. When he heard foot steps coming closer to him, he smiled to mask his nervousness. 'It's now or never, Jongkook.' he said to himself and turned to face the familiar figure that was standing behind him.

"Oppa~" Jihyo called out. A smile chiseled on her lips. "What's up and you asked me to see you here?" She chuckled and poked the hard chest of Jongkook.
"I wanted to show you something?"
"Hmm? You don't want to form an alliance?" Jongkook was surprised to her question, making him chuckle.
"Not everything is about the show, Miss Mong."

Taking Jihyo's hand, he positioned her beside him and gestured his hand to the scenery below their feet. Jihyo then gasped in surprise, enchanted by the beauty that was Thailand. They both stood there for minutes, silence enveloping their beings while drinking in the country's beauty. The silence was then broken when Jihyo asked a question.

"You brought me here to look at this?"
Jongkook chuckled and shook his head, his eyes never leaving the view. "I was comparing."
"Comparing? Comparing what?"
"Comparing it with you." He looked down at the woman beside him, his eyes giving away his expression. Jihyo then sensed that this was more than scenic beauty and she was dying to know what it was.
"You're comparing me with the view? Wae?"
Jongkook shruged his shoulders and gave an audible sigh. "Because, no matter how long I stare or appreciate such breath taking experience, none of this beauty can measure yours."

Jihyo's mouth dropped open at the words Jongkook had just said. She couldn't believe that such man, a man she had kept her feelings for would say such flowery words to her. Shaking her head, Jihyo pouted and looked down. She wasn't sure of this was all joke since the Running Man members like playing tricks on her. 'Maybe this is Haha Oppa's plan.' She then shook her head and gave an amusing laugh to the man. Jongkook on the other hand was startled when the woman started to chortle. 'Did I say something funny?' He thought too himself. He didn't show Jihyo that he was nervous. He kept his expression cool and calm.

"Yah Oppa~" Jihyo exclaimed. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that you're beautiful, Song Jihyo." And with that, he took the woman's hand and caressed it in his hold. His eyes were then wide, vulnarable even. With a heavy sigh, he spoke. "It didn't take long for me to realize such beauty you possess. Maybe I didn't realize sooner since you were treated as one of the guys despite Monday Couple. But as Running Man kept on, my heart did too. We're best friends right? The best chasing team even. But now, it's not Jaesuk Hyung, Haha or Gary I want to chase."

Jihyo felt her heart jumping. Her chest pounding as she heard the man in front of her ramble out his thoughts. She never saw Jongkook as a man of such romance. In fact, this was one of the reasons she decided to keep her feelings for him in secret. She knows that Jongkook is gentle to women but she was treated as one of the guys. She never even imagined him liking her back. The simple hand touches, hugs and glances were all she was holding for affection from this man. But now, it's different. He's confessing his heart out yet she doesn't know if this was good or bad. She blinked her eyes to free herself from her mashed up thoughts and listened to the man as he went on.

"Now, I want to chase you. You and Your Heart." Jongkook gulped. "I know I haven't formally courted you but this was because I wanted to keep you away from scandals and teasings from netizens and such. But here, now, on top of Thailand, I tell you. I'm in love with you and I'm asking you, Jihyo. Will you be mine?"

And it hit her like a boulder. Jihyo's eyes were wide to what the commander has said. Kim Jongkook, the strongest man known in the variety world, The Commander, has just confessed that he has feelings for her. Not just the mere like but love. Jongkook kept standing as he steadied his gaze on the woman of his dreams. All he wanted now was to hold her in his arms and kiss her to show her how much he truly loves this woman. But to his surprise, Jihyo has tiptoed and lent forward, pushing her lips against his. It took a while for him to process the situation, but none the less, he reciprocated the deed.

Arms wrapped around each, her back leaning against his chest as both pairs of eyes watched the scenic beauty that is Thailand. "When? How?" Jihyo whispered, her head tucked sweetly under the commander's chin. Two broad shoulders shrugged, giving the woman her answer.

"You can't determine when love happens. It just.. happens." Jongkook smiled and placed a soft kiss on his now-girlfriend's temple before whipering words of love on her ear. The night time breeze, enveloping them in an embrace of love.



"Jongkook! Jongkook!" Gapjin called to wake his sleeping talent. "We're here."

Jongkook stretched on his seat and rubbed his eyes before looking out a head to where they were. Just before his eyes, he saw Jihyo's building and it was already dark in the area. Putting on his jacket, his backpack and his hood, he took the Americano from his manager and clutched the two paper bags in his grasp. Never forgetting, he wore his Ray ban so no one would notice him.

"I'll pick you up by what time?" Gapjin asked.
"I'll just message you ne? I might stay for the night but it still depends on her." Jongkook grinned and his hyung gave out a sigh.
"Arasseo. Just be careful ne?" And with that, Jongkook opened the door of his van and walked to the entrance of Jihyo's apartment.

The elevator ride was quick and peaceful, making him arrive on Jihyo's floor in a flash. Checking all the things he brought, he went towards Jihyo's door and rang the door bell. As he waited for the door to be open, he thought if he should stay for the night and take care of her. She does live on her own but her manager is just on the same building as her so no one really is looking out for his girl. Jongkook's reverie was then disrupted when the door clicked and to his relief, he saw that Jihyo was lively already. The man smiled and entered the apartment, taking off his shoes before giving the woman he loved a big hug and chaste kiss on her lips and forehead.

"Oppa~" Jihyo called. "You should have told me you were visiting." Her arms still wrapped around the man's firm frame.
"But I wanted to surprise you." Jongkook smiled, pulling away from her hold and took her hand, taking her to the living room which he is now very familiar with. "I brought you some food and Kwangsoo gave you some as well." Both bodies sat comfortably on the couch, Jihyo's back rested on the lush cushion behind her while Jongkook prepared the bento boxes of food in front of her on the coffee table.

Jihyo smiled in awe from the thoughtfulness of her boyfriend and her dongsaeng. First she ate was Jjajangmyun which Kwangsoo had prepared for her, along with a side dish of Mandu. Jongkook fed her with utmost care even when she insisted that she can manage on her own. A smile crept on Jihyo's lips for she never knew that the strong man everyone came to know is very gentle when he chooses to be. She took each bite willingly. One reason was the food was good and the second was she was being fed by Jongkook. 'twas really a sight to behold.

Having eaten almost everything, Jihyo has declared that she was full. She had never eaten food prepared with so much love and care aside from her Eomma's cooking and that's what made her eat heartily. Jongkook and Jihyo sat together, arms around each other as Jongkook told Jihyo how the recording of Running Man went. Jihyo couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when Jongkook started talking about Girls' Generation. Jongkook noticed that Jihyo wasn't responsive anymore to the words he said. And with just a glance at her, he knew that she was feeling uncomfortable with the talk. Resting his chin on her shoulders, he closed his eyes and sang softly his song for her.

Upon hearing the melody, Jihyo's irritation had dropped, love filling her senses instead. Moving from her seat, she sat on the man's lap, both legs on one side of his thighs and wrapped her arms around his neck. The room was filled with silence but the good kind of silence. And when both pair of eyes had met, they instinctively leaned forward and pressed their lips, kissing each other softly. The feeling was pure love. No lust involved. And when both lips parted, Jihyo caressed Jongkook's face with her hand, rubbing her thumb against his cheek and smiled, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Saranghaeyo, Jongkook Oppa~" Jihyo said in a heartbeat. Jongkook's heart fluttered at the words she just said. A smile creeping on his lips and on his heart. He then leaned forward and plante a loving kiss on Jihyo's forehead then her lips, whispering the words his heart had always wanted her to know.

"Saranghaeyo, Jihyo. Neomu Saranghanda~"

And with words of love exchanged with each other, their lips have found each other's once more, both mind, heart and soul letting go into the emotion.


Oneul ileohge malgeum
Haneul alaeseo uliduliseo
Hamkke useumyeo hamkke geoleumyeo
Yeongwonhi duli
Jigeum kkog jabeum
Jageum ni soneul nohchianheulge
On eonjekka jilado
Yeong wonhi neol wihae for you~




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Zanqueen90 0 points #1
Chapter 12: Lanjut kan thor.aku menunggu mu 🔥
Zanqueen90 0 points #2
Chapter 3: Bagus bgt cara penyampaian kalimat nya thor 🔥😗
Zanqueen90 0 points #3
Chapter 1: Baru bab 1 aja udah seru bgt 🥰
Kayak realistis euy,mengingat spartace masih berlayar sampai sekarang ❤
retfhej #4
Chapter 12: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
shazam7 #5
I read these in one go. Thank you for the nice stories authorniim
jk_lau18 #6
Chapter 12: whhaaat🤯
reading all the oneshots at once its so nice..pls dont cliff hunged us authorniim..😅Thanks for the update😊
Update soon
372 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for writing this story...i read all the chapter at once...nice one shot...hope you will write more...update soon...thank you again
sana82 #9
Chapter 9: I never looked at jk yeh relationship from this pov thanks for writing this.
sana82 #10
Chapter 8: Drunken confession was really good and sweet .good job dear author.