Returning Home

Unlikely Prince Charming (Being Revamped)

3 years later

Its been 3 years since I left Seoul and now I was going to return, becuase I told Jinki I would come back in a few years. Now I'm 19 and a high school graduate, I graduated when I was 18. I told my friends good bye then got on the plane and headed home. I landed in Seoul and I had asked Minho for their new apartment number and he gave it to me. I pulled up to the apartment and I was greeted by Minho because none of the others where home.

"Welcome back, dong-saeng." He said

"Thanks, it feels weird being back here after 3 years." I said

"Well, I've missed you like crazy." He said

"I've missed you too, Minho oppa." I said and he helped me move my bags into the guest bedroom.

We unpacked everything then we somehow managed to come in close contact and I felt his warm lips against mine, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then we broke apart and he kissed my forehead.

"That was stupid." He said

"No it wasn't, because when I was here 3 years ago, I had a crush on you." I admitted still with my arms around his neck

"Your not that same little shy 16 year old girl anymore, now your a beautiful 19 year old young woman." He said and kissed me again

"Says the guy who is 20 years old." I said and laughed

"Your point being? What I can't have a crush on my hyung's baby sister?" He asked

"Oh, so you admit that you have a crush on me." I replied and he nodded.

And for a third time that eveining he kissed me and he deepened the kiss and I messed with his hair while he kissed me then he pulled me closer to him and the heat off his body entrapped me and my heart beat like crazy. He countinued to kiss me until we heard someone clear their thoat and yet he kept kissing me.

"Uhm, Minho?" Jinki asked

"Go away, hyung." He replied and I giggled

"Miss, you need to leave." Jinki said

"Why must I leave, oppa?" I asked turning to face Jinki

"J-Juliette? Y-Your back?" He asked

"Duh, I told you I would come back after I finished high school." I replied

"Minho, you mean to tell me you and my ex-girlfriend hooked up while she was in America?" Taemin asked

"It kinda happened, I was talking to Minho because something was wrong at school and he asked me out." I replied

"Its true Tae. Your still a little immature to have a girlfriend at the moment." Minho said

"So just because I'm the youngest, I'm to immature to have a girlfriend? I mean your a year older than her." Taemin said

"Tae, just let it go." I snapped and stormed out of my room onto the balcony

I went out on to the balcony and I tried to calm myself down until I felt a warm embrace and soft lips against my neck.

"We knew this would happen, once you got back." Minho said

"But Taemin didn't need to make a big deal of it. Even though he is 20 he still acts like a little teenager, and it kills me. Even when I was texting him, he was acting like a whiney little kid and I couldn't take it, he even asked me to go back out with  him." I said

"You've got me now, but I'll forewarn you I still sometimes act like a little kid." He said laughing

"But your probably not as bad as Taemin." I said and i turned around so that way I was facing Minho

"I love you, Juliette and I always will." He said and placed a gentle kiss on my lips then he hugged me and i hugged him back and rested my head against his chest.


Feeling Juliette against my chest and my heart began to pound in my chest and I held her close and she changed her purfume to something more delicate like fresh fallen rain mixed with roses, And then I remembered why I fell in love with her it was because she made me realize that there is more to life than just my career and that was love. I still couldn't believe how much she's changed in just 3 years. She is still the same Juliette I knew but now she was more mature ang beautiful, obivously she got her looks from her mother. I looked at Juliette and I saw that her hair was lighter but it suited her and her skin was tan I guess she was in Califonia thoses 3 years. I rested my head on hers and she held onto me tighter.

"Jewles whats wrong?" I asked

"I'm just happy to be here with you." She replied  letting me go

"Are you still upset about Taemin?" I asked

"No, its just that I'm worried about what Jinki will think. What if me and him get into a fight again except this time I leave and don't come back? What if he still hates me for what I did 3 years ago? Minho I'm scared." She replied and panic was in her voice

"Look, I'll talk to Onew hyung first, okay. i'm not going to let him tear us apart. I promise." I said

What if Onew really did get mad because I'm dating his sister, no I can't afford to think like that, my love for Juliette is worth fighting for, I'm not going to let her slip through my hands. She's trusted me with some of her deepest darkest secrets and I want to honor that and besides being around her my heart beats fast. I looked back down at Juliette and she had fallen asleep so I gently picked her up bridal style and went into the apartment.

"Put her down Minho, she can walk to her room by herself." Jinki said

"M-Minho fight for us, please?" Juliette whisphered quietly

"No, hyung I won't. Can't you see she is asleep because she is jetlagged. at least have a heart for her, unless you have a cold heart now." I said

"Juliette, wake up and go to your room." Jinki yelled and Juliette cringed in my arms at the anger in her brother's voice

"Jinki what the hell has gotten into you? Don't treat your sister like that can't you see your scaring her?" Jonghyun saidGo on and take her to bed Minho and stay with her, while I have a talk with our leader." Key said

So I took Julette to her room and quietly shut her bedroom door with her still in my arms, then gently placed her on her bed and covered her up then I laid down beside her and I pulled her into my arms and I ended up falling asleep beside her, in the quietness in her room I could hear her breathing and it was the most amazing sound that I had ever heard.

"Minho? You can come out now. Minho?" Key asked

"Why isn't he coming out?" Jonghyun asked

"I don't know." Key replied then I heard the door open and I awoke just long enough to speak to Key

"Come on Minho." Jonghyun whisphered seeing why I wasn't leaving

"I can't leave guys, I'm staying right here with my love." I said

Juliette began to wake up slowly and she smiled a sleepy yet cute smile. She held on tighter to me as if telling me not to go and Key smiled is umma smile and Jinki was staring daggers at his own sister and me. "I'll be right back I'm going to talk to your brother." I whisphered and she nodded sleepily and she fell back asleep and I left. When I returned to the dorm, I found Juliette's room completely bare, all that was left was the queen sized bed, with the black sheet set and comforter back on and folded to a crisps, on the bed laid a note:

Dear SHINee,

       It's time to say goodbye here and now. I've been picked by JYP Ent. and I'm taking the offer. This is my chance to become someone more than just Lee Jinki's little sister, now I can be Juliette Lee, solo artist. I get to be around 2PM, Miss A, GOT7 and so many more. It was nice while it lasted but coming back here and all the pain was to much for me to bear. I see Taemin and I think of what could've been, then Minho I'm sorry.

To Jinki: You brought this on yourself. You hurt me so badly that I can't stand to even see you anymore. You may be my brother but now you're nothing to me.

To Jonghyun: Thank you for always being my friend despite our short lived relationship.

To Key: Just please keep being fabulous and my best friend.

To Minho: I'm sorry for leaving on such short notice and breaking up with you. Please be happy from now on.

And lastly Taemin: Keep dancing.

                Always, Juliette Lee

Key read the letter out loud and Jinki was really hurt by the letter but she was right he did bring this on himself, Jonghyun, myself and Taemin were at a loss for words, the three of us loved the same girl but she has changed. I hope she can be free of  the past and move on and find a truer love in the future. 




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I will do my best to revamp this story, because I’m going to make it better


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