Because I Need You.


Why's he still here?

Why does he still bother to keep trying?

Why do you matter so much?

He talks to you with feelings.

You notice.

But you'll look at him with defense.


“Sehun!” I yelled when he pushed me with him inside the bathroom and locked the door. Now what’s the point of locking the door if it’s just him and I living in a one bedroom apartment?


        “Tell me, ____. Please,” he pleaded. What can I tell him? That I’m jealous? That I’m sad all the time? What can I possibly tell him that would make sense and not make me sound like I’m whining?


        “You really want to know?” I questioned. I examined his face and he seemed torn between wanting to know, and needing to know. The difference between wanting and needing, is that one of them will save a person’s sanity while the other will just fulfill their desire.

© forebidden.

All rights reserved.
No printing or redistribution allowed without permission.
Do not plagiarize or take any of these words for your own.
I do not own any of these characters.
Anything similar to real events, people, place  or things are purely coincidental.
This is Admin B.



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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 1: I really liked this.. :)
Chapter 1: the emotions of the character are well written because shes confused but you can somehow comprehend it, idk it like this tho!!~