Love Is Awesome ..


It has been 1 weeks since taeyeon and suho being closer. They are always texting everynight, joking, laughing, talking at school, etc. They are so close right now. But eventhough they already so close, suho haven't confessed anything to Taeyeon. When Yoona or baekhyun teasing suho to confessed taeyeon, he just smile or laugh. That makes taeyeon feel sad. Did suho really have a feeling to me?

Taeyeon walk to studio as always. On the way, She keep thinking about suho. She will meet suho again, talking with suho again, joking with suho again, thats all make her happy But also makes her worry, what if suho just consider me as his friend? What if suho actually already have a girlfriend? what if..what if..

Taeyeon shake her head. This is too much. I'm going crazy!! Taeyeon arrived in front of studio, she is going to open the door when suddenly she hear baekhyun and other talking about her. Taeyeon stoped and stand in front of door.

"Why don't you confessed to her? C'mon, taeyeon must be waiting!" baekhyun said.

Taeyeon freeze. What is he talking about? Is he talking to suho?!

"I don't think she have the same feeling as i am" suho answered.

Taeyeon gasped. Darn. Is it really suho?! Suho have a feeling to me?!

This time yoona's talking "Oh c'mon, she is my bestfriend. I know her so well, suho. She look so different when she texting with you. She look  really happy! You are her first love"

Taeyeon freeze again. Yoona was right. Suho's my first love.

No one talking inside, what happen there? Why don't suho answered? Taeyeon heart beat really fast. Suho please answer...

"I will looking for the right time to confessed to her and make a special confession"

Taeyeon feel explode. She feel like going to die right now, die of happiness. What will suho do? Oh my godness, i'm going to die!!!

Taeyeon calming herself and she open the door. Everyone look so surprised when they saw Taeyeon. Taeyeon act innocent, she close the door behind her and look at everyone inside. "what?"

Everyone staring each other and smile awkwardly to Taeyeon. I know why you guys like this..

"You are..just arrived unnie?" yoona asked.

No, i've arrived a long time ago. I've heard everything you guys talking about. haha Taeyeon secretly smile inside but she keep her face flat and noded. "Yeah"
Yoona sighed "Good then, okay lets start the practice!"

Taeyeon put down her bag in the corner of studio and go to the microfon to start practicing. She look at suho before start, suho smile at her and she smile back. Best feeling ever!


Taeyeon jump to her bed with cell phone in her hand. She is so confused now. Yesterday suho didn't text her and now suho haven't text her too. Suho usually text her at about 7 or 8 pm, but yesterday suho didn't text her at all. So are now, it's almost 8 but suho haven't text her. Did suho mad at me? Or he is bored with me? Should i text him first?


Thats all how is taeyeons feeling now. Taeyeon check her phone again and sigh. Still. There is no messages from suho.
Taeyeon close her eyes and start thinking..

Maybe suho was just joking about the confession that he tell to baek and yoong 2 days ago..
Maybe suho just wanna be friends with me...
Maybe suho already have someone that he love..

♬Sunday Morning Rain Is Falling ~

Taeyeon gasped and aware from her daydream. Her phone ringing break the silence in her room. Taeyeon look at her phone and her eyes got bigger when she saw the name of who is calling.

Kim JoonMyeon

Suho call me?!
OMG is it real?!! what should i do?!

Taeyeon heart beat really fast, her lips automatically make a smile, she calming herself, clear and start answer the call.


One sec..
Two sec..
Three sec..


BOOMS! Taeyeon feel like she is going to die to hear suho's voice. It's really suho!!

"Ah, joonmyeon?"

"Yeah it's me. Sorry for disturbing you, already sleep?"

How can i sleep when i was think about you like crazy. "It's okay, i haven't sleep. why?"

"Good then. Umm...look, i you....following my orders?"

"Eh? What?"

"I mean.... Just do what i say....Can you?"

Taeyeon smile and noded, yeah eventhough suho can't see it she keep doing it. "Sure"

"Okay, first, do you have internet connection in your house?"

Taeyeon frowned. "Yeah.."

"Good. Now, please turn on your laptop or computer"

Taeyeon still confused but she doing it. She sit in front of her computer and turn it on. About a couple of minute later, her comp fully on. "Done, what next?"

"Go to twitter"



Taeyeon open her twitter and look at her mention box. Taeyeon so shocked when she saw her mention box, there is a lot of her friends mentioned her. And most of them said "Say yes!"

"What.. is..this.."

Suho giggles "haha your mention box must be full. Find a mention from me."

Taeyeon scroll down and found a mention from suho. It's just... a link?
Taeyeon klick that link.


Taeyeon close with her right hand and her eyes got bigger. That link was go to youtube and there is a video that suho makes for Taeyeon.

"Please watch untill the end" Suho wishper at the phone calls.

Taeyeon feel so happy, that video was an slideshow video of Taeyeon's candid pic with a very sweet backsound song, there is a lot pic of taeyeon and also a sweet words in every photos.

"Your smile is warming my heart.."

"Whenever i saw you looking at me i feel like i'm going to die of happiness.."

"There is no words can describe how perfect you are.."

Taeyeon can't stop smiling watching that video. When did he taking all this pic? How can i didn't realize it?

And in the end of video, there is suho, singing to Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are with piano. His soft voice really makes taeyeon melted. Taeyeon tears falling from her eyes, tears of joy. She is too happy right now. When suho done singing, he look at the camera and start speaking.

"Kim taeyeon.. I know i'm not a romantic man. And i know maybe i was too coward to say this from video. But.... I know that i love you so much. Would you be mine?"

"So.. what's your answer?" suho ask from the phone.

Taeyeon wipe her tears and smile. "Of course i want"




Taeyeon can hear suho screaming and laughing happyly, oh my god.. is he that happy? Taeyeon smile and call suho with aegyo. "Joonmyeonie~"


"I love you.."

"I love you too, kiddo~"


Taeyeon and suho was being the hot topic on the next day at school, many student talking about them. Yeah, because of suho confession that really romantic, some of girl are envy with taeyeon.

Taeyeon feel a little bit annoyed because since she walks in the hallway there is some girl come to her to say congratulation. Well, taeyeon feel flattered actually, but she also feel annoyed cause they are too much. Taeyeon doesn't really like it. She finally arrived in her class, and again, some of her friends come to her and say congratulation to her.

"You're so lucky! Suho is soooo romantic"

"Huu, i envy with you. I hope someone doing that romantic thing to me someday"

"My boyfriend never romantic to me, i'm so envy with you"

Taeyeon just smile to hear that. After about 5 minutes being stuck there, taeyeon finally sat on her seat. She sighed, her mood really good today so she doesn't really mind what just happen to her. She just can't wait break lunch time and vocal class later. Yeah, because she wanna met suho.

"Congratulation!!" Yoona suddenly come and backhuged taeyeon. Taeyeon a little bit shocked but she smile widely when she look at her bestfriend face.

Yoona sit on her seat which in front of taeyeon seat. She smiles "So, how is it?"

Taeyeon still put smile on her face "What?"

"Oh c'mon, you know what i mean. How it feels? you know, Have a boyfriend! Suho is your first boyfriend, your first love! You must be happy espescially suho confession was sooooo romantic!"

Taeyeon laugh and nods, "Yeah, I'm so happy. Even the words can't describe how happy i am right now.."

"aww, i hope you two will be last forever!"

"Yeah, i hope so. oh, how are you with baekhyun anyway?"

"We're fine, baekhyun's really a good guy"

"I thought he will more talkative more than you which is the girl"

Yoona laugh but she shake her head, "Noo~ Baekhyun is really manly when he with me. He bought me a flowers and.. yeah something like that"

"Oh really? aww i wanna see him give you flowers or say a sweet words. That must be cute"

They both laugh, right at the same time the bell was rang. That mean the first lesson is going to start. Yoona sit properly on her seat and so are taeyeon.

Taeyeon look at the big window beside her, suddenly she remember about suho. She always think about suho actually. Suho's face always appear on her mind.

Now tayeon know why people look so happy when they are in love. Taeyeon feel it now, That feeling just happy when think about someone that we love, happy when we hear they voice, happy when we look at they face, and happy when we spend time with them.

Fall in love was awesome. Love is awesome. Taeyeon added in her heart.





UPDATEE!! Yeay!! I don't know this story chould be this long QAQ I thought it will only be 5 chapter but after i think again maybe this could be about 10 chapter!!! OuO


This chapter is only the start of taeyeon-suho love story, only the START! Thats mean its still a long way to go. aigoo can i finish this fanfic?!?!?! i hope i can!

Thanks for reading my story! I hope you guys enjoy this fic and keep reading untill the end (?) #badgrammar #grammarproblem

And also thanks to subscriber and comments!<3 Please do more bcs its makes me excited to keep writing ^^



P.S.S: #Growl1stWIN !!!! EXO SARANGHAJAAA!! <3333

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Snowyhappy #1
Chapter 2: Sutae and baekyoon? Cute couples. Update soon
B-locket #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^