❀Old-School Love❀

❥The EXO Arcade (2)

Old School Love

Old School Love

1. He Offered You His Jacket In A Cold Day :

2. He Held Your Hand In The Theatre :

3. He Had Lunch With You In The Park :

4. He Hugged You From Behind In The Dark (Just To Scare You) :

5. 'He' Secretly Looks At You And '_____'. (Drag Twice) :

6. He Placed Your Head On His Chest :

7. He Wishes That You Would Like Him Back :

8. He Skipped Class With You :

9. The Both Of You Had A Carnival Date :

10. Before You Went Back In Your House, He Pulled You In For A Kiss :

My Results :
1. He Offered You His Jacket In A Cold Day : Chen
Me : Shiz. Why you do this to me ; _ ;

2. He Held Your Hand In The Theatre : Tao
Me : Wae you do this to me too?! (QAQ') 

3. He Had Lunch With You In The Park : Kris
Me : Lemme taste his cooking *~*

4. He Hugged You From Behind In The Dark (Just To Scare You) : Chanyeol
Me : That Derp

5. 'He' Secretly Looks At You And '_____'. (Drag Twice) : Kai, Kris
Me : Holy shiz, Kai. /Dies/

6. He Placed Your Head On His Chest : Chanyeol
Me : Oh, because I was frightened by his hugging-in-the-dark thingy.

7. He Wishes That You Would Like Him Back : Lay
Me : He Wishes That I Would Like His Back?! xD

8. He Skipped Class With You : Tao
Me : Oh.. So that's why we went to a theatre ; _ :

9. The Both Of You Had A Carnival Date : Sehun
Me : Who paid you.. *Throws Sehun to @whitegreen*

10. Before You Went Back In Your House, He Pulled You In For A Kiss : Chen
Me : Omfg, I'm such a player ; _ ;

Plot 1 : I have a lot of guy-friends and Chanyeol is my brother (Since my name has PARK in it). Lay is the friendzoned one, Kai is the quiet one that has a crush on me (ASFGHJKL), Taoris ish my best-friend, Chen is my boyfriend and Sehun is that random guy that dated me for a dare.


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i cant believe i changed my username to deanwinchester


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Chapter 12: I literally hit every member in a row for this one. idk how thats even possible XD
xxZariaxx #2
Chapter 29: (Why is it always Suho? Anyway...) Suho laughed in the ghost's face as he covered my eyes and said, "I am not amused." wtf??
xxZariaxx #3
Chapter 5: Suho flicked my forehead, as he backed away he said "Sorry, but I love someone else."
It works so well!!! 0-0
xxZariaxx #4
Chapter 4: Suho is my best friend, D.O. is my brother, Chanyeol is my boyfriend, Kai is the er, I'm awkward with D.O., Sehun has a crush on me, Suho hates me (b-but I thought he was my best friend??? ;-;), Baekhyun is my love rival(He wants Chanyeol omg!), Suho teases me.
maggieelu #5
Chapter 5: Chanyeol held my hand, and as he proposed to me, he said, "Will You Marry Me?"
Mmmmiiiaaa #7
Chapter 16: I woke up next to Chanyeol
Chapter 6: I swear....I got D.O. for every single one *_*
Chapter 2: otp: chanyeol and chanyeol...... well then