Jalousy!? part 2

Korean Gokusen - The Flower Boys of 3-D

You still won't tell what happened earlier and why you hit the P.E. Teacher?” Hana ask with concern. Jong Suk stays silent for some time thinking what to answer. “You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Through personal experience I just think that somethings are best to talk about with others in order to feel better.” Hana said smiling assuring at her friend who looked at her wide eyed. “Have you changed personality? Why do you suddenly speak so much?” Jong Suk asked jokingly.

I will tell you what happened but only if you promise not to tell anyone else!” Jong Suk finally said. Hana nodded. “Sure, I promise not to tell anyone.”

“Good” Jong Suk said then ate the last mouthful of his ramyun before looking at Hana again. “Yesterday when I went to soccer practice the P.E. Teacher said I could no longer be on the team.” Jong Suk said. Hana looked at him and could see the sadness in his eyes. “Why?” Hana then asked to see if Jong Suk was willing to share more about the story. “I asked him why and he said that the other members didn't want me on the team since they had all gotten money stolen and are blaming me for it.” Jong Suk then said and looked down on the table. “...Then I hit him...” Hana took his hand that was on the table and squeezed it assuringly. “Then we just have to prove your innocence!” Hana said smiling when Jong Suk looked at her.

“I see, so that's what happened!” HaNeul said giving both the teenagers the scare of their life. They both turned to look at her. “When did you arrive?” Hana asked still trying to calm her heart from the scare. “Long enough to hear the whole story.” HaNeul said innoncently and smiled at the two. Jong Suk looked away a bit embarrassed. “Just as Ji Hyuk said we will prove your innocence.” Jong Suk stood up and threw his trash out in a trashcan by the entrance to the small grocery store. “Aren't you afraid that I am lying to you about what happened?” Jong Suk said standing with his back towards Hana and HaNeul. “I believe my students.” HaNeul said with a trusting and happy voice. Jong Suk turned to look at the teacher in disbelief. Up until now there had never been a teacher who had trusted him so why would she?

“So how can we prove his innocence?” Hana asked after the three had sat at the table in silence for some minutes. HaNeul looked like she was deep in thought making Hana and Jong Suk look at each other with a is-this-going-to-be-okay look.

“Well why don't me and Ji Hyuk try asking the students when they last saw the money and such, maybe we can find something crucial that way.” HaNeul said and smiled at her two students who just nodded.

“We will help as well...” Woo Bin's voice was suddenly heard together with the snickers of the rest of the gang. Hana, HaNeul and Jong Suk looked in the direction of the voice and saw Woo Bin, Ji Hoon, Hong Ki, Young Kwang and Joon standing smiling at them. Jong Suk looked up at his best friends and smiled grateful to have such great friends. “Thanks...” Jong Suk said after a while still smiling. The other guys came over and hugged their friend while poking him, making him laugh and ruffling his already messy hair. “That's what friends are for!” Ji Hoon said.

The next day after school everyone was trying to get some information out of the soccer team players, while Jong Suk was sitting on the roof waiting for his friends to get back. It seemed like no one wanted to speak to them about what happened.

“Something isn't right.” Hana said when the group had found each other to talk about results. They all looked at her. “What do you mean?” HaNeul asked her newest student. “Well, they seem all secretive and whenever I asked questions to any of them they avoided eye contact. When they thought I wasn't looking they where whispering something to each other.” Hana said looking at the others.

“They reacted the same way with me, even when I threatening them.” Ji Hoon said earning him a stare from their teacher who was standing right next to him. “What?” Ji Hoon asked innocently at their teacher who was stilling giving him stares. “I told you not to threat anyone!” HaNeul said in protest. “We did anyway...” Joon suddenly stated making all the guys, even Hana nodding in agreement. HaNeul stood with open in shock that her students hadn't listened to her at all, and somehow she looked defeated, making her students try hard not to laugh.

Suddenly Hana hushed the others to be quit making the others look at her, wondering what was going on. Suddenly they all heard some of the soccer players laughing and chatting together, around the corner of the building they where standing at.

“Ha, so stupid that the teacher even comes to ask for information.” One of the older boys on the soccer team said smirking while the others nodded and laughed.

“They will find no evidence to who took is, since we never got money stolen.” Another senior said laughing. “That will teach that piece of of a 3-D student to not be meddling in things he shouldn't be involved in.” The first of the older boys said again.

“Why?” They didn't register at first who the voice belonged to so they just continued talking.

“Of course since we don't want to play on the same team as a loser from 3-D.” One of the boys said and it was then they realised that they didnt really know the boys. They looked to the side and got a shock when they saw Hana stand in front of them.

“All I hear from you crybabies are that you don't want to be on a team with Jong Suk because you feel inferior and useless next to him.” Hana said smirking. “Guess what, you are true.” Hana continued and chuckled when she saw it was making the boys so angry, “Seems like I really hit the spot.” The guys where ready to hit Hana in defense but before they could even move their arm in position, a very furious HaNeul was standing in front of them and in front of her student as a human shield. “Don't even dream of hitting my precious student.” HaNeul said with a voice that clearly made the poor soccer players insecure.

Before they had a chance to even run they where surrounded by the boys from 3-D. They looked at the boys and back at the teacher. “W-what?” Was all they could muster to say out loud. “It seems you have something to say to the teacher and viceprincipal while you also need to apologize to my poor student who have done nothing wrong.” HaNeul said. If her eyes could have shot lasers, the poor boys from the soccer team would surely lie on the floor dead.

Hana, Woo Bin, Hong Ki, Joon, Ji Hoon and Young Kwang was standing outside the teachers lounge waiting for their teacher and Jong Suk to come out. They had been in there for almost an hour talking and discussing what had to be done after the students from the soccer team had admitted that Jong Suk didn't steal from them and that they where lying about money ever having been stolen.

After waiting for a bit more the door to the teachers lounge finally opened and Jong Suk and HaNeul stepped out greeting the rest. HaNeul closed the door and smiled at the rest of the students. “Thanks for helping me and believing in me guys.” Jong Suk said making a small bow and smiling at his friends. Ji Hoon laughed and took Jong Suk in a head lock. “No need to be so emotional about it. We are friends!” Ji Hoon said while the others nodded laughing.  

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Chapter 11: I had a feeling that Woobin knew about her when I first started to read the story.

But the most important question is will she be able to trust Woobin to explain why she is in a all boys school
Chapter 10: I really hope that Haneul has nothing to do with the death of Hana's parents. But at the same time, she could know what happened to her parents.

Good to see you back and writing. Don't worry and take your time updating and you will always have my support ><
Chapter 9: So they are finally going to find out that she is part of the mafia lol.

Good to see you back and writing. Don't worry and take your time updating and you will always have my support =D
RaineLove #4
Chapter 8: OMG YAYYYY!! I though this fanfic was dropped but I am soooo happy its not. As long as there is an update, I am happy even if it takes another 1000 years for it ^.^ I will try to be alive just to read this
Chapter 8: An update!!!! Yay!!!! \(^^)/ I liked the update. You must have been busy with school. So dont worry and update when you can again. Remember that you will all ways have my full support for this story
Chapter 7: Yay an update. I was worry that you gave up on this story, but I am glad you didn't. ^^
MeganeAlpaca #7
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE!!!! This is my idea of a perfect fanfic! My fave jap drama mixed with my fave actors!!! Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk!!!! Kyaaa!!! please updateeee!!! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) Fighting!
Chapter 6: Omg I thought you gave up on this story. I am glad that you did not give up on it.
And don't worry I understand that you have a life outside this website.
I liked the update, and I can not wait until you update again!! ^^
LieLie #9
Chapter 5: teacher banzee!! haha..

update soon!
LieLie #10
Chapter 4: more jealousy pleasee XD

update soon! ^_^