
Paper and Wine


“Kyuhyun, I would like you to meet my brother, Sungmin. Sungmin, this is my fiancé, Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun smiles as he reaches his hand to the older brother of Mina, his fiancée. Sungmin takes his hand and shakes it as well. “Nice to meet you, Kyuhyun-ssi.”

“Same here,” Kyuhyun says as he lets go of his hand. It has been their first meeting since Mina and Kyuhyun got engaged three months ago. Their wedding is near – only about a month, so Sungmin decides to go home to attend his only sister’s wedding.

Sungmin and Mina are siblings, but most of people think that they are twins because they both have the same attributes and characteristics. They almost look the same. When they were younger, they were also close to each other, and fortunately, because they looked alike, they were mistaken as lovers.

Mina’s brother studied in California for about six years after graduating from high school. He practiced medicine, which he liked even from the very beginning. Sungmin has not gone home for that six years, so Mina is happy to see his brother again.

Kyuhyun gets some of Sungmin’s bag as they walk towards Kyuhyun car. He places the bags on the car’s back compartment meanwhile the siblings go into the car. Sungmin sits on the back, while his sister is beside of Kyuhyun who is driving.

“Kyuhyun and I met in university where I studied,” Mina starts the conversation. Sungmin nods. “We became friends, then lover eventually. Then he started to ask me to be his girl. I liked him and then loved him, so I accepted him. How about you, Min? Do you have that special person as of now?”

“No one, sadly,” Sungmin answers. “There are lot of pretty girls in California, but I haven’t found the one yet.”

Mina laughs. “That means, I’m really getting married first.”

Sungmin and Kyuhyun laughs as well. Sungmin speaks, breaking the laugh. “Anyway, Kyuhyun-ssi, if you don’t mind, I would like to have a one-on-one talk with you. Why don’t you join me for a drink or anything?”

Kyuhyun smiles and he speaks as he continues to drive, “It would be a great pleasure. I would also want to know my brother-in-law.”

They arrive at home. Sungmin is the first to go inside their house. Mina and Kyuhyun remain outside first to talk.

“I told you,” Mina says to Kyuhyun. “My brother is a protective person. If you fail his tests, surely, you will not have me as your wife in the end.”

Kyuhyun embraces her. “Don’t worry. I’m sure I won’t fail any test that he will give to me.”

“I know that,” Mina whispers as she closes her eyes.


Later that evening, Kyuhyun goes to Mina’s house to fetch Sungmin. They go inside a club and sit in the bar. Sungmin orders wine for both of them.

“So, how is my sister?” Sungmin asks.

Kyuhyun smiles and answers, “She’s a good person. A beautiful and witty one. She is very unique too.”

“I see,” Sungmin mumbles. “What did you like about her? You know, she had a lot of flaws. She do not know how to cook. She do not know how to sew.”

“If she does not know to do those things, then I’ll be willing to teach her. She has flaws, but those flaws are the ones I love the most about her. It makes her imperfect, and I am the one who can fill those imperfections,” Kyuhyun replies. Sungmin is kind of impressed with Kyuhyun’s answer so he does not ask anymore. Minutes later, their order comes.

“Do you drink?” Sungmin asks again.

“No, just a little,” Kyuhyun answers. Sungmin smiles and pours some wine into his glass. It is too much, and Kyuhyun reacts about it. “Sungmin-ssi, that’s too much. I’m driving.”

“Then I will drive, so drink all of this. Besides,” Sungmin smirks. “I can’t drink this all.”

“Maybe we should just not drink all of it,” Kyuhyun suggests. But Sungmin seems not to like it. “If you don’t like it then, we can drink all of it, and just leave the car here.”

Sungmin sighs. “Okay then,” Later, he calls for two women to join them. The other woman sits beside Kyuhyun and tries to flirt by hugging him. “Kyuhyun, I think we must enjoy our being single first. I guess, it’s not too bad to enjoy first before getting married?”

Kyuhyun pushes the girl’s hand gently. “I’m sorry, but I already have a fiancee. I love her very much and she is the only one for me.”

“I’m pretty sure, she’s not as beautiful as me,” the woman boastfully says.

“You’re wrong. For me, she’s the most beautiful person. You can’t change that,” Kyuhyun says. The woman gets irritated and goes away. Sungmin grins and looks at Kyuhyun.

“You passed the tests. I proved that you are worthy to be my sister’s fiancé,” Sungmin greets Kyuhyun. “I really believe that you’ll be happy. Cheers!”

Kyuhyun smiles and toasts a glass with Sungmin.


It is already midnight, and Sungmin drank too much wine that he becomes drunk. Fortunately, Kyuhyun is there to support him.

“K-Kyuhyun-ssi!” He shouts. Kyuhyun places his arms on his shoulders and supports him. “Don’t hold me! I can manage!”

“I can’t just let you do what you want, Sungmin,” Kyuhyun says. Sungmin tries to push him and runs toward the car which is on the other side of the road. Before Kyuhyun can react, he sees a car rushing towards Sungmin’s direction. He shouts because of shock. “Sungmin!”

Kyuhyun runs and pushes Sungmin. The latter ends up leaning on Kyuhyun’s car, while Kyuhyun is right in front of Sungmin, locking his arms around him. Sungmin feels that his drunkenness has gone out. He stares at Kyuhyun who is also worriedly looking at him.

“Are you okay?” Kyuhyun asks. Sungmin nods out of the blue. “Good. I’m really worried. Let’s go. Mina is waiting for us.”


“Sungmin-ssi. Sungmin-ssi,” Kyuhyun calls for Sungmin who is sitting on the passenger seat. “We are-”

Kyuhyun stops as he sees him fast asleep.

Wow, come to think of it, Mina and you look really the same, Kyuhyun thinks as he tries to stretch his hand to Sungmin’s shoulder to wake him up, but he ends up touching the latter’s cheek. Yah, Kyuhyun, don’t.

Kyuhyun wakes Sungmin up and the latter stretches his arms upward. “Kyuhyun-ssi, w-where are we?”

“We are already here in front of your house,” Kyuhyun answers. “I already called your sister. She’s going down now to fetch you.”

Sungmin feels dizzy, that is why he cannot fully stand up. His sister Mina comes and supports Sungmin to go out from the car. “Why did you drink too much?”

“D-Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Sungmin says but he nearly falls down.

“Kyuhyun-ah, can you help me?” Mina asks. Kyuhyun supports the other side of Sungmin and they both walk him to his room.

Sungmin finally sleeps as they enter his room and as he is placed on his bed.

“Thanks, Kyu,” Mina smiles. “Wait, did you pass the test?”

“Yes, I guess so,” Kyuhyun answers conceitedly. “Okay now, I’m going home now. Goodnight. I love you.”

Kyuhyun kisses Mina on her cheeks. “Goodnight. I love you too.”


Three weeks have passed. Sungmin and Kyuhyun become very good friends and they share a lot of stories about themselves. Mina is very happy that they become friends. She is very sure that it will last long.

One day, Mina comes across a confectionery shop, so she decides to order a cake for Kyuhyun.

“What do you want?” Mina asks Kyuhyun through the phone. “Okay, chocolate cake. What else? No, I’m fine. Just do your work there. I don’t want to be a hindrance and of course, I can manage. Yes. Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

Mina crosses the road and she does not see a car rushing towards her direction. And it is already too late. The car bumps her.


Kyuhyun has been endlessly crying since the day of death of Mina. He is very angry to himself. If only he was there to push her and to take her place instead, like what he did to her brother. He felt guilty.

Today is the cremation of Mina. Sungmin and her parents are there, also grieving for the early death of their loved one.

“Kyuhyun-ssi,” Sungmin mumbles as he puts his hands on the younger’s shoulder. “I know it is very hard for us to accept the truth, please, don’t be too sad. I’m sure Mina is in heaven now, watching us.”

“I-I can’t... Sungmin... it’s too painful,” Kyuhyun cries as he looks at the urn of Mina. “I think I cannot move on.”

“Don’t say that!” Sungmin says softly but strongly. “I’m sure my sister will be angry if she’s here. She wants her loved one to be happy.”

“But my heart already died!” Kyuhyun almost shouts. “I-I’m sorry, Sungmin. But I guess, it is not the time for me to move on.”

Kyuhyun turns his back and walks away from Sungmin. The latter looks at his grieving friend until he is completely gone.


“Kyuhyun-ssi! Yah! Stop it,” Sungmin takes the bottle of wine from Kyuhyun. He has been locking himself in his house for almost two weeks already. His job is already affected. The company is slowly falling down. Sungmin does not even know anymore how to stop his friend from that insanity. “Do you think it will solve everything? Huh? If you love my sister, stop acting like a fool!”

Kyuhyun’s tears continue to fall. He then snatches the bottle of wine from Sungmin. “No. Just leave me alone!”

“I can’t leave you alone because I care for you!” Sungmin shouts. Kyuhyun stops and looks at Sungmin. “You are my friend, and you are important to me. Even though we just became friends, I am still obliged to take care of you because my sister wants me to take care the people special to her!”

“I don’t even know what to do anymore, Sungmin,” Kyuhyun puts his palms on his face. “It hurts... I want her to come back...”

“But it is impossible,” Sungmin says as he cries as well. “I know, it’s impossible. Look, don’t you think that it is more difficult for me? I only  had three weeks with her, but you have been together for six years. How much more can you ask?”

Kyuhyun removes his palms on his face as he looks again to Sungmin. Yes, he did not realize that. Sungmin and Mina had just three weeks. But they had thrice more.

“S-Sungmin,” Kyuhyun mutters.

Sungmin wipes his tears and tries to smile. He looks at Kyuhyun and says, “I’m going now. Please take care of yourself. I know Mina is the most hurt because she even did not have the time to say goodbye to us.”

Sungmin stands up and leaves, but Kyuhyun grabs his arm. “C-Can you... stay with me until morning?”

Sungmin smiles and sits back. “Okay.”

Kyuhyun falls asleep on their bar’s table. Sungmin watches him the whole night, as he promised. Later, when he is about to sleep as well, Kyuhyun whispers, “Mina... Mina.”

He opens his eyes and looks at Sungmin. Sungmin blushes as Kyuhyun moves his head closer to his. “You’re still here... You are so good to me.”

“I-I’m not Mina, K-Kyuhyun-ssi,” Sungmin stutters and tries to move away, but Kyuhyun already hooks his hand to his head and kisses him. Sungmin’s eyes become widely open because of shock. When the younger’s lips start to move, he feels that there is something absorbing his powers. He carefully closes his eyes and kisses him back. This doesn’t feel right, but I want it.

Sungmin tries to push Kyuhyun, but the latter continues to kiss him. “Sungmin... why do you really look like your sister?”

Sungmin successfully pushes Kyuhyun to stop him. “I-I’m going home now-”

“You promised to stay. Don’t break it,” Kyuhyun whispers and holds his hand. Sungmin sighs.

“Sleep now, Kyuhyun,” Sungmin whispers.


“My head,” Kyuhyun puts his palm on his forehead and massages it. “Sungmin?”

He sees Sungmin sleeping on the couch. Kyuhyun walks towards him. Later, he gets his jacket and puts it over Sungmin’s body.

Everytime I see him, all I can see is Mina. But why did I feel differently when I kissed him? Something that Mina does not have. Something that feels right even if it’s wrong.

Kyuhyun kneels down and caresses Sungmin’s hair.

“Thank you.”


Another week has passed and Kyuhyun, with the help of Sungmin, moves on. He becomes more cheerful, more industrious in work. Sungmin also helps him in his company, as one of his partners, and sometimes, he treats him lunch or dinner.

Whenever Sungmin is there, he cannot help but to smile. His lame jokes are really making him laugh to the fullest. He completely forgets about his feeling for Mina as the time goes by, and he realizes that the feeling he once felt on Mina becomes the feeling he feels for Sungmin.

Yes, he still sees Mina in Sungmin, but that is not the reason why he feels the same way – well, the feeling is more than he can ever imagine.

Sungmin also feels that way for Kyuhyun. He is always there for Kyuhyun not because he is a friend – because he treats him more than one. But he is scared that Kyuhyun still does not recover and he is just forcing his smile. Or maybe, Kyuhyun smiles because he can see Mina in him.

One evening, Kyuhyun stays at his office to finish the project proposal.

“Kyuhyun, just finish it tomorrow, you need some rest,” Sungmin, learning that Kyuhyun is still in his office, goes inside. “I’ll just help you with that, alright?”

Kyuhyun sighs and looks at the documents. “Well, I think I can’t sleep because I have to finish it real earlier than the deadline, so that I can revise it later.”

“I think you are just exhausting yourself,” Sungmin smiles and closes the documents. “Seriously, it’s not the way to move on.”

Kyuhyun looks unbelievably at Sungmin.

“Maybe you must search for another person to love.”

Kyuhyun irritably stands up and hits the table with his two hands as he looks at Sungmin. Sungmin looks at him, shocked.

“I’m sorry, Kyuhyun, I am just concerned,” Sungmin says as he looks on the ground. “You see, It’s been two months since Mina died and you are still lonely, I can see that. Even though you smile, I can see that you are forcing it. I just want you to be happy-”

“No need Sungmin. I am happy,” Kyuhyun walks towards him. “I don’t need anyone, because I already have one.”

Sungmin smiles, “Really? Tell me, who is she? Is she beautiful? Is she-”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun and laughs, “Me? Are you serious? I honestly think you are just playing around.”

“No, would you like me to prove it?” Kyuhyun grabs Sungmin’s waist and kisses him. “I love you, Sungmin. This is the truth.”

Sungmin pushes Kyuhyun. “Stop! This is wrong-”

“This, for me, is right,” Kyuhyun insists.

“You only see me as Mina, that is why you said that,” Sungmin says. “I am not Mina, Kyuhyun. I am not her. I look like her but I am not her! Stop forcing yourself to think that I am her because I am not!”

“You might look like Mina, but you two are different. I don’t see you as her, nor feel the same feeling for her. I love you, and that is what I know! I love you, Sungmin. I loved Mina, yes, but now, I am certain that the one I love is you. No one else,” Kyuhyun says while looking at Sungmin. “Please say that you love me too.”

“I-I... I love you too, b-but-”

“No more buts, Sungmin,” Kyuhyun smiles as he kisses Sungmin again. “Tomorrow, let us visit Mina. I will prove that I love you.”

Sungmin is finally convinced that Kyuhyun is telling the truth. He closes his eyes as he hugs Kyuhyun.


The next morning, they go to the cemetery. Kyuhyun and Sungmin stand there and offer their prayers.

“Mina, I am really glad that we met, that I loved you,” Kyuhyun speaks. “Our memories are still here in my heart.

“You have been a special person and to me, you are one of a kind but,” Kyuhyun continues, “as of now, Sungmin takes my heart. I love him. I know that you are okay with it, right?”

Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun as the latter holds his hand and squeezes it.

“Goodbye, Mina.”

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Chapter 13: aaaahhhh i love all the stories in here!!! nice one author nim ( ^∇^)
Chapter 4: akskakdkka ooohhh gaaawwwdd ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
elmokyu #3
Chapter 13: awesome... but yes I am sure Mina will give them her blessings
zozo01 #4
Chapter 13: This was a little bit shocking what happened with Mina. When i began reading your story i thought there will be big quarrels between Sungmin and Mina and they will fight for Kyu. But this way Kyu fall in love with Min step by step and this love heals him.
Chapter 11: read all one shots in one hour :) ..... really amazing and entertaining ^^
Gyaaaa #6
Chapter 11: Kyu!!! How could you just ask min to "say yes now!" Without really asked him to be your boyfriend... That's so unromantic and ridiculously cute... ^^
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 11: Wow kyu, now you know better that you shouldnt jump into a false conclusion or it will really destroy oyou