Confrontation and Girl Talk

A New Girl In School (HIATUS)
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The Following Day At Lunchtime…..

                Shin Hye went to the cafeteria to find Sulli and Min Ho and to eat her lunch with them. As she enters the cafeteria, there’s still no sign of them so she decided to sit at the vacant table near the door and wait for them. While she was busy playing with her phone, someone confronted her, it was So Ra.

So Ra: Well, Shin Hye. Looks like I underestimated you. (She said sarcastically while her hands are on her waist)

Shin Hye: What do you mean? (She asked)

So Ra: I see your game. (She scoffed) You had your eye on Yong Hwa all along. Nice trick getting attention with the water bottle. (She continued)

Shin Hye: Excuse me? What are you talking about? (She said trying to control her anger)

So Ra: Don’t act dumb, Shin Hye! You know exactly what you’re doing. Lab partners? How convenient. That’s the perfect excuse to get closer to him. (She said harshly)

Shin Hye: You need to seriously chill out, So Ra. There’s nothing going on with Yong Hwa and me. In fact, I can see you two didn’t work out. He’s really private about certain things. I guess guys like that don’t make the easiest boyfriends. (She fight back)

So Ra: You’ve known Yong Hwa for what – a few days? And suddenly, you’re an expert on him? You don’t anything about Yong Hwa or my relationship with him! So spare me your stupid comments, Shin Hye! From now on, just out (She said angrily and walked out to their table which is just across with Shin Hye’s table)

                Shin Hye and So Ra gave each other death glares until Sulli and Min Ho arrived and ate their lunch. The bell rang and they decided to go to their respective classrooms.

Shin Hye’s Bedroom…

                Sulli went to Shin Hye’s house to do their homework for Literature. After a couple of hours they decided to take a break.

Shin Hye: Arg

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I'm sorry guys ! I promised to update last Wednesday! I'm so busy these passed few days ! But I'll try to update soon !


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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 2: Go park shin hye .....yongshin 😍
Starligthangelcnblue #2
Chapter 7: eonnie please come back i need you back i want to read more about the notebook please continue i know you will get alot of more subs please come back i beg you i lean on ky knees please i want you back with this beautiful story
Chapter 7: i think note book is filled withhis poeatry and songs.....
Bebot7794 #4
Chapter 7: Hahaha...Science project my foot! Think yong hwa's beginning to enjoy shin hye's company and all the more so ra will be jealous of her.

Thanks for updating. Keep going.
justinekputri #5
Chapter 7: Thx for the update , nice chapter .. love it
Riko_waiwai #6
Chapter 7: Happy to see Shinhye and yonghwa are getting closer and closer. curious about that notebook.....why Yonghwa needs to hide it? Maybe shinhye can help her friend to get Minho to realize he loves Sulli too.
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to next one!
trueFriend #7
Chapter 7: So ra you should back off from Shin because you might regret it later sister..kekeke, can't wait for their so called date...anyways will be waiting for your next update...
stalla #8
Chapter 7: oooh thank u very muj 4 updting shinhye u go girl dnt let tht so ra girl win, HWAITING!!!
boiceangel #9
Chapter 7: Go fighting shinhye!! Don't give up with so ra and the gank!! Fighting!!thx for update^^
Chapter 7: I'm enjoying this story, and I'm waiting for the Yongshin Love process!!!