Ordinary Turns To Extraordinary




"Spread love everywhere you go; first of all in your own house. Give love to your to your children, to your wfe or husband, to a next door neighbour...Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier." - Mother Teresa.


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Chapter 1: Me gusto bastante
Chapter 1: Sweet and inspirational ^_^ Thank you for this Author-nim :)
Chapter 1: what? 'i am Jessica' ?!?!?!
This is just purely inspirational plus all your forever cheesiness and sweetness..
Chapter 1: This is awesomely sweet and inspirational~~~

PUHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed at the last part! 'I am Jessica'! I was like you're Jessica! HAHAHAHA
Chapter 1: its kinda weird if someone become like that suddenly kkkk but if it can make more love and happiness, i think its good hehehe
this story really fit with yulsic :p royal shipper indeed kkkk
this is so nice~ the power of thank you! appriciating is the key for happiness indeed..^^

thank you for posting author!