The stories of our lives


A series of one shots following Tao, Yixing and Minseok. Each chapter will be a new one shot having either Tao Yixing or Minseok as it's main character.

Other then taoris, kaixing and xiuchen you'll meet hunhan, baekyeol and potentially SuSoo but as of now that's not a pairing I can promise.


A story about three friends and how their lives goes as they go through university and later work. 

As you can see the foreword isn't my forte, but also as I've only written the first oneshot out of several different ones I can't go into details. I can tell you the pairings you will meet in the fics, and the people but I can't tell you more then that it's about their lives.

You can read each chapter on it's own though every thing posted here is related but I count them as oneshots because I see them as that.. it's not really chapters to me. 


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yoeyank85 #1
Chapter 2: Please up date soon ... i like your story.
Chapter 2: My poor Seokkie~ I feel sorry for Dae too but Minseok ;;
Chapter 1: I fell in love with Yixing's character~
Omg this is too cute! I can't wait to read the rest! :)
Aww poor Taozi, messing up his chances with Kris =(.
ramirasp #6
Chapter 1: baekyeol oneshot pls T_T