Let's Go Destroy EXO!


I'm pretty sure most of you know about all of the ELF's uproar when they heard SME was going to debut EXO. All of them going against them and being mean because they thought SM was using them to replace SJ. This fic was basically based on that. Except the ones being mean is SM's newly (not so much) debuted girl group, White Angels.

Consisting of 11 different girls, ranging from ages 14 to 18, White Angels were created to be EXO's (not so) sister group. They debuted on Music Core's September 15th, 2012 episode with the title track of their 1st mini album, "Love You, Too".(a/n:Made up date, you guys, so don't go searching that up XD)

But SM also made the (not so much) mistake of grouping some pretty hardcore ELFs together, not knowing that the girls have made themselves EXO's rival group and consider them a threat to their precious oppas.

Before I go on anymore, let me introduce you to the girls:


Kim Miyoung:



Position:Leader, Lead Dancer

Fun Facts:Often compared to Super Junior's Leeteuk when it comes to leadership as she is a motherly, but also very stern leader. She can also her elbow, an accomplished feat she is proud of.


Lupe(aka Park Lupe):



Position:Visual, Sub Vocalist

Fun Facts:She's actually Mexican, her stage name being the shortened version of her real name. She's also considered one of the masterminds of White Angels when it comes to plans of EXO's destruction. Also Mary's older sister, and they both chose to have a Korean last name just because. Moved to Korea in 2007. Has a British accent when speaking English because of her studying in a London boarding school.


Lee Hwajin:

Stage Name:Anna



Position:Lead Dancer

Fun Facts:She's half-Korean,half-American. Her dad being Korean and her mom American. Born in the U.S. with the name Annabella. She thought her name was too tacky for a Kpop idol so she shortened it to 'Anna'. She also hates grapes. Moved to Korea in 2005.


Lee Janhi:

Stage Name:Jenny



Position:Lead Vocalist, Visual

Fun Facts:Born in Seoul to a rather wealthy family, making her part of the top 5 richest idols in SM, beating out Minho for 4th place. She's also very quiet and likes to spend her time cloud watching.


Kim Sumi:




Fun Facts:Despite her being the rapper, Sumi has a HUGE amount of aegyo in her and uses it often with the rest of the members and staff to get what she wants. Also very popular with guys along with the visuals. Loves to eat, especially candy.


Jung Linah:



Position:Face of the Group, Main Dancer

Fun Facts:Is considered an Ice Princess, but despite that very well known for being very pretty without makeup. She also has Korean parents, but was born in the U.S. with the name Madison. Can be a real b-word when angered.Also very stubborn. Moved to Korea in 2005.


Choi Minam:



Position:Sub Vocalist, Visual

Fun Facts:U.S. native with Korean parents. Born with the name Summer. Minam is usually found in the mall as her passion is shopping. She often spends a lot because she also comes from a wealthy family like Janhi, being part of the top 5 in SM, meaning Minho is now number 6. She also needs glasses but wears contacts. Moved to Korea in 2005.


Kim Pilsuk:



Position:Lead Rapper

Fun Facts:Born in the U.S.(SM sure does love those Korean U.S. natives, huh?) with the name Miranda. Loves to eat a lot along with Sumi and they both often eat whatever they can together. Especially loves to eat spicy food. Also a black belt in Taekwondo. Moved to Korea in 2007.


Shin Dari:



Position:Lead Vocalist

Fun Facts:Known to be very spontaneous and easy-going. Also very able but apparently that doesn't apply to dancing as she is horrible at it. Hates anything that tastes sweet. Allergic to mangos.


Moon Joohyun:

Stage Name:Moon



Position:Main Rapper

Fun Facts:She's half-Korean, half-French. Her dad being Korean, her mom being French. Knows both Korean and French since she was little. Born in Korea. Swimming and playing the violin are her specialties. Very close to Mary for some reason. She is often times Mary's shadow as she follows her everywhere whenever she can.


Now for the main OC:


Mary(aka Park Mary):



Position:Main Vocalist

Fun Facts:She's Mexican. Lupe's younger sister. Considered to be the best vocal in White Angels. Really nice and caring. Bookworm. When it comes to all things academics she's the brain of White Angels. Not bad at dancing, but she always refuses to do it. For some reason she is very close to Moon. The only White Angels member that has nothing against EXO.




So there you go. All of White Angels in a rather large nutshell.As the title of this fic suggests, these girls are out to destroy EXO. All but one. Mary sees nothing wrong with SM debuting EXO and she actually supports them, but secretly as she doesn't want her unnies to know. Her unnies know well enough that she doesn't hate EXO, and they intend to use that to their advantage..


So sit back and enjoy their crazy antics as they destroy EXO! (or at least try to)




















"WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP!?!?", Miyoung yelled.

Everyone froze in their spots, and Miyoung just shook her head.

"You were saying?", she looked towards Lupe.

"I was saying,even if we can't kill them off, we still have two more ways of completely smashing them to bits." She looked around the room as if to check that they were all still paying attention.

"Go on," stated Miyoung.

"One way is to beat them in all things music. As in top all music charts, win all music awards against them, and possibly gain more recognition on variety shows," she said with a smile.

"Piece of cake," said a bored Linah. 

Lupe scowled at her."Won't be for rookies like us."

"I'd like to remind you that they also debuted this year," Linah retaliated.

"Linah, please be quiet. Lupe, go on."

"The second method, although considerably harder to accomplish,is a bit tricky as I don't know how many of us are willing to carry it out," she said with a huff.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm asking all of you to think: 'What do all guys have a weak spot for no matter what?'"

"Food." said Sumi as she continued to munch on her popcorn.

"Besides that,"

"Money." responded Linah.

"Guys, are you even tryi-"

" VIDEOS!!" yelled Sumi with a mouthful of popcorn.


"Sorry. But how are pretty girls going to help us destroy them?" asked a slightly confused Sumi.

"All guys like a pretty girl with a nice body and face, and I bet EXO aren't an exception. So what I'm saying is, all we need to do is get them to fall for one of us."

"What kind of a stupid idea is that?" scoffed Linah.

"Well, when guys fall in love, they're stupid enough to give in completely and blindly love the girl to death. We can take advantage of that. Once they all fall in love with one of us, we'll have them wrapped around our fingers. Think of what we can do with that."

"I see a little point to this, but what can we do with them being manipulated by us?" asked Linah.

"What's better than a love-crazy and manipulated EXO? A broken-hearted, despaired and torn-to-bits-by-love EXO!" exclaimed Lupe with a rather scary laugh at the end.

"Alright, alright, I finally see where you're going with this, and it's actually a pretty smart plan, but one question: Which one of us has the oh-so-great honor of having some hormone-crazy boys falling for us?" asked Linah.

"Well, since you are the face of the group, I was thinking maybe you could be the one with all the honor," saaid Lupe as she looked like she was enjoying herself.


"Does anyone else want to take up the offer/' asked Miyoung.

All the other silent members looked at each other. Then they all shook their heads.

"No then? Linah, that leaves you." said Miyoung.


"Come on, Linah! Won't it be fun having EXO head-over-heels in love with you and later you break their hearts to tiny little pieces?" said Sumi, worried that they might force her to do it if Linah disagrees again.


"Linah, you won't be alone. I have another member in mind to help you with this." said Lupe.

"Alright then, I'll do it, but just as long as the other member says yes." said an exasperated Linah."But may I ask who has the honor to work with me?"

"Who else is considered, besides you of course, to be the prettiest member of White Angels?" aked Lupe.

"You're not saying, Mary, are you?!" asked Miyoung.

"Miyoung, I think we all know what my little sister is capable of. She'll be perfect for this." said a proud older sister named Lupe.

Linah laughed. "Of course she'll be perfect. She's been asked out by more boys than the rest of us combined."

"But you think she'll agree?" asked Sumi.

"Hard to say, but I thinks there's a good chance of her saying yes." said Miyoung.

"I'M HOME!" yelled Mary as she entered the dorm with four bags full of all the different stuff the rest of the members sent her to get.

"Just the girl we were looking for!" said Linah. 

"Mary, you can set the bags on the table, we'll eat it later. Come here and sit." gestured Miyoung.

She sat next to the leader and looked at the group of girls with a confused face. It wasn't usual for the girls to hold off eating.

"Mary, I have a proposition for you.." started Lupe













DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! What will Mary say? XD

It's such a long foreword, I know. Please bear with me as this is a first for me. TT^TT

Also, if you like this plot subscribe and anticipate this fic Juseyo... ^ ^

BYE!!! (^-^)/

Oh and one more thing! I came up with this plot completely on my own so if any story seems similar it is purely a coincidence!




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Gilliocato #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;