
Story-telling time

Changmin's point of view

Today is my free day! Finally! Now i can rest peacefully and have more time with my babies.

Curious of who are my babies? They are my foods! I love foods! I am now eating rice with some beef, chicken, seaweed soup and kimchi! This is all cooked by jaejoong hyung, our umma. He is GREAT at cooking and is VERY generous.The amount of food he cooked is always satisfying.

"AH, i am bored." yoochun hyung said while jumping to the bed."wanna do something fun?"he exclaimed.

Everyone's attention was on him."hmm..lets have a story-telling time!" he suggested .All of us gather at our room and sit in a circle. 

"So what is this story-telling time?"Yunho hyung started.

"Okay,let me explain.Ehem!" yoochun hyung cleared his throat , took a pen as his mic, trying to act as a mc. Humph i am a better mc than you.Hehe

" Each of us will share a story or any experience.BUT" he emphasize the 'BUT'." it must be interesting, funny, sad or scary." 

"What if we dont have any interesting story or experience?"Junsu hyung asked innocently.

Yoochun hyun then let out an evil laugh, dont joke around with him, he is scary." Of course, you will have a punishment!" he said proudly.

"Punishment?" the four of us asked and gulped. You can never know what yoochun hyung is thinking, he is totally unpredictable.

"Do you guys remember the uncle that sells the ddeokbokki beside the dorm?" he asked and we all nodded. I got a bad feeling from this erted hyung.

" the punishment is to kiss the uncle on the lips for 3 minutes!" he said happily and all of our eyes widened in horror and shock! This hyung~

"No!" We all, excpet yoochun hyung shouted. That is the worst punishment i had ever heard.

"Yah, the punishment has to be this strong so that all of us will try our best to think of an interesting story!"Yoochun hyung said. Hmm..It does make sense.

"okay then, lets start!" Jaejoong hyung said.

"Start from who?" i asked.

"lets start from the oldest to the youngest." Junsu hyung suggested and we all agreed. Yes!Now i have more time to think about my story.



Author's note;

Just a short update. The story-telling time will start at next chapter.

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Chapter 2: omg this is hilarious!!!
how could they do that to jaejoong!!??? i know his pretty, but... never mind, i bet he'll look good as a girl /slapped/

thanks for the update!!! i can't wait for the next chapter!! xD
Chapter 1: this story is going to be awesome i can see..
update soon please!! xD