My Single Parents

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Jessica Jung was a college student with everything you needed in college but grade. She had money, admirers, unlimited credit card, fancy cars, a nice apartment but again, poor grades.

No, she wasn’t stupid, or she thought she was, but she was just too lazy to study, no parents at home made her feel like she was alone in this world and had no burden in life. She had many friends, she had many admirers, but no lovers.

Why? Because she thought there was no one could meet her expectation of lover she had in her mind. Does she have someone she is interested in? Of course. But it has been awhile since the last time she saw that guy, and why did he reject her feeling?

Because she was as icy as an ice block, as stupid as a troll, but deep inside she was just as warm as summer breeze. Unfortunately, no one could see that, even her latest crush, why? Because she didn’t know how to show how much she cared, how much she loved and how much she wanted to share. But still, even him, she didn’t feel like what they talked about in romantic novels or love story in movies, she just felt interested, that was all.

Again, because she thought the guy was fine, still hadn’t reached her expectation. Pathetic? Let’s make her life more pathetic.


Before making Jessica's life more miserable, let’s meet our second main character, there was Tiffany Hwang.



A sweet, bubbly, cute, warm, beautiful princess of a teacher at SM College. Yes, her Dad was a professor in SM College, no wonder she was one of the most brained chick in the college. But God was too fair, she had everything but friend and love.

As I said before, she was beautiful, yes of course, it was Tiffany Hwang we were talking about. But...

If you took off her nerd glasses, fix the way she dressed and told her how to smile…properly. Grinning like a fool in front of her crushes was something she always did. No wonder Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Nickhun, Siwon, Donghae, and the list went on, rejected her. It made her lost her confidence, there was not even once everyone in college found her chin raised and looked at the person in their eyes, it was all because she was afraid of rejection.

Since her Mom died, the bright genius Tiffany might still there, but there was something she lacked off, the spark. She might be smiling, but who knew about her true feeling?

The ugly truth, no one cared about how beautiful her heart was, but everyone cared about how weird her smiles. But she believed that there would be a prince with white horse,  a white BMW she preferred, coming into her life, making her life as happy as a real princess in fairy tale. Weird? Yeah, that was Tiffany Hwang.





My Sixth JeTi Fic. I have exam tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow and so on, i still have many exams. Won't update much and don't have any fix plots in my head, just want to write it out.

Needs critics and everything you want to say. Thank you.




So the story began with a beautiful figure lying on her king size bed and one of her hand was raised beside her head like she was being punished in school. Being a blunt one, it wasn’t impossible for her to get used to be punished, but still, she didn’t care. Like at all. The girl was dreaming, a beautiful dream maybe, uh oh, she frowned, then the girl might be dreaming of something bad. Not that bad since the girl smiled a bit, “…NNgg… Cute… Ngg But no….” She even talked in her sleep, what kind of dream she had at the time?


The girl abruptly opened her eyes and sat up, “Uggh… What kind of person has guts to ruin my beautiful nap?!”


“YAAH!” Jessica shouted from inside of her room and tried to find her home sandals under her bed, “Where are those san…”


“..dals… YAH! CUT IT, I’M COMING!” Jessica’s apartment was nice, but also not too big since it was only for herself, she lived alone since her parents were always working overseas, not that she hated it, she loved it actually. Even when sometimes she missed her parents, she still could manage live happily without them.

With wobbled steps the blonde girl walked outside of her room, “Geesh, that person is going to pay for everything.”


Jessica, for maybe the first time in a long while, ran to the door and opened it harshly, “YAH! YOU SON OF A B…Eh?” Jessica found no one but a broom stick was stuck onto her doorbell making it rang the entire time, “AISH!” Jessica took the broom and threw it away, she looked around and found no one, she scratched her not so itchy hair and groaned. She inhaled and exhaled then decided to let it off, she decided to close the door.

“Uuunng? Umma?” Jessica creased her brows, “Eh?” Jessica looked to something in front of her feet, there was a basket with a card on it, “What..the… NO! NO! GOD! NO!!!” Jessica got what it was, someone left a baby in front of her door, “WHY ME!?? No no, we have to get rid of you.” The baby stared at Jessica with her round big eyes and giggled, “Ngg, cute… BUT NO! Oh my, my nightmare is coming true! ARGH!” Jessica grabbed the handle of the basket and ran to the stairs, she found no one, she took the basket into the lift and found no one again, she rushed the lift to the ground floor, getting some weird stares from the other people who lived there, she ignored the stares and paced up. She had to find this baby’s parents.

After almost half an hour of searching around her apartment, she found no clue and the baby was still giggling from the shake she got, yes Jessica was running so the basket was shaken and the baby found it amusing, oh great, we have a weird baby here. Jessica sat on the sofa in the lobby, glaring at the baby, “Where should I take you? Police station? Orphanage? Or should I just leave you in front of other’s door like what your mommy did to you?”

Just like she got what Jessica was saying, the baby frowned and pouted, indicating that she would cry in a minute.

Or less.

Jessica was panic when the baby started whining and soon broke the silence with her cry, Jessica covered her ears and tried to hush the baby, “Aigoo! YAH!” The baby got shocked, she cried louder made some of the passengers in the lobby giving her judging stares, “This isn’t my baby! I’m still young! Aish, this baby, yah! Ssshhhtttt!!!”

The baby didn’t get the signal, she was still pouting and crying until Jessica took the card in her basket, the card was thick, then she found the first page was written, “How to make Soojung quiet when she is crying : 1. Make ugly faces. 2. She might be hungry. 3. She might be sleepy. 4. She needs a hug. 5. You find out by yourself.”

Jessica made a dafuq expression when she read the last point and magically the baby stopped crying. Jessica read the card again, “Make ugly faces… Grrr, this baby thought that I was ugly…. UUURRRGGGHHHH!” Jessica held her anger and the baby giggled when it saw her. Jessica sighed and sat back on the sofa when she saw that the baby now was already in its own world, playing with her own feet.

Jessica read the next page of the card, finding that the baby’s name was, “Soojung…” The baby turned its head to Jessica and giggled cutely with her eyes twinkling, Jessica found it cute but the thought of her future life, “Tssk.”






sorry, i was just trying the new feature from aff, i mean subscribers only, yeah, that. lol x)


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Chapter 88: I just reread the whole story again. My heart is still breaking from this cliffhanger. :( Pabo Jessica and Nerdy Tiffany need to make an ultimate comeback with Cutie Soojung! :) take care author-nim
Chapter 88: i need an update... where are you, author-nim? :((
Chapter 27: Back here again! Lol. I love rereading this story over and over. Pabo Sica and Nerd Fany ftw!
Imjessica #4
Chapter 88: Baca ulang lagi, karena merinduKn jeti
1736 streak #5
Chapter 1: re reading this one bc i missed it so much
missyJung #6
Chapter 88: The best story & I actually laughed while reading..still hoping for update
sakuraflower #7
Chapter 88: Could u please update this story author num?? Where are you,are you good?
Pey9181 #8
Chapter 88: WHAT HAPPEN NEXT????????
Chapter 88: Omg thornim..will u continues ur story...i want read it until the end...soojung..i will miss u😭
Chapter 84: No..what will happen with jetisoo??