By Our Love


Himchan doesn't need saving, he just needs to be left alone. 


There will be heavy themes about religion and homouality in this story. Don't say I didn't warn you. 

The title comes from this song my mother made me sing at church when I was little before I left the church. It was something like "yes they'll know we are christians by our love, by our love." 


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Chapter 1: Wow. The awful things people do in God's name...
whovian #2
Chapter 1: This was beautiful. Totally what I wasn't expecting. I though he would make Guk fall for him, but once Dae was introduced, I knew that wasn't going to happen.
The subject matter isn't usually addressed, but I'm glad you wrote about it. Places like that shouldn't exist. I know there are still places like that and it's sickening knowing of their existence.
Seriously, such a well written story. It's not enlightening or anything, but it's truly a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this.
Chapter 1: The sad thing is that this kind of stories isn't fantasy at all. That kind of treatment for gay people are disgusting.
Channie is so strong. I love this story.
ynej123 #4
Chapter 1: I'm christian and i also think that gay peopledont deserve the treatment theyve been given. I mean its in the Bible that its a sin and i have to acknowledge that, but that doesnt mean we should treat them like ddong. Theyre people just like us, completely normal. They dont deserve to be treated like that. Its like me being beat up just cause i like donald duck instead of mickey mouse. We sin too.... Everyone sins. we all lie, cheat, steal, etc and yet we choose to point out the one flaw of them? i mean come on.... so no i dont think that being gay should be punished, even though im christian.
Chapter 1: Even though I am Buddhist, this is a very good One Shot!
Chapter 1: I'm a Christian myself but I don't see anything wrong with being gay. Love is love in my opinion and the only person that can truly pass judgments is God himself, not people. This was really hard to read and I nearly cried because there extremists out there and everyone interprets the bible differently. But not all Christians are like that and take everything literal. We're in a new age now. This was a good read though.
Chapter 1: Himchan, strong babe ! Doesn't matter gay, queer, or whatever it called, it's their choice, respect it. Love this, totes true and amazing !!
Chapter 1: This is... Horribly accurate. My parents are die-hard Christians, and didn't take it too well when I came out. Luckily, they don't "believe in violence", they just threaten to disown me and throw me out every now and then instead. Other people are experiencing much worse things than me, and this just breaks my heart. They just don't understand that acting like that just pushes me further into "heresy" and "eternal damnation", haha.
Well written, sweetie. All the awards <3
Chapter 1: Omg this story made me crying and proud because I found such a amazing story like this <3