Bad Cupid


What will happen if a cupid, Jaejoong, fell in love with a girl he's supposed to be working on? Not to mention the girl is the daughter of the mafia. This girl is Jaejoong's last mission before he's throned as a higher level of cupids. But it seemed that none of his usual method work on her, which made him breaks the top rule of the cupid's rule. He transformed into a human. However, unexpected occurences happenned between the two. Jaejoong unintetionally break apart the girl's relationship with her crush, Jonghyun. And Jaejoong also started to fell in love with her.
Meanwhile, the devil and the angel are on their way to give Jaejoong his fate and punishment.

This story will mainly tell Jaejoong's story. But i will write it in 1st POV.

I hope you guys will enjoy this story!


(readers and was-about-to-read-readers, this one's for the characters guide, since there'll be many appearances of other kpopidols.)

- Han Hyosun

        > Yup.. same again..

- Kim Jaejoong

- Kim Jonghyun [SHINee]

Other characters:

- KARA Jiyoung

- Lee Hyori

- Devils:
> Nichkhun (more will be updated..)

- Mafia members:
    > Yunho
    > Taecyeon
    > Seulong
    > Jokwon
    > Jaebum







February 14th..

People said is the time where girls are giving chocolate to the boys they like..

But what am i doing in here? Trembling and shaking.. afraid to actually give the boy that i like a box of chocolate..


"Hyosun!" A friend of mine patted my shoulder. "Why are you just standing here? Go ahead and give him the chocolate!"

"N-No i can't! I'm not brave enough to do it!" I said to her. "Look, i screwed up my hair and my eye bags!" I grabbed a handful of my hair and showed it to her.

"Umm.. Hyosun.. You look fine. Your hair is silky and straight as ever, your eye bags is not that visible." She smiled, trying to encourage me. "Come on. Don't be so nervous. All you have to do is give him the chocolate. You've been working hard to change yourself to be more feminine. Don't let it go to waste."
I felt a sudden rush in my blood, her words are very magical. I gained my confidence back just from hearing her encouragement. As expected of my best friend.

I took a deep breath and was about to turned around and go towards the guy i like to give him the chocolate. But..
"Tiffany.. Stop giving her false hope. You know how i'm not gonna accept anything from her." My crush, Lee Hongki, suddenly interrupted. I was so shocked when i heard him, and i didn't dare to turned around to look at him. But i can hear him coming towards my way, without knowing he's already in front of me standing beside Tiffany. He put his arms around Tiffany's shoulder. Tiffany looked away, she didn't want to get involved in this. She knew what her boyfriend will do to me.

"You.. Are you brainless enough to think that i would actually accept your chocolate?" He chuckled. "Listen, this is an advice for you. Pamper up yourself before you confess to a guy.. Alright?"

My heart hurts..

My heart really hurts when he said that..

"And you are so easily fooled by Tiffany. Don't you know she's dating me?" Hongki added.

"Stop it!" Tiffany slapped Hongki's shoulder to shut him up but Hongki wouldn't listen to her, he kept on blabbering stuff to me.

My eyes are filled with tears when knowing how these two are dating.

My best friend.. and my crush..? Why didn't she tell me anything about it?

"Hyosun.. Look.." Tiffany tried to explain. "It's not that i didn't want to tell you but.."

It's weird.. I should be crying but.. i feel angry..

super angry..

"I wanted to tell you about it sooner but.. i just couldn't find the right time. And today.. i wanted you to be a little happy by telling hongki to accept your chocolate.. but he ended up like this.. I.."

Tiffany stopped when she heard me laughing in a soft voice, Hongki also stared at me weirdly same as the other students around us. I raised my head and laughed out loud, making the people around me confused.
"Ya.. Do you think i was crying over you?" I said once i stop laughing. "Not a chance."

I laid the best and the strongest punch on Hongki's right cheek. POW!
It made him fall back to the ground on his . Tiffany gasped when she saw that, and the other students eyes are widened in shock.
"Why don't YOU pamper up yourself before you have the guts to say that to me?" I pointed at him while resting one of my hand on my hips and looked down on him, grinning.

Then i looked at Tiffany, "And you.. Stay away from me unless you are tired of living." I swipe my hair with my hand before i turned around and walked away from them, looking strong.
But behind those strong shoulders, tears are streaming down my cheek.


People say February 14th is the day when girls give chocolate to the guy she likes.

But in my opinion, it's the day when the girl realize whether they have chances with her crush or not.

If people say that crying is a way of venting your anger,

In my opinion, fighting is a way of venting anger.

So that is why, i beat up 8 guys down the street into a pulp...

I'm going back to my old self and using my own way to get a guy.








Back with a new story after finishing Three Butlers and a Missing Princess.

I hope you guys enjoy this one too!

WARNING: chapter 1 might be rather.. boring for some of you guys? Since it tells a little background on Jaejoong as a cupid and how he got the mission. Please bear with it.. :)


I'll put a better poster soon after i request a poster or i will make a super simple version.. =_='

do subscribe if you like

do comments if you feel like it

and i hope you guys enjoy the story~


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foamtwt #1
koreankendi #2
JJ should never have trusted Nickhun!!!!!!<br />
WAaah!<br />
Oh well. I like this concept!
deadlysins #3
I love the alternate ending... <br />
Hello! Bye! :D
lalalalala #4
jus read d story 2day...<br />
i love both d ending...<br />
ur style of writing is jus sooo awesome....^^
shuffle88 #5
i love the whole story =) both endings are great!!!
lazycharms #6
OMG SO AGGRESSIVE!~ LOL. But that's a good thing...hehehehhe<br />
LOVE the ending...
awww CUTE!!! I LOVED IT!
Hahahahahaha more devilish!! XD <br />
secondsaway #9
^-^ This was too cute. :D Please SEQUEL!