Entry 3

For Your Eyes


When I suggested adoption to Ae Ra, she was thrilled. Adoption was the solution to our problem of not being able to conceive a child of our own.


We were able to adopt Ae Cha after going through a year of processing and paperwork. Once we were given clearance, we adopted our beautiful daughter at the age of four.


Ae Cha’s always been brilliant. Extremely brilliant. She’s always been in the top five of her class all throughout school, but more than that, she understands people so well. Everyone that meets her always has something positive to say about her.


In addition, my daughter has always taken a liking to music. I found her going through all of my B.A.P albums when she was younger and telling me how much she thought the group that “daddy was in was amazing”.


Even to this day, I can hear familiar songs from albums past playing on the stereo in her bedroom. It touches me to know that she became one of our biggest fans even if it was years after the fact.


What concerns me most about Ae Cha, however, is this little crush she seems to have on one of my trainee’s. A certain Lee Soo Hyun who is the same age as she is.


I often have the six boys come over for meals and such because they have quickly become like family to me, so it’s no surprise that my daughter has gotten close to them since they are all in the same age range.


But I’m not blind. I notice the subtle glances the two send each other or the way they smile. I’m not opposed to my daughter having a relationship. I’m opposed to her having on with an idol.


It’s too risky. Not only for Soo Hyun, but for Ae Cha as well. I’ve been in the industry long enough to know the types of comments that could be made about my daughter if the two were to have any sort of relationship.


I’ve warned Ae Cha of this numerous times and yet, I know I cannot stop her feeling what she feels.


I’ve also warned Soo Hyun and he understands well, but he has strong feelings too. But he is not impulsive because I am still Ae Cha’s father…and well, I may have added in a bit of harmless threat so that he never hurts my daughter.


Four years after adopting Ae Cha, we adopted Jin Young. He was such a calm baby and was a joy to have in the house.


Ae Ra was thrilled to actually be able to adopt a newborn baby this time around, so that she could experience the joy of motherhood from infancy onward. Ae Cha was excited to have a little brother, though there were days when she was a precocious eight year old who didn’t want to share attention.


Jin Young is also a brilliant up and coming young man at the age of eleven. He does extremely well in all of his studies. Not only that, he is a natural at playing soccer. I’m so proud of him.


Jin Young’s always had a certain attachment to “Uncle” Zelo. I’ve always found it endearing considering some of the things Jin Young does reminds me of Zelo to a degree. Yes, Zelo was still like a ten-year old child in some respects when we debuted.


Zelo and Jong Up took the liberty of teaching my son how to break dance and he is learning very quickly. I’m impressed considering how much effort it took for me to learn to dance and Ae Ra’s not much of a dancer, either. Who knows where he got that gene from?


When Jin Young was almost six years old, God blessed us with an unexpected surprise. Ae Ra was pregnant for the fifth time throughout our marriage.


This time our child was not lost. Ae Ra gave birth to our amazing son, Yong Jin. He’s only five years old now, but he is a wonderful child. He is always so full of energy and follows Ae Ra around nonstop.


I believe our little Yong Jin is the definition of a “mama’s boy”. Not only that, the boy has everyone wrapped around his finger including my trainees and “brothers”.


Nobody seems to be able to say no to him—with the exception of myself, Ae Ra and his two siblings.


Raising three kids has been so rewarding. Considering how much I wanted a family, now that my dream has come true, I couldn’t be happier.


Plus, Ae Ra is truly a wonderful mother, which makes having a family all that much better.


I think that we’re doing a great job raising our kids. They are everything a parent could want in a child. Polite, filial, hardworking and instilled with a good sense of morals.


Our children have such good relationships with us and I’m proud to know that Ae Cha will come to me with just about anything since she’ll often tell her other friends that I am her “best friend”.


And Yong Jin is close with Ae Ra and I know how much she adores having him be her shadow even when he tires her out with his endless amounts of energy.


Then Jin Young is close to both Ae Ra and I. He doesn’t seem to stick close to one of us specifically…at least not yet anyways. He is only eleven after all.


As I write about my children, I cannot help but to smile and admire the family photo that sits on my desk.


These kids truly are my pride and joy. Not a day goes by that they don’t make me smile in some way, shape or form.


Life is truly beautiful when it’s filled with people you love. 

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Chapter 5: umm, so if you ever doubt yourself as a writer again, I will kill you. THIS WAS AMAZING. Like I can't even....no adjective will be adequate enough to describe how truly incredible this was! Don't even get me stared on how happy I was when Himchan and Youngguk remained best friends and stuck together....I can't. Youngguk...just UNNFF! And the family dynamics were so precious I could have died. THE CHILDREN THOUGH. SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS <3 You had me SOBBING UNCONTROLLABLY at entry 2 and by the time I hit entry 4 I was inconsolable. Ae Ra's letter..../nowords. And highest praises to you for the name choices...I loved all of them!
By the way, you chose FANTASTIC gifs :D
Chapter 5: Also, when I saw the chapter titles before reading it, 'Goodbye' struck me as 'oh my god he's going to kill himself, he's writing suicide notes' but after seeing his happy family I'm like ok, maybe I'm safe.... I was wrong. I was hit with a big ball of emotion... My body was not ready
Chapter 5: I...I...what even...
I just got more and more sad as it went on...the first few chapters were all happy (sort of) and its like yay look at me I'm all happy and then I see at the top 'ANGST' and I'm like 'oh god. no'
I kidna rocked back and forth repeating 'no' before I could go on... AND THEN I STARTED BAWLING
there were parts that I was crying so hard I was physically shaking and other times where the tears were preventing me from even seeing my phone...
This was just so wonderfully written and conveyed such raw emotion. I'm definitely moved.
Way to go Juju, it was great. Rip-my-heart-out-and-bury-it-along-side-his-wife's-body-sad, but great nonetheless!
Also, his wife's note killed me, Yong Jin at the end killed me...too many feels, too many feels...
Chapter 5: /ING DIES
Wow, it was so pretty at first and then boom sadness ????? ANd I'm sitting here like "nO wHaT hApPeNeD?" Like I am literally trying not to sob.
Oh, it was SO GOOD, Juju! The only thing I'd suggest is that since it was a series of entries in Yongguk's POV, I expected it to sound a tiny bit more casual. Not with slang terms everywhere or anything, but just more conversational. I still felt all of the emotion and pain and love that Yongguk experienced, though, so my little nit-picky point is just a personal preference thing DX
This was very, very good! You're a very good writer; I kind of want you to write something like this again! Are you taking requests, author-nim? ;)
Chapter 5: Omf. This is too sad. It's so heartbreaking to see this. I cant even.