





title: Raindrops

pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol

length: oneshot

genre: romance, drama

word count: 2300~

summary: i just can't find a way to let go of you*









an: this is two of my tumblr fics plus the ending.. i was having really angsty baekyeol feels but baekyeol ALWAYS DESERVES A HAPPY ENDING.

for sheeta and avi poops

i am so sorry for this. ;;;




*a line from Tamia's Officially Missing you because perfect baekyeol song rn okay


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: I don’t know what went wrong about them, i guess it was a matter of miscommunication.
1105 streak #2
Chapter 1: "this time, it's really forever. Okay?" TT^TT

(I didn't write comments when I first read all of your stories. So here I am, doing it after ages xD)
Chapter 1: who put the damn onion here?!
jk. I love this ♡
Chapter 1: Ahh the angst TT but the happy ending was so welcome, this was really nice to read. Thank you for writing this *^^*
110 streak #5
Chapter 1: This is really sad and verry realistic. Its true that not all love is happy and joyful it can entail sacrifice and pain too. This is such a nice story, I think I've read this before, I always find your fanfics beautiful and I read it once and a while. It's really nice that they decided to be together in the end <3
Chapter 1: they really deserve a happy ending <3
Chapter 1: Okay my heart hurts
Chapter 1: This is so sad yet so beautiful! ;u; cries because I love every one of your stories and I can't wait to read more of them < 3