Love? Not Likely


Hiiii guys~~  So this is just a story I thought of in light of me having my Prom this past Monday.  This was really one of my "have a brilliant idea for one specific moment in a story and then make up the rest as I go along to work around it" one shots.  Since I'm a lazy it took 4 days to write it and 2 chopped up days to edit. took long enough

Anyway enjoy, I hope you do.  If you don't, then yay!  I just stole 10 minutes of your life that you will never ever get back hahaha! /slapped/ I'm so mean sometimes....

Anyway, byesssiesss~~~~


I walked through the doors of the place that will be the last time I’m ever going to a party with people in this school, otherwise known as Prom.  Also known as “the best night ever,” said with the shrill, excited voice of teenage girls.  Despite the stereotypical things you think about girls loving Prom, I’d have to go against my own gender and agree with majority of the male high school population to say that Prom .


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