
I'm Taking You Back

Surprisingly, Jihyun ended her day scot free and on time. She decided to head home for a well deserved rest when she saw an old man all alone in the lobby.

“Abeoji? What are you doing here by yourself? Where’s your bodyguard?”

“Oh! Jihyunah! I sent him home coz he was not feeling well.”

“Jeungmalyo? Then what are you doing here?”

“I’m waiting for a cab. Jaejoong texted me to go to Ritz Carlton.”

“Ehh???” she leaned away. “It’s dangerous for you to take a cab! Aish!” she pulled him to her waiting car. “Let’s go! I’m taking you there!”

The old man was left with no choice but to follow.

On the way to the hotel, Jihyun noticed him being all smiles while humming a trot song. “Someone seems excited…” she side eyed him.

“Don’t we all get excited when it’s our birthday?”

Oh ! I think he knows about the surprise already…’ she remained silent.

“And I bet, I have a surprise waiting for me wherever we are going right now.” he chuckled. “Am I right?” he asked.

“Errmmm… I dunno…” she looked straight at the windshield.

“Oh c’mon Jihyun! You’re dealing with an old man who had countless surprise parties already. I know, dear!”

She sighed. “Fine! You’re correct!” and stopped in the hotel main entrance. “Here we are! Well… Happy Birthday, abeoji!” she hugged him. “I wish you nothing but happiness and good health. Saranghae!”

“Aigooo~” he patted her head. “Thank you sweetheart! I couldn’t be more happier coz I have you in my life! Thank you for everything that you do to me and my son.”

“You’re welcome!” she pulled away. “See you tomorrow! Have fun!”

“Ehh??? Aren’t you joining us?” his eyebrows furrowed.

“It’s okay! We can celebrate it some other time. Family comes first!”

He suddenly hit her head with his knuckles. “Babo! You are my daughter in law! Gaja!” he grabbed her hand.

“Abeoji!” he pulled him back in hesitation. “I can’t… I just can’t…”

The old man placed her hand in between his palms and sincerely looked at her. “Jihyun-ah… If this is about my wife and daughter, don’t mind them. I didn’t have the chance to apologize to you about what happened back then, so I’m really sorry…” he said. “Past is past and let’s forget about it okay? And since it’s my birthday, I can invite anyone who I like. Now let’s go!”

“Wait…” she held him back once again.

“Now what?” he frowned.

“Do I look okay?” she touched her hair.

“You don’t look okay…” she pouted. “You look beautiful!”

He went out and waited for Jihyun while she ditched her trench coat. ‘Good thing I wore something nice today.’ she fixed her now y red dress.

She also went to her trunk and took out a huge rectangular box and gave it to the celebrant. “I think you should change into this.”

He removed the top cover and his eyes dazzled in an instant. “Wow! This tuxedo is stunning!”

“I had it made in Milan from a tailor who makes suits for royalties, presidents, celebrities…”

“This is too much, Jihyun!” he touched the expensive fabric.

“It’s nothing for an honorable man like you, Mr. President!” she rubbed his arm. “Now go get changed! I’ll wait for you at the lobby…”

Jaejoong’s father went to change into a restroom while Jihyun waited nervously for him. She was never prepared to meet the two people she hated the most. It was partly because of them that she had to make the hardest decision that changed her life.

Now, as she looked back, the hate and anger of that one night surge through her veins. ‘Stop Jihyun! Don’t let it take over you.’ she paced. ‘You can do better! Relax…’

“Are you okay?” a deep voice came from behind.

She turned and saw the old man, more dapper and majestic. The black coat and bow tie perfectly blended with his skin tone making him shine brighter. It was like looking at the same man who commanded and led a country. A man who was respected and honored by the citizens.

“Uwaaaa~” Jihyun raised her arm. “See this? I’m having goosebumps just looking at you, abeoji. You’re just too awesome!”

"Thanks dear… I gotta be honest…” he leaned for a whisper. “I kinda miss being the president you know. I don’t think it left my system yet.”

“Tch! You’ve always been the first man of this country.” she winked.

He offered an arm and after she took it, they walked towards a restaurant.

The people around them agreed with Jihyun. Guests, hotel employees, almost everyone who saw him bowed ninety degrees.

“Annyeong haseyo President Kim!” “Good evening Mr. President!” “How are you doing, sir?”

He politely waved and bowed back, and would sometimes took pictures with them. When the crowd grew bigger that it caused a commotion, security personnel barricaded them.

“I’m sorry, sir!” says the head of security. “We didn’t know you’re coming! We could’ve avoided this!”

“It’s okay! I didn’t actually planned to go here. It was my mistake, no need to apologize!”

“Kamsahamnida!” he bowed and cleared his path. “Coming through! Please! Move out of the way! Coming through!”

Despite all that, Jihyun clung onto his arm while laughing and giggling. ‘This is actually fun! I feel like a celebrity! Hahahaha!’

Jaejoong saw a mass of people nearing the entrance. His mother, sister, and Tiffany were already there and were also curious about the sudden noise.

“Is that daddy?” his sister stood.

He also stood and craned his neck. “! It is him! Why the hell is he mobbed?”

“Omo! Go help your dad!” their mom worried.

The security managed to squeezed into the entrance and clear a path. Jaejoong ran up and was shocked to both his dad and Jihyun. “Dad? Jihyun? Are you okay?”

“We’re fine, son! Don’t worry!”

As soon as they were in, the security closed the door leaving the restaurant all for them. “Are we the only customers here?” the old man asked.

“That’s what I’ve been wondering too. Coz when we got here, no one was allowed to get in.”

Jihyun raised a finger. “Errmmm… I think it’s my fault…” she grinned. “When I knew that you’re throwing a party for your dad. I had the entire place booked for the night.”

Jaejoong smiled to her. “Thanks…”

She also smiled and then to the old man. “Happy birthday abeoji!”

He hugged her. “I couldn’t thank you enough Jihyun! Aigooo~” he also reached out an arm to Jaejoong. “Come here son…”

Jaejoong moved closer and also hugged his father and Jihyun.

“I can die now as a happy man…” he kissed the top of their heads.

They instantly scowled at him and sneered. “Appa! Don’t say that!”

“Oh! Miahnae…” he chuckled. “Let’s go before your mom turn into a dragon.”

Just as they make a single step, Jihyun refused to move. Her butterflies came flying back and she could almost hurl any meal she had for that day.

“You’re gonna be okay… You have me.” the father said and took her hand.

“And me…” Jaejoong added.

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Chapter 16: I like your story author
Thanks for the beautiful story.
kaiminIN #2
Chapter 16: This was amazing... Loved it really.. You had me squealing and giggling...
Maybe you could add some more chapters...
About jihyun helping them back into their lives or something like that..
Chapter 16: I really love this story! Wish it was longer
Chapter 13: They are sooo cute together! I hope Tiffany is no a or something...
Chapter 10: Hani is such a good friend! And a matchmaker ^^
Chapter 7: Eeeii can't wait for them to meet again! Mr Kim and his bodyguard are so funny! Hahaha
Chapter 6: I really love the fact that the farther in this story is really nice and kindhearted compare to other stories where the father is so heartless bbecause all.they care about is status!
Chapter 3: Her life really changed for the good! But poor Jae and his dad.. I don't care about his mother and sister!
Chapter 16: that's it?!
piratess #10
Chapter 16: awwww...i love it..authornim...i'm sorry but yessss i want more~~epilog maybe..jebal...