The Name I Love




"It has always been Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol.

They really couldn’t help it. Not when your parents were best friends, your older siblings were best friends and you were born only six months apart. It didn’t hurt that they have always been next door neighbors, with their second story bedroom windows only about six feet across from each other making it hard for their mothers to put them to bed on time. It didn’t matter at all that they were complete opposites—Chanyeol was tall to Baekhyun’s short, awkward to Baekhyun’s graceful, dog to Baekhyun’s cat (yes, well)—because it has always been Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol. Best friends. Comrades. Partners-in-crime."


This is baekhyun and chanyeol as they grow up together... drift apart... and maybe find each other again.








an: short collection of ficlets of the same au. 

will be updated from time to time, chronological or.. maybe not.

will edit soon. sorry for the fail i wrote this a long, long time ago lol


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1115 streak #1
Chapter 1: The greatest tree house of All time indeed ❤️
110 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is soo cuteeee ahh my heart. I hope to see more cuteness <3
Chapter 1: This was so cute gosh... and Kids Next Door omg, I loved that so much ><
This was such a pleasure to read, thank you *^^*
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 1: Aww that was so cute and adorable. Guess little chanyeol knows that his heart has choosen baekhyun from they were kids. Hehehe hope to see more interesting events from these amazing duo.
Chapter 1: That is probably the cutest thing i ever readddd
Kyungie14jaehyun #6
Chapter 1: So f***ing cuteeeeee.....i cannot!!! ><
kpopbllover #7
Chapter 1: So cute >.<
cuzie65 #8
Chapter 1: This is so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Yah! Chub-yeol. If u make Byunbaek cry again, there's hell to pay ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Omo, authornim when are u going to update xD I'm willing to wait forever, though, because this is your story and (as per usual) it's baekyeol (and it's beautiful asdfgjkl)