~Tears Two~

A Girl In Love Alone
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Over a year passes by and I was in a place where I could get over the pain still lingering inside of my heart. I was happily living my new life in New York working at the book company under the pen-name of Tae Yoo Na. And I really did not know why I had chosen to use a pen-name at the time, I just did. In fact, I didn't really think all that much about it.

I sit at my desk on my laptop writing the very first chapter of my brand new book that I have titled as, A Girl In Love Alone. It was a story that needed to be told for the women out there who were treated just as I had been by my own Ex in the past. Women needed the world to know that we hold feelings within ourselves just as well. Women were not made to be solely used and abused mentally, physically, and emotionally by the men of this world.

A multitude of flashbacks of my past love life stays locked inside of my dreams- nightmares every night. I was tired of having those dreams, because they always end with me in the same position that caused me to leave him in the very first place. Goodness, how I still loved that man. And because of him, my home was still a complete nightmare for me.

I could not return to South Korea, not ever. That would bring only more painful memories to my already broken soul. And heaven knows that I do not need that anymore. My mind breaks free of my thoughts as my house phone begins to loudly ring, because for some strange reason I still have a landline. I answer the phone upon the second ring that it makes. And I find that the caller is my Editor and Chief of Mooncrest Books, Aura Lee.

"Hello..." I softly whisper out as my brain was in no mood to say anything at all.

"Yoo Na, where are you?" Aura sweetly asks me a little bit too excitedly.

"At home, working on my new book... Why?" I whisper out to her once again, but this time in a questioning manner as I played with the phone cord on my lap.

"Come back in to the office today!" Aura brightly says almost seemingly screaming at me in excitement.

"Of course, I will be there in less than five minutes... Give or take." I give a exasperated huff back out to her in response, trying to not yell back at her.

"Do not be late, this is very important young lady!" Aura coolly hisses back at me when she spoke once again.

"I most certainly will not!" I quickly retort back to her.

Then I hung up afterwards, slamming the phone down hard on to its receiver. And after doing so, I shut down my laptop and snap it closed after saving all of my progress on my book within its memory. Right after that, I walked up to my closet and grabbed my cherry blossom pink colored dress from off it's hanger. Then I make my way in to my bathroom to take a quick wash at my bathroom sink before I got myself dressed for the day. I put my auburn hair up to the left side in tight curly short length waves.

After that, I then placed matching high-heels upon my feet and I grabbed my purse before heading straight out of my front door. And when I arrived at the company, the new front desk clerk pointed me in the direction of the main office when I made it known who I was. I make my way up to the door and was about to open it when it was opened up for me by another person.

It was a person that I most unfortunately recognized. And it is at that exact moment that we both shouted out, "You!" at the very same time with an expression of bewilderment upon both of our faces. This person was my Ex-Boyfriend. Seo Eun Kwang.

"You two know each other?" Aura stupidly asks the both of us as the electrifying intensity of our sudden meeting implodes around us, oddly perplexing her by the situation happening right in front of her very own eyes.

Although, I still managed to fix- gather myself back together before somewhat properly answering her question with a fake smile pasted up against my lips when I do as he lightly scoffs at my life in turn, "Yes... he was a... a friend back in South Korea..."

"Oh good, this little surprise makes our partnership take on an even smoother route!" Aura happily beams out in response to the situation not grasping on to the full scale of everything going between us. Bless her poor little innocent heart!

"Partnership?" I confusedly question her out in recounter. I was still too shocked to speak more than a single word in return. We were in a partnership with my Ex-Boyfriend! How could this happen? How did this happen?

"Yes, Ms. Tae! He's both your and my brand new Boss... Well, technically, if you think about it in that way." Aura promptly replies back to me once she straightens herself back out a bit.

"N-n-new Boss! But why, this company was doing fine before, wasn't it?" I confoundedly stutter at the mention of the word Boss, still too shocked to believe any of what was going on around me.

"Yes, as a matter of fact that was the main reason that the board agreed to sell the company to the highest bidder and Mr. Seo's company completely won that bid." Aura instantly begins to explain what was going on with our company to me with another bright beaming in place upon her face as she does so.

"Things like this happen all the time in the business world, Ms. Tae. So you don't need to worry about your standing with the company at all." Eun Kwang finally responds back to me with full reassurance, breaking his silence once again as my anger ate away at me from the inside, the more that he spoke to me.

"I know that you are our supposed new Boss and all, but no one was talking to you!" I hiss out bitterly to him almost forgetting my place under the odd circumstances. He was now in the position where he could fire me from the one place I was happy.

"Yoo Na!" Aura unhappily shouts out my name back at me, causing me to stiffen up at her frigid tone even though I really wanted to ignore it completely.

"There's no need to yell or reprimand her, she was right- is right to feel hostile against my person!" Eun Kwang calmly exclaims to her with a hint of something else I couldn't catch hidden within his voice.

"Fine, I will concede at your behest for now. Mr. Seo Eun Kwang, it was a great pleasure becoming partners with you!" Aura smoothly exclaims to him in turn when she happily quills her anger on his behalf as I bitterly watched the both of them shake hands on it in utter silence.

"No, the pleasure was all mine. Good day... Ms. Tae..." Eun Kwang earnestly replies slightly in counter, appropriately bowing to us in the process.

"Yeah-yea whatever..." I whisper for his ears alone to hear. And I know that he has heard me say it when he starts to chuckle before finally leaving the room.

I sit down at one of the chairs as the tears fell from my eyes. One year of hurt bottled up inside came pouring out of me. I couldn't believe he still effected me so much after only a year apart.

"How do you really know him Yoo Na? And don't lie to me because I'll know when you do!" Aura warningly growls at me for good measure. She was probably angry with me for yelling at our jerk of a new boss. But I did

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Chapter 19: I like the story. But I have 1 question. Does Eun Soo and Eunkwang are back together again? Married already or Eun Soo only forgive him but they are not together again?
Chapter 19: Aww i love it ♡♡
123iou #3
Chapter 18: Omg....I'm excited to read what happens next!!! Pls update soon!! :)
Chapter 1: this fic is so sad. one-sided love. omo. hope this won't happen to me and Eunkwang in real life TOT
i'm cryyiing. T___T
Chapter 6: ouch... eunkwang... TT.TT
Chapter 1: This story seems really sad, and I can feel the emotions.