City Blues - Oneshot Introduction


To the unexpectation of others, Namjoo and Luhan have kept their hasty marriage together for a year despite their busy and unusual jobs of being tactical agents to the same division. When their careers become too much of a strain on their relationship, will they still be able to hold on? 

***Characters are mine, this is all from my imagination. I'm only borrowing names and images, no other intention. 


Why the title? Ok, I shall explain. 

To my next series in which I have promised some (I think) that I will loop HanJoo back together (after 3 continuous stories of never having them together after all the heartbreak lolololol), so here's the oneshot introduction to the story I'll be bringing out after 3 Ways. So do enjoy! It's another adventure, typical action story I'll be working on. There's still time to come up with more, but do keep in mind that this is just an introduction to their lives - the storyline will be a bit different. 

And here I go...procrastinating on Blaze again woot woot ~.~


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Chanjoo #1
Chapter 1: I can't believe myself for barely reading this haha... I hope you make more fics of them!
Chapter 1: wow, this is amazing ! your oneshots nvr frustrated me.
Chapter 1: What......hahahaha they're fighting for that little thing? (In the end of the story) LOL xD aigooo, Luhan is really cute! He would love his baby soooo much! He would be every women's ideal husband ~
Chapter 1: Nice one... I like it...♥ now what's next? XD
Chapter 1: Oh~ its like a teaser for your next series unnie ?? waaaa~~
the ending so cute... they are get fight because a little thing >.<
OTL..that's so true. HanJoo haven't had a happy ending..not in Forget, Don't Forget, Destination Zero, nor in 3 Ways~ >_________<

Lmao, after you update Blaze (cough-if you ever update it again-cough) I'm gonna have to go back like 2 chapters to remember what happened! xD
sdjhsdjksdiaujdhf *Dies.
HUAAA! HANJOO!!! Will wait for it ><