All I Want is a Happy Ending..





                  They both were trouble makers and friends since high school

                       Both were rivals, enemies, and lovers without even knowing

                                I mean, how could they not know they were in love the first day they met?

                  They even won Best Lovers Award, just because they would play around with eachother, or act as if they were a couple.

                                      But One day, AeCha's world came crumbling down as she saw her "enemy" leaving, with his backpack.

                                            Kyungsoo had to leave to pursue his singing career.

                                            He hugged her for the last time and had a tear run down his cheek, but never let anyone take a peak.

                                AeCha would never be a bubbly, happy girl again, without  Kyungsoo.

                But What If, What if Kyungsoo moves next door after AeCha finishes high school? Is it for the good? Or for the bad?

                                                                  Will they be lovers again, or stay just as friends?










                                   look at his y moves I CANT I CANT OMG


                                                                            DO Kyungsoo

                                                Kyungsoo, the sweet and y, overprotective guy that leaves AeCha for his singing career. They both were best friends and would hang out all the time. He never noticed his love for her until he had left. Soon after the move, he finds another girl and his fame rises.



                                       shes so pretty.

                                                                         Hung AeCha

                                               She's a sweet, bubbly, caring girl that sercretly loves her best friend. Her parents are usualy on business trips, flying around the world. Shes the only child and lives in their home alone. AeCha works at a cafe day and night after the day Kyungsoo left because she was always alone and depressed. As soon as she discovered he moves in next door, her life turns to the way it was in high school. That was, until-


Wow Im soo sorry about the really short chapters. Filler chapter.


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Chapter 12: SRSLY KYUNGSOO. WHAT KIND OF SIGNALS ARE YOU SENDING AECHA? DO YOU WANT TO BE WITH HER? OR DO YOU NOT? MAKE UP YOUR MIND BEFORE YOU HURT HER EVEN MORE. Ooooh, cliffhanger! I wonder who that may be. Kai? No. Is Luhan making a scene now? Hopefully. I don't even know why I'm talking like this. BUT Y A Y ! Another update! Thank you for the update! Hwaiting! <3 I saw that video. And yes, I do ship Krisber. <3
Chapter 12: Eww . . Is she gonna see Kyungsoo and Hana making out ? lolol !
Chapter 11: WHY DID KYUNGSOO PROMISE THAT? AISH. Hana needs to back out or else AeCha and Kyungsoo won't become a thing. Hana should go to Kai. He likes her, right? I wonder what happened to Luhan. He just .. vanished into thin air. If I was AeCha, I'd be very very very confused. Kyungsoo is sending mix signals. I was just about to ask if I was commenting too much. I'm glad you like them. Thank you for the update! Hwaiting! <3
Dafuqq mann . . GOSH . . . UGHH . . My gosh . . . Okay . . Im done , lol <3
Chapter 10: AISH! STUPID KYUNGSOO! I THOUGHT YOU AND AECHA WAS LIKE .. ALMOST A THING! GOSH! WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING, AUTHOR-NIM? If I have to, I will become a fictional character and slap Kyungsoo and then tell him about AeCha's feelings. I srsly wanna cry now. TT-TT Hana .. I'll come after you too once I finish punching Kai. Anywho, thank you for the update! Hwaiting! <3
Chapter 9: I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND THIS FIC JUST NOW! URGGGG. Sometimes, i just wanna punch Kai too and be like 'that's for hurting AeCha' and then there's Kyungsoo, who needs a reality slap in the face. I don't know who to ship AeCha with, Kyungsoo or Luhan. Too many feelings. I feel like breaking down and crying. Thank you for making such a wonderful story. Hwaiting! <3
Chapter 6: Bad bad bad kyungsoo, ITS ALL HIS FAULT !!!!! * emotional mode on* lol thanks for the update
Chapter 1: I don't know why, but I started crying at the first chapter. Oh Kyungsoo, you gentleman..
Chapter 1: First comment OH YEAH!!!!! This is an awesome fan fic