"Pft.... Me? Studying?"


It's not Zelo's fault if he just can't study for finals!


Youngjae entered the maknae's room by Himchan's orders, trying to be quiet. He honestly wasn't surprised at what he saw: a bored Zelo playing with one of his many gaming consoles. Youngjae just rolled eyes.


"Yah! Choi Junhong, what do you think you're doing?! You should be studying!"


Zelo paused his game and turned to look at his hyung.


"Pft.... Me? Studying?"


The maknae stuck his tongue out and just continued playing his game.


Youngjae glared at the younger. 


"Just wait.... we'll see if you'll have the same attitude in a few minutes......"


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ilabya28 #1
Chapter 1: This was kind of cute lol Himchan umma the bad cop and Yongguk appa the good cop xD Really enjoyed reading this