A Day for Bang


B.A.P is busy with their One Shot promotion. SECRET is busy with their upcoming comeback preparation. But when it comes about Bang Yongguk's birthday, Song Jieun never forget.


안녕하새요! I'm zelowaifu! This is my very first fic in aff. I decided to make the first one special so i made it about my no. 1 fav cp, bangsong! Sorry for the grammar error since i'm still learning, and english is not my main language. Please kindly comment about this oneshot! Thanks! This fic is 100% my idea and it came out from mynot-so-genius-like-youngjae brain. I DID NOT COPY IT FROM OTHER USER. Similarity is absolutely a beautiful coincidence. Lol. From me ZELOWAIFU .
thanks a lot for subscribing! but i'm afraid the story will come out bad :-(


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ooh,,a birthday surprise from soon-to-be mrs.bang??

eine08 #2
OMG bangxsong! I cant wait >_<