Atlanta, GA

Come On Make Me Feel Alive


Atlanta, GA

Tao insists on playing tourist all day in Atlanta, so they humor him. For the first day, the tour the World of Coca-Cola and the CNN Center, and then spend the rest of the day exploring the High Museum of Art. 
“Lame,” Lu Han mutters under his breath as he glares are a marble statue. “Who is impressed by this when we have the Met?”
Yixing kind of has to agree. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is far more impressive than any other they can possibly visit in the United States. 
Yixing and Kris want to stay in and relax in the hotel spa tha night, but Lu Han insists on going out. 
“We’re going to Six Flags tomorrow,” Tao whines. “We need to relax and rest with a nice massage and a soak in the jacuzzi.”
Lu Han, however, shakes his head. “Just a drink,” he pleads. “We won’t stay out too long.”
“How about we just hit the hotel bar?” Yixing suggests. 
Again, Lu Han shakes his head. “We’re barely two streets away from the nightclubs,” he says. “Let’s just go.”
And because it’s Lu Han, and Lu Han can get away with almost anything with his pout, they all give in with a lot of grumbling. 
“I kind of think Lu Han might be the devil,” Tao mutters under his breath. Yixing kind of has to agree. 
“Wait, so are you even going try and pick someone up at the club tonight or are you and Joonmyeon exclusive now?” Lu Han asks, poking Kris in the back. 
Yixing watches as a sappy smiles appears over Kris’ face. “We’re exclusive,” he replies, happily. “Georgetown has a great law school too, you know? I think I’d like it in D.C.” 
Lu Han makes a fake retching sound. “Ew, commitment,” he grumbles,“gross.”
The Atlanta nightlife suits Yixing’s tastes. The club is full when they make their way in, but the bar is relatively quiet. Yixing heads to the dance floor immediately, but soon finds that he is too tired from the day’s activities to dance much. Instead, they all find spots at the bar and order a round of shots. 
“Is it weird that I haven’t felt homesick yet, not even once?” Tao muses out loud.
Yixing shakes his head. “I haven’t really missed New York that much either,” he replies. 
The guy sitting near them at the bar turns around upon hearing that. “Did you guys say New York?” he asks, curiously. “Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing.”
Lu Han takes one look at the guy, categorizes him as a small, gorgeous brunette, and starts fluttering his eyelids. “We’re from New York City,” he says, leaning forwards to offer the guy a clear view down the front of his tank top. “Hi, my name is Lu Han, and these are my friends, Yixing, Tao, and Kris. We’re road-tripping across the country.” 
“Baekhyun,” the guy replies. His eyes had also fastened onto Lu Han immediately. “I’m originally from Hoboken, but I’m here in Atlanta visiting family.”
“What a coincidence!” Lu Han gushes, shooting Baekhyun a dazzling smile. 
“Are you guys all classmates?” Baekhyun asks. “Lu Han must be the youngest, right?”
Everybody but Tao laughs. “I’m the youngest,” he growls, annoyed. 
“Ah, but Lu Han is just so cute.” At that, Lu Han practically glows, and Yixing knows that he is taking Baekhyun back to the hotel that night. 
Tao, however, is still unamused. “Bbuing bbuing, motherer,” he says tonelessly. “I’m cute, too.”
Baekhyun is no longer paying attention, because Lu Han has his hand on his arm and is pulling him to the dance floor. 
“You guys can head back to the hotel without me after you finish your drinks,” Lu Han calls over his shoulders.
Kris just sighs as the pair disappears into the crowd.
“Ready to go back?” Tao asks. “It’s still not too late for us to hit the spa.” 
Kris nods, and pays for the drinks. Yixing gulps down the rest of his gin and tonic and gets up the follow the other two toward the exit. He, for one, is ready for some quality jacuzzi time. 
Lu Han takes one look at the Dare Devil Dive at Six Flags Over Georgia the next days and nopes really hard. 
“That thing will ing kill me,” he says, backing away slowly. “There is no way I’m going on that.”
Tao just looks at Yixing. “He’s your best friend,” he says, sounding pained. “Fix him.”
Yixing sighs, and holds his hands out for Tao’s bag. “You and Kris go,” he says begrudgingly. “I’ll wait with the brat.”
Lu Han at least has the decency to buy Yixing an overpriced frozen strawberry lemonade as they wait. “Thanks, Xing,” Lu Han sings, blinking with fake innocence.  
Yixing just shakes his head and sighs again. 

[A/N]: Cranking up the crack ~


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Congratulations on getting featured ^^
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