《 Sensoria ⋮ Apply close 》








How it all began


Three countries. Two of them have been at war for centuries but have reached a truce. However, battle hangs above all heads as the princess of one realm is reported missing. The remaining country, sensing danger, sends students from it's academy, students born in all three countries, to rescue the missing princess. 

 Story Information

Generic stuff, you know...

Title : Sensoria
Author : Lydine + -catalyst
Characters : Applicants' OCs
, various idols
Genre : Fantasy, Romance, Action (±), Mystery 

Apply Deadline : To be determined
Start : Idem
End : Idem
Number of Chapters : Idem



Things you should read

# 1 : Subscribe to get updates. If you unsubscribe, I'll take it you don't want to be in the story anymore, even if you got chosen and your character will mysteriously or not die a tragic death.
# 2 : Deadline is tbd, but you know me, I always accept extensions, 'cause I'm just that nice
# 3 : Comments are nice
# 4 : An unknown number of characters will be chosen. Something around 6... XD I will be in the story! My character will be revealed someday...
# 5 : I don't mind you re-using apps, but they have to match, you know. Don't give me an app where the character's name changes all through the story cause you did app-scrapbooking. And also, pay attention to the layout. Keep it as it is, I think it's beautiful.
# 6 : Three strikes, but I'm actually helping you a lot. You can always ask me questions if you want to.
# 7 : Seven is just a beautiful number. I have nothing more to add.



Author's note

Introducing Lydine


I was minding my own bussiness, when suddenly Cassidy said something about fantasy. Because of that, I began thinking about ideas. Soon, it was too late and there I am. Yep, another applyfic. It should be up sometime during summer. :)


Author's note

Introducing -catalyst


I was minding my own business when I stumbled upon this wonderful fanfic. I just couldn't help myself with how pretty and awesome the idea sounded. So, this time, I'm collabing with Lydine because her ideas are awesome :). I hope this interests you to apply!



《 Sensoria ⋮ Deadline is today, everyone. If you want an extension, PM me. Otherwise, you'll know the full cast soon. :) 》


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Chapter 6: Are you still going to update in the future or did you possibly close down this story? Just asking because I'm curious. ;;;;;
Chapter 6: Guess I'll change Youngae's love interest (I just chose 'male applicant'). :)
Chapter 10: Update soon when you have the time! :D
Chapter 10: Thanks for choosing Haeseok! Cant wait to read more of the updates
Chapter 6: Congrats! Cameos, cameos! Lol~ This would be fun. Hwaiting^^
Chapter 6: Good Job to everyone! Woohoo! the story can finally start!
Chapter 6: Wooh, I'm so excited!
Congrats to Mieun and Haesok. :)

Now the story can finally start! ; w;
Congrats to all the newest chosen applicants! Now the story can officially start! /so excited! :D
mushiromigal #9
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I didn't expect this to happen! Thank you thank you! :3