Cross My Heart


Trust is the only thing that can create a bond between two people. This bond can take years before it flourishes but can take seconds to dissipate. It requires nurturing and patience; both Jongwoon and Kyuhyun are willing to provide both.



Title: Cross My Heart

Pairing: Kyusung

Rating: PG-13 (I used some naughty words hehe)

Length: One-shot (About 2,400 words.)

Genre: Fluff, Romance

Warnings: Not beta-ed lol.

Summary: In which Jongwoon tries to lie his way out but then realizes how hopelessly he is in love with Kyuhyun.

Because it is my birthday today (I  turned 18 yey) , I have written you the third and final instalment of what is like a trilogy, based around the idea of trust all relating to Yesung’s enlistment (which is soon cryy). So I guess this is the sequel to Pinky Promise and a se-sequel (however you call a sequel of a sequel lol) of Believe Me. Don’t forget to check those out. They are all very slightly related in the more background details rather than the contents of the actual piece. This can be read as a stand alone.

I do not own any of the characters (as much as I would love to). If I were to own Yesung and Kyuhyun, they would be in the most romantic relationship in the world and I would probably be stalking them, being the ert that I am. :P Their relationship would be like the Truman Show to me. Wooooo. Just get married omg.



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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: Cute, they both cared about each other, ah my kyusung heart~
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: Such a sweet fic :D And Kyusung are still blessing us in 2021 <3<3<3
Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 Kim Jongwoon <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 Cho Kyuhyun <3 <3 <3

Chapter 1: This was an amazing oneshot, very well written. Gossh yesung needs to believe in kyu a little more it really hurts them when he doesn't. But the ending was adorable and o so very true. Great story authornim ♡
midnight #5
This is so sweet!! We are all so worried about the enlistment and Kyusung and their relationship...Yesung must worry too, but Kyuhyun is right. They will be alright.

Good job :)
camacchiato0620 #6
Chapter 1: that was sooooo sweet...
"cross my heart" kyaaaaaaa XD
love it <3
hope you will keep writing kyusung fics...fighting~^^
vereex #7
Chapter 1: Yesuuuungiiieee qwq
Alyneko #8
Chapter 1: That was very cute^^ Kyuhyun's cheesiness is making me feel awkward though...
Thank you for writing^^
Chapter 1: I really liked this trilogy (and it's in sujuniverse too ! ). ^^
I wonder if Yesung will continue taking photos during the next two years. Particularly photos with Kyuhyun *_*
And I hope North Korea won't be taking any dangerous moves... =S
Oh, you didn't get a lot of comments ? Please don't stop writing, samdek ! =o
We need you here. =