
My Mind's Eye
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Saturday, September 30th 2023





Jessica’s phone chimed, alerting her that the delivery person was asking to be let into the building. She buzzed the person in and quickly finished up what she was working on.


The shower was still running so she went about setting the table while waiting for the younger woman to finish her shower. The abrupt knock on her door sent the cat scampering and the blonde smirked.


Serves you right. Devil incarnate.


She opened the door and grabbed their delivery. She was moving towards the cabinet with the glasses when she heard it.


A soft, barely audible mewl that set her nerves on fire.


Jessica was left there thunderstruck, liquid heat pooling in her lower abdomen so quickly she felt lightheaded.


She knew that mewl.


Had heard that mewl before.


Couple times in fact when her make out sessions had gotten rather heated with Tiffany in the past couple months.


The blonde grit her teeth and clenched her thighs, gathering her wits about her. She set about focusing on setting the table rather than let images of Tiffany, open and pliant beneath her fill her senses. By the time the younger woman got out of the shower, Jessica had gotten a much firmer grip on herself, even managing to kiss the ballerina chastely on her lips before settling down to their take-out dinner.


Images of the younger woman across from her, willing and in her bed, chased away by teasing banter and warm laughter.


Tiffany may be a big gay unicorn.


But turns out Jessica might be an even bigger and gayer unicorn than her.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“You staying the night babe?” Jessica asked as she carded her fingers through Tiffany’s lustrous black locks while the younger woman burrowed her face into the photographer’s neck.


The two of them were cuddling on the couch after dinner. It was past nine and Jessica wanted to make sure that if the younger woman was leaving that she did so at a safe hour. The ballerina grumbled and shook her head, reluctant to leave her girlfriend but knowing she had an early day tomorrow, it only made sense to do so.


Jessica kissed the top of her girlfriend’s head and gently jostled the younger woman from her embrace. Tiffany groaned but got up nonetheless.


Wordlessly, Jessica helped the ballerina gather her things to head out, as the younger girl was slipping on her shoes, an idea popped into Jessica’s mind.


“Wait. Did you want to see some of the photos I developed today? A bit of a sneak peek?”


Tiffany’s lips were on hers in a flash, “Mmmhmm, always baby,” was the breathy reply.



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Chapter 46: Waiting for a new update 🫡😊
1197 streak #2
Chapter 1: I wonder how this is gonna go
Chapter 44: Hot jeti XD i love it
Chapter 39: They might tease each other a lot, but they surely care a lot about each other. This kind of friendship is just too— cute and rare? They support each other in every steps is something that I have to mention, because it is a very heartwarming.

I don’t think I believe something like soul mates too, but I do believe that there will be someone for each of us. Soul mates is like— whatever you do, wherever you are, you will always get the chance to meet this person, hence I think it’s kind of impossible, in a way.

Anyway, thank you for the update, author-nim!
Chapter 38: This chapter makes my heart flutter! Every single gesture, even the most simple one makes me smile! The development of their relationship is not rushed, that’s what I like— it’s going steadily yet sweeter. Surely my new favorite chapter now, though I do love all the chapters! Hehe.
Chapter 38: this chapter warms my heart... the simple interactions between them are so moving.
as much as possible they don't seem to want to rush their relationship, but it's impossible huh☺️
Thanks for ur update☺️
Soneisa #7
Chapter 3: This is interesting 🤔
nancyuti #8
Chapter 37: I'm waiting for ur next update thornim...thanks
Chapter 33: There u go sica.... That's all what tiff needed from u☺️