A Prison Without Bars


Unbeknownst to my brother, he had bought me my freedom. My freedom from him.


Welcome to the Midnight Circus.

submission for CONTEST - ♢For Infinite: Eternal Inspirits♢


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grandpagyu1 #1
Chapter 3: The ending is kind of sweet ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: Kyaaaaaaa the ending \o/ so amazingggg O///O love it a lot xD I love Myungsoo's appearance and the way he reply xD Even my heart was fluttered haha. Really enjoyed this short chaptered story~

-Infinite Contest
Chapter 2: My jaw dropped near the end >.< Why Sungjong? Why? >.<
Chapter 1: T^T Ohh this is too good to stop xD Loving chapter 1~!
Chapter 3: Woah. I loved this. It gave me goosebumps as I read. //Nell's Words you shouldn't believe is the best background music for this I swear.
I totally loved how you characterized Sungjong. It was pure madness -no ofense intended.
Good job!
Chapter 3: I love this story! I really enjoy your unique imagination and how cute Myungsoo and Sehmi are! Author-nim, I'm always here. ^___^
B2utyShawol19 #7
Chapter 3: asdsghfeglshgfkjdgwwjfs this is soooooo cuteee :33 hihihihi <3
laloollie #8
Chapter 3: What are you talking about?!?!? I'M HERE!! I LOVE THESE KINDS OF STORIES!!!! I really do!!
Chapter 3: omg its so deep and shiz~ but its so kewl! i wonder what theyre doing now~ kekeke~ and jongies probably gonna find some girl on the black market to replace his sister. lol oh well. or hes gonna lose money or somehting. idk. and yay~ theyre gonna get married~ its so cute! and how do u get a three headed ostrich? hm. oh well.
Chapter 3: omo. please continue your fic. i wonder what happens to sungjong and what if sehmi fall in love with myungsoo? oww. i'm still looking forward on this^^