Zhou Mi - 27.

Birthday One-Shots.


Zhou Mi - 19 April 1986.


"Mochi, I'm home."


The front door shut behind Zhou Mi quietly, as the tall Chinese man stooped down to remove his shoes. A thud sounded, before an amber haired head poked out from a room down the hall, "Mimi gēge!" Henry called happily, as he shut the bedroom door and stepped out to meet his lover. Pecking Zhou Mi's cheek gently, Henry took his lover's hand and tugged it softly, leading the other man into their spacious kitchen.


Zhou Mi smiled at his Chinese-Canadian partner and sighed softly. Henry glanced at him from where he stood in front of the stove, "Something wrong, Mimi?" The taller man shook his head and sent a gentle smile Henry's way, "Just thinking Mochi, don't worry." Henry raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but decided to let it drop. The younger man was never one to pry.


Sitting at their kitchen table comfortably, Zhou Mi closed his eyes and leant back in his chair, his long legs crossed at the ankles. Soon enough, the enriched smell of wonton soup and rice filled the kitchen, making their stomachs rumble loudly. Giggling slightly, Henry set their plates on the countertop, letting the food cook for a little longer before serving. During this timeframe however, Henry let himself gaze at Zhou Mi, taking in the man's light grey jeans, crisp white shirt and black leather jacket. In his own plain blue T-shirt and loose black tracksuit pants, Henry couldn't help but feel slightly underdressed, even for something as simple as dinner at home.


Serving up the soup, the little chipmunk couldn't help but feel lucky, that something as simple as this could make Zhou Mi happy. He smiled to himself as he set Zhou Mi's plate in front of him and sat next to him, "Smells amazing Mochi, as usual." Zhou Mi smiled at him, raising two fingers to his lips, kissing them and placing them over Henry's mouth. The younger man blushed alarmingly, as Zhou Mi retracted his fingers.


Picking up his spoon, Zhou Mi took a mouthful of the soup, humming in satisfaction as the liquid slid down his throat. Henry glanced up from his own bowl, "Taste alright, Mimi?" He asked, then was nailed with a disbelieving stare, "I wouldn't trade your cooking for anything." Zhou Mi said, smiling proudly. Henry flushed lightly. Even a simple compliment could turn his face into a tomato. Zhou Mi chuckled, "Wǒ ài nǐ, Mochi."




Once the dishes were washed and put away, Zhou Mi and Henry collapsed onto the couch. Something as small as being casually tucked underneath Zhou Mi's arm and snuggling in front of the television, sent warm waves of security through Henry's body. Resting his head on Zhou Mi's chest, Henry's eyes slowly slid shut in contentment.


Light snores alerted Zhou Mi to the fact that Henry had fallen asleep on him, causing the man to smile. Glancing at the clock, Zhou Mi carefully adjusted Henry and lifted the smaller man into his arms, somehow managing to turn off the TV with his toe. Making it to their bedroom, Zhou Mi nearly dropped Henry in surprise as the door opened soundlessly.


The bed was covered in rose petals and candles burned softly, in a few corners of the room. How the place hadn't yet caught on fire, Zhou Mi didn't know. Shaking his head slightly, Zhou Mi pulled back the bed sheets, the rose petals falling to the floor and laid Henry down. Lithe fingers brushed over chubby cheeks as Zhou Mi smiled, turning to retrieve Henry's sleepwear from the window seat. Quickly changing his young lover, Zhou Mi discarded Henry's and his own dirty clothing, as he too changed into pyjamas. Tip toeing around the room, blowing out the candles one by one, Zhou Mi spotted a note sitting on top of a stuffed fox and he raised an eyebrow curiously;


My dearest Zhou Mi,


Together we rise, but divided we fall.


Today marks 27 years of your life and 2 years of our relationship. We first met, in SM Entertainment, 5 years ago. I will forever thank God, for agreeing to join Super Junior M that day. I can't imagine my life any different now. Without SJ-M, without all the gēges and most importantly, without you. You are my life now and I honestly hope what we feel now will never fade in the future. I hope you enjoyed your birthday, my fox Mimi.


Love forever,


Your chipmunk xx.


Glancing from the note back to the stuffed toy, Zhou Mi finally noticed the stuffed chipmunk sitting beside it. The same toy that Zhou Mi had bought Henry for Christmas, before Zhou Mi had to leave for his drama filming. Smiling, Zhou Mi was shocked to feel his cheeks dampen and his vision blurred slightly. Small arms circling his waist made Zhou Mi jump, peering over his shoulder at a half-awake Henry, who mumbled, "What'd I miss?"


Zhou Mi smiled and turned around in Henry's arms, slinging his own long limbs around Henry's neck and pulled the smaller man forward, burying his nose in Henry's hair. The Chinese man managed to avoid sobbing, but he couldn't stop the happy tears that flowed from his eyes and landed in Henry's hair. The smaller man pulled back slightly, staring up at Zhou Mi with wide eyes, "Mimi, why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"


The redhead shook his head furiously, his lips curving up into that small and shy smile that Henry adored, before leaning down and capturing Henry's lips in a passionate kiss. Henry moaned slightly, pulling Zhou Mi's hips closer to him and grinded against the man slowly. A loud moan ripped itself from Zhou Mi's throat, as the friction made a delicious warmth spread through his body.


Closing his eyes tightly, Zhou Mi rested his forehead against Henry's shoulder as the smaller man gently pushed him backwards, causing Zhou Mi's knees to collide with the foot of the bed and the pair toppled over. Zhou Mi's back landed on the bed gently, Henry holding himself over his lover's body. Leaning down, Henry pecked the man's lips, feeling Zhou Mi's long fingers running through his hair softly. Smiling against the Chinese-Canadian's lips, Zhou Mi opened his eyes and gazed at the man above him. As their gazes locked, Zhou Mi could feel himself calming down as Henry fell onto the bed beside him and rested his head on Zhou Mi's chest.


Wrapping his long arms around Henry's small body, Zhou Mi pressed a kiss to Henry's temple and whispered in the best English he could muster;


"I love you…"


A/N: I apologise profusely for this being so crappy, but honestly, I had absolutely no inspiration or motivation to write this properly... Mianhae!

Angel xox

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[Birthday 1shots] Heechul's b-day oneshot is in the works for the 10th!


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Chapter 1: Oh my gosh... It was perfect! *___*

Happy Birthday Sehunnie~~! <3