Happy Birthday Wonnie!!!!

Happy Birthday Wonnie!!!!





Today was April 7, a very important date for Kyuhyun. It was important, as it the birthday of his lover, Siwon. But April 7 this year took precedence, as this was be the last birthday they will celebrate together; before siwon’s enlistment early next year. If the grief of siwon leaving was eating him up, the excitement and buoyancy he was feeling in preparing for his lover’s birthday, took his mind off this heartache. He had planned a whole day full of activities that they would do together. Full with things that siwon would enjoy, the day was about him and kyuhyun would make sure that it will be memorable. He had persuaded or rather bribed the manager with a personal phone call to his daughter; who just happened to be the founding member of his fan club.


After making sure that they had the whole day free, kyu prepared to plan one hell of a birthday for his lover. He woke up early, something that was a commendable act in itself, and made breakfast for siwon (he can cook! It’s only that his hyungs like to about his starting failures). When he entered their bedroom, he came to the most beautiful sight in the world; his lover sleeping rather messily with half the sheets discarded through the night and hanging at the edge of the bed. He looked divine, with just a pair of black tracks covering his perfectly sculpted body, his face facing towards kyu with his pink parted lips almost beckoning to be kissed and bitten. He slowly approached siwon and placed the tray that contained the breakfast on the side table and very lovingly began to rouse him. He traced his beautiful face, his cheekbones and slowly rubbed his finger against the plump juicy lips. This evoked a response and a sleepy siwon took kyu’s hand and held it tightly to his chest. Kyu smiled at the pout that was now forming on siwon and he began to call him out softly. ‘Siwon….Siwoniee…babe….Wake up”

“Mnnnh…let me sleep some more.”  Carefully releasing his arm, kyu began to siwon’s face pushing some strands of hair that blocked his lover face “Sweetie, if you don’t wake up now, we will be late. And also the breakfast is getting cold. Now be a good boy and get up” Kyu pulled siwon up from his arm and brought him to a sitting position. Opening his eyes, siwon gave a dazzling smile and placed a peck on kyu’s lips. “Good Morning, beautiful”


“Good Morning, darling” kyu brought a cup of fresh coffee to fully awaken siwon. Siwon was sipping his coffee, when he noticed the delicious breakfast kyu had prepared. He had made French toast with cherry and raspberry compote and a bowel of fruit salad containing his favourite fruits along with mango-banana smoothie. There was also a small block of dark Belgian chocolate, that siwon loved. Seeing all the effort Kyu had put into the breakfast, he pulled kyu in for a passionate kiss; which was broken off by kyu with a blush on his face. “Hurry up and get dressed we are going out, your clothes are in the top drawer of the dresser” kyu ran away before siwon could pull him back on to his bed for his interpretation of ‘morning activity’.


Siwon finished his bath to find his hiking gear placed in the drawer, curious as to where kyu was taking him, he dressed up to meet a fully dressed kyu in the living room. “Hear Catch.” Kyu threw a bike helmet towards siwon.


Catching it in mid air siwon asked ‘Where are we exactly going?”


“Don’t worry love you will love it”


And with that they set on their bikes, with siwon following kyu; he still did not disclose the path they were taking. They soon exited the city and were on the path to the surrounding forest covered hills. They stopped at the bottom of a hill at a small cabin, which was rented by kyuhyun for their brief stoppage. The bikes were taken care off and unnecessary luggages were discarded in the care of the caretaker. They started their hike soon. Siwon used to come in the near by areas for hiking or trekking, but he could not recognise the trail kyu was taking. Seeing that siwon was trailing behind, Kyu called him up. “Hurry up won. We have to reach before it gets any brighter.”


They had left the city when it was still dark. Now, faint streaks of light had begun to appear in the horizon; kyu wanted to reach the designated place faster. No words were exchanged between the lovers, only the nature’s sweet music filled the silence, they held hands when the trials were flat and would often steal glances at each other, when they felt the other was not watching. Even after four years of dating, small things like a second longer held eye contact or lingering touches while handing over something or just hanging in for a moment longer while hugging, these actions were witness to the love these two shared.


They soon reached the summit of the hill that over looked the most beautiful scenery in the whole of Seoul. On one hand was the view of other small hillocks that surrounded the hill, a lake situated at the bottom and smack in the middle of the hills had pure mountain streams filling it up. When they reached the site, there was a big oak tree standing resolute at the top. Kyu immediately made siwon stand in front of the tree so he was facing the vast clear expanse of land, dotted with small hillocks and little else. Slowly kyu removed his hands and coxed siwon to open his eyes. The sun had finally begun to rise and was covering the sky in a myriad of hues. There was purple, pink and red merging effortlessly with the dark sky that seemed to have lightened down. The hills and other areas surrounding it at once broke into a melodious symphony, with all the creatures welcoming the new day with jubilation. Siwon was awe struck seeing the beautiful landscape in front of him. When he had finally taken in the whole scene, kyu made him turn around and face the oak tree that had now the sun shining on it. On the bark of the tree, there was something glittering. On close inspection siwon saw a pair of rings, placed in the bark in such a way that it seemed to grow from it. The platinum rings were shaped as branches that reached out to each other. Picking them up, kyu gingerly placed one on siwon’s finger and siwon followed him.


 “Our love is like the tree, forever growing, it will never stagnate and will continue to grow strong till eternity”. Siwon closely inspected the beautiful ring he had on, and was genuinely touched by his lover’s efforts. His ring though had a sun incorporated among the branches; siwon brought kyu’s hands to see if his ring too had he same detailing. On seeing it didn’t, “Why is mine different than yours?” he asked. Taking siwon’s hand in his he said “You are the sun, the reason why I live; as long as I live, I will forever lean towards you. Basking in your warmth and brilliance I will thrive, so you are the sun that infuses life in me.” Siwon was overwhelmed by his lover’s words; he brought him closer and held him in a hug, he wanted to convey how touched he was by his actions and kissed his lover’s head lovingly. Hoping his feeling was able to get through.


Once back in Seoul, they took a small nap and refreshed themselves. “Babe, dress up, we are meeting our families for brunch.” Kyu was busy selecting appropriate clothes for the two. He chose a white slim fit formal shirt with black trousers for siwon and for himself a dark blue shirt with white pants. Siwon looked every bit of handsome fellow he was in the ensemble he had chosen. Kyu had to stop himself from gushing, how handsome his lover looked.


They had brunch with their families, where everyone remarked how long it had been since they had met. Siwon parents, as a gift to him, had started a foundation; that would provide houses to the homeless, in some of the poorest regions of the city. Kyu parents and his sister had given him a limited edition bible that contained excerpts from the oldest surviving bible in the world. His sister had bought a watch that was designed by the leading watch designer in the world and was one of a kind, with diamonds studded in its dial. They had a lovely time catching up. There were some remarks thrown in about siwon’s enlistment but the topic was immediately changed when ara saw her brother’s face change.


While coming back to their apartment, siwon remarked “Thank you kyu, for setting this brunch, it was really nice meeting them after such a long time. I never realised how much I missed them until then. Thank you.” Kyu smiled at him “babe, what did I say, today is your day and I will make sure you love whatever is it we do. Okay.” They walked in to a surprise party organised by kyu for siwon. All the super junior members were there, even zhou mi and henry. Siwon literally had a heart attack when zhou mi latched on to him by wishing him ‘happy birthday Shiyuan’ in a shrill voice. All the members then surrounded and him and sang the birthday song. Siwon then proceeded to cut into the huge chocolate cake in front of him, and give the first bite to kyu. Soon after every one was fed with the cake, it was used as face paint and siwon’s face resembled as I he had just arrived from a mud wrestling competition. They had a jolly time, all the members let themselves loose; they ate, drank heartily and played numerous games. In the evening they bid goodbye and left the couple alone.


 “Wow! Heechul hyung can sure put any girl groups out of business with his seductive dancing. And did you see how eunhyuk started crying after he repeatedly lost in rock paper scissors. Those guys will never change. Still acting like a bunch of kids”. Siwon said shaking his head while recalling the actions of s.


Kyu was glad that siwon had enjoyed what he had planned for him. It was difficult for him to share the little time they had together, with their families and friends; but he knew that they too would miss him, when he goes away. His enlistment order would come only next year, but the company had decided to squeeze as much as they could out from him. There was yet another Chinese drama scheduled this year, a Japanese movie and he had heard negotiations were going on for a Korean drama as well. His solo schedules were pack and there was the ongoing super show and probably an album due later this year. This apart from appearances and CFs had made sure that siwon would be working non-stop to finish his assignments before he enlists. He himself was going to be busy for the better part of the year, with his variety show, musicals and OSTs. This situation had made kyu cherish even more the little time they could spend together; but he did not wish to be selfish and hog siwon to himself, he knew that siwon loved their families and friends dearly; if he had been unable to meet them, he would have been certainly sad. That is why he made sure that his plans included equal time for both.


They cleaned up the house after the party and then kyu asked siwon to prepare as they were going out. “Babe, where are we going now? I would much rather prefer to be at home, with you and doing things to you” siwon said tracing kyu’s lips in a seducing manner. Kyu’s breathe hiked, but he brushed off siwon’s hand, “Just get ready. And stop asking questions”


They drove to the beach and spend quality time with each other. They walked along the beach, hand in hand, feeling the coarse sand under their feet and the ocean breeze rustling in their hair. The sound of the waves was hypnotic and the lovers felt as if it was calling out to them. Watching the splendid sunset while sitting on the beach, and having all their senses stimulated by the ocean was a surreal experience. Kyu had packed dinner for them; they had a picnic dinner at the beach with the moonlight illuminating it. “Hear have this sea weed soup. I thought of preparing it in the morning, but I guess it slipped my mind.” Kyu pushed a spoon full of soup towards siwon. Siwon caught hold of kyu’s hand mid air after tasting the soup and started placing butterfly kisses on them. Blushing kyu asked “What are you doing?”


“I am just complimenting the chef for such wonderful food. It would be rude, if I don’t do it, right? Siwon smirked at kyu. They shared the soup and after wrapping up the remnants of the picnic, he walked towards their car, when kyu stopped him, “babe, where are you going?”


“Towards the car. Do you want to stay longer?”


“We are staying the night.”


“What at the beach?” Then mischievously he got closer to kyu and whispered in his ear, “I have always wanted to try on the beach.” Kyu tried glaring him, but the blush creeping made it difficult. “I just meant the cocktail” siwon soon corrected himself.


“Phabo, you see that light house, we will be staying there.”


They went to the lighthouse and into the topmost room. The room had a huge window, which provided with the most picturesque view of the ocean. The stars were twinkling with all their might, the moon was shining brightly and the ocean reflected the lightshow in the heavens below for mortals. Looking out the couple enjoyed the view, when they spotted a shooting star. They closed their eyes and wished at the shooting star. Siwon open his eyes first and studied his lovers beautiful face basking in the pale moonlight.


“What did you wish for babe?”


“I wished that you live for a hundred years, be healthy and be forever by my side. What did you wish for?”


“I wished that, our love grows with each passing year and that our togetherness stays for eternity” he gave a dazzling smile to kyu, which made kyu skip a heartbeat. The play of the light and shadows made it seem that siwon’s was actually glowing, as if he was a celestial being. Slowly siwon neared kyu, when he was at a breath’s distance from kyu’s lips he said, “Thank you so much for today Kyu. It was the best birthday ever” and kissed him. They made sweet sensual love, with the nature and its elements witnessing their coupling. That day, not only their bodies and minds become one, their souls entwined, and they became ONE.


While basking in the afterglow of their union, Kyu pulled siwon into a deep kiss. “Darling, I love you and will continue to, till my heart beats and even after. I may not name a foundation after you or buy you limited edition products for you, but remember that every single particle that makes up my body is yours and will be, forever.”


“Kyuhyun” siwon was touched on hearing the younger pour his heart out to him. “ Nothing matters to me if you are not by my side to experience it with me, the costliest wine would taste like water if you were not there to drink it with me. The most beautiful view holds no sway, if you are not there to see it beside me. A simple act of holding you makes me infinitely happy. You are the one I want, the one I need, the one I love.”


They stayed in each other’s arms, holding each other; knowing that at this moment, there was not a single thing in the world that would give them the pleasure, the contentment and the bliss they felt, being near each other and feeling the love emanating from each other. The cool ocean breeze, the moonlight flooding in the room, the stars playing peak-a-boo, Mother Nature had given her blessings to the two lovers and watched over them.


“And Babe, Happy birthday”





I am so glad in posting this. I hope everyone likes this.

I just want to wish the most loving, compassionate and kind and not to mention the hottest, most perfect guy in the world HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

May god bless you and you live a long healthy life.

To all these elves who are in Jerusalem, I envy you guys; you get a chance to celebrate siwon’s birthday with him. So lucky.

I am just waiting for the day, when siwon or SM spots my country in the atlas and come down here.

Till then, hope everyone enjoys the weekend.


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Saravy #1
Chapter 1: Such a sweet story! Kyu was so good to him.^^ I hope in real life he had a good birthday like in this story. :D
Chapter 1: Awwwww Kyu was so sweet... I felt their love!!! Captain Choi, happy b-day!! You're such an amazing person, you have a big heart and you are always giving love to your family, the members and ELFs... Thank a lot for everything, saranghae <3
choi siwon!! <333