
Forcefully Love You

Jiyoung woke up from her sleep, she tried to get up from Gyuri’s lap as her pillow when Gyuri held her arm. She wanted to go to her room when Gyuri pulled her so she ended up sitting on Gyuri’s lap while her back faced Gyuri. Gyuri wrapped her arms around Jiyoung’s waist and rested her head on Jiyoung’s back.

 “Don’t run away again from me”


“Just listen what I’m going to say to you”


“I know it’s hard for you to make a decision for both of us, but before that decision of yours happen let me be near you for the meantime. I missed you, it’s hurt when I can’t even talk or hug you as much as I want though we both missed each other. I can’t stop thinking about you. I worried whether you did eat or not, did you really need some help or not. I know you always know what to do, rather than doing reckless thing you’ll do your thing with deep thinking and analyze everything. But still, I’m here with you and I’m your fiancé. Why don’t you try to share what is on your mind with me?”

“Because I’m afraid”

“Huh? Afraid of what?”

“Afraid of doing some mistakes that I might regret it later”

            Gyuri turned her around to face her, she held Jiyoung’s waist to pull her closer. She smiled slightly, before she tried to speak again.

“Baby, everyone can always make a mistake, we can’t prevent it. Sure you can be careful with the step you take, but there will always be trial and error. We’re human after all, not a robot.”

“I know, but I don’t want to make you or your parents disappointed.”

“Do you love me?”

“I do a lot that sometimes I can’t even express it with words or act because it will be awkward”

“Oh, so that’s it”


“The reason you seems hesitant to make a move”

“Ah, eh, what did I say earlier?”

            Jiyoung acted nervously, she moved her hand to explain the thing but Gyuri held her hand and kissed her softly. Jiyoung blinked her eyes several times before she calmed down.

“I have come to a decision”

“Oh, what is it?”

“I’ll let you go back to US”

“Are you going with me then?”

“I’m afraid not”

“Just like what I thought you would”

“But, I’ll visit you once in a week. Just to make sure you won’t cheat on me”

“Yah, what do you mean by that?”

            Gyuri pouted and crossed her arms, Jiyoung could only giggled seeing her lover acted that way. Jiyoung leaned closer and whispered at her.

“Graduate soon, so we can get married, arasso?”

“Err, you knew that part too. Did my appa tell you?”

“Your umma phoned me this afternoon”

“Ah, uh, well I…I will do my best”

            Gyuri stuttered when she could hear Jiyoung’s breath near her ear. She tried to control her mind but her hand moved unconsciously sneaked in Jiyoung’s shirt.

“Yah, what are you doing?”

“Sorry, I was…”

“You byun”

            Jiyoung stood up from Gyuri’s lap and turned her back on Gyuri. She thought Jiyoung would be really mad but when she offered her hand to Gyuri while her ears were red, she couldn’t help but chuckled softly.

“Let’s eat our dinner”

“Okay, baby”  

            Gyuri stood up too and followed her while kept holding her hand. They both walked to the dining room, smiling. Jiyoung sat in the opposite direction with Gyuri, it was to prevent Gyuri touch her under the table. She knew well now, that her lover could be mischievous at times. That’s why she didn’t sit next to Gyuri.

              Gyuri puffed her cheek to show she disliked the idea Jiyoung sat a bit far from her, but she grinned secretly when she thought about an idea. Jiyoung cleared and spoke at her.

“Stop whatever you’re thinking to do next, let just eat the dinner”

“Geez, I get it”



Hara were having a cold war with Nicole, they both didn’t even bother to talk to each other for a week.  Hara tried her best to not complain about Nicole’s friend which mostly are boys, but when Jinwoon tried to hit on Nicole by gave her chocolate everytime he went abroad Hara couldn’t help to get jealous seeing Nicole really treasured his present that much, she kept on talking about how Jinwoon did this or that for her.

Meanwhile Nicole often times were clueless about Hara’s jealousy, she only wanted to share everything that happened with her to Hara, she wanted Hara know that she didn’t try to keep any secret between them.

It was Saturday night, when both of them accidentally met up at the park. They passed each other without even talked, they both only glanced at each other cautiously. Nicole reached her dorm, she laid herself on the bed while kept on thinking what was wrong with Hara yet she was afraid to ask directly to her. Last week Hara were exploded and told her that they need a break.

“I just don’t understand what she wants”

            Nicole rolled on her bed in frustration when she heard a knock on her window, she got up from her bed and opened the window but a tiny rock hit her forehead.

“Yah, that’s hurt”

“Ah, are you okay Nicole~ah?”

“Yah, Hara. What are you doing actually?”

“Can we talk?”

“Geez, arasso. Wait for a while”

            Nicole went down from her room to the main door, she opened it. Hara looked down as she kept on apologizing.


“Eh? Aren’t you going inside?”

            Nicole held a small gift on her hand, when she looked at Hara ran away. Nicole rubbed her forehead as she closed the door. She sat on the couch, looked at the small gift that Hara just gave her.

“What is this? A really long letter and chocolate?”

            Nicole read the first page of the letter, it was a complaining about her. Nicole frowned, she felt offended more as she kept reading.

“So you think I’m not even care of your feeling? Gosh, I thought you want to apologize about the thing that happened between us. Why it’s all sound like you tried to hurt me with your words?”

            Nicole sighed as she read the second page of the letter, she read all of the reason why Hara complained at her in the first page of the letter. She tried to recall all those things that made Hara felt bad or jealous. She read the last page of the letter carefully before she went to the door and opened it.

            Hara was there, leaned her back against the wall and looked at Nicole with teary eyes.

“You pabo”

“I’m sorry, will you forgive me?”

“Y…You really…”

"I'm really sorry, I love you"

            Nicole sobbed when Hara hugged her in her arms. She missed her lover, just as she knew Hara missed her a lot too. Nicole remembered the last part of the letter as she hugged Hara back.

I know I’m stupid for letting my doubt grow bigger than my love for you. I’m sorry that I said things that I shouldn’t have said so. I was afraid, you may leave me so I think it’s better if I let you go first. But then the thought of not having you near me really painful, I’m sorry for the way I behave, I just love you too much that sometimes make me obsessed. Please forgive me, I’ll wait for you outside till you forgive me. 


Sorry for the delayed update, got problem irl. Well, thing is all good now ^^

Have you read about Kara's fan meeting? It's sad, but i guess the adding member might needed since they three of them will have the difficulty of sharing part of their songs. Well, it's just my opinion. I hope Kara will stay strong

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Chapter 43: Ahh this fanfic finally comes to an end. Reminds me of my younger self fangirling over these precious girls. Thos fic will forever be in my one of the unforgettable memories of my fangirl days.
Chapter 42: awww omg this fic! it's been too long! i'm glad you guise decided to finish this and i hope karashi is ok n i'll wait for the last chapter~ oh happy early bday karashi! <333
Francean #3
Love Byun Gyul and Jelly Jing so cute ^.^ So glad you are back! When I saw this was updated I was super happy! Wonderful chapter (:
Chapter 41: Gyuri is such a freaking ert and a complete pabo for Jingie!!! And jing still do it anyway tho she hesitate it at first hahahaha. Ooooh some short ayyy moment. Hmmm is youngji having a crush on gyuri. Ahhh I see jealous jing he he. And OMG!! thank you so much for the newest update. Can't believe you're back!!!!
Chapter 40: Park gyuri you're such an idiot lol
What a surprise ! Did youngji know about gyuri ?? Can't wait to read more
heo youngji makes an entrance in this story . oh! Interesting.
I smell a love triangle for gyuri maybe..*o*
Nanaham in love !!!
I love the Chapter but its way too short...
Hope you update soon :'3
TheLoneWolf #7
Chapter 40: An aphrodisiac hahahah
TimelessStories #8
Chapter 40: why would you even keep that drink? xD
Francean #9
Chapter 39: That diary is so cutee! Love this couple ^.^ maybe there should be someone that Gyuri can be jealous of? Hehe
Chapter 39: Yayayayay!!! a new update \o/
Jiyoung inner cuteness should be shown often to Gyul. Jing's ranting,fangirling,expressing her feelings for Gyuri in her diary is so cute ^~^
Aww Hani and nanaHam :3