Cheaters, Heartbreak, and Best Friends


When Jihyo arrives home from a business trip, she finds her boyfriend with another woman. She is torn appart. Can the help of her best friend bring her back to reality?


Thank you to yozora-hoshi for another awesome poster!! :D

One more chapter for this story :')


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Chapter 16: Wow amazing i like it
love it!! nice job author nim^^
ec1103 #3
Loved this fic.. and really love joonie in this ♥♥
Chapter 16: *sighs* I wish I was married to Joon...hahaha I'm just going down the list of your stories...ohhh you should write a G.O. one next
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 16: It's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^o^
Nice ending. ^^
dang344 #6
Chapter 14: OMG OMG! I can't wait for the next chapter. Please continue soon!
yuna3wu #7
Chapter 14: JOONN... >o<
SuperShawolFan304 #8
Chapter 14: JOON!!!!!!!!! Andwae!!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #9
Chapter 14: -.- What did I say I didn't want to happen?????
Chapter 14: Jaeho is cray cray for jae jae