It Hurts


Hyukjae is in so much pain, and thinks about how to get rid of that pain.



The description , because it's kind of short, and I don't want to give much away. Anyways, I'm in a bit of a strange mood, so here is the product of that slightly morbid mood. Also, I decided to test out writing in present tense, since I'm usually a past-tense kind of writer. 

Warnings: Not my usual fluffiness. Contains mentionings of suicide and self harm, and briefly mentions bullying. Of course, it does have a bit of fluffiness, because I can't go without my daily dose of fluff, but it's like "Would you like some fluff with your angst?" rather than my usual "Would you like some angst with your cavity-inducing, overly sweet, fluff?" If any part of this will trigger something, either a) don't read it, or b) send me a message or something and we'll talk, because I don't want any of my readers really upset and I'm definitely willing to hear you out, especially since I know first, and second hand what depression and that stuff is like. 

Anyways, here's my usual teaser.


So much pain. My chest feels like it’s going to explode with each heartbeat, a painful reminder that I am still alive. Why couldn’t anyone see the pain I hold like hot coals in my chest? Then again, why would they even look? Wouldn’t everything be easier if I was gone? No one else would have to make excuses for my obvious worthlessness, and no one else would have to suffer from my stupidity. 


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That was so sweet and painful at the same time <3 Oh my goodness why would beautiful little Hyukkie do such a thing to himself, especially since he now has Hae to look after him. (✖╭╮✖)

That was so painful. I'm glad he started to lighten up a little at the end, although I know firsthand how the feelings fade away only to come back as fast as they left. I pray he's safe now though (・_・)❤(-_-)

Thanks for the sweet read! I'll be looking forward to some of your other stuff because this was so beautiful, my heart shattered. Thanks for sharing, loved one. (>’o’)> ♥ <(‘o’<)

*huggles you*

Ugh I wish Hyukkie didn't carry around a pocket knife! What type of dangers he could be posing to himself when no one is around. It'll be okay though, Hae's got him. Hae's there.

LOL here's me wishing for a chapter two when it's obviously a oneshot. (〃▽〃)

STAY SAFE TONIGHT, LOVED AUTHOR! I WILL STALK YOUR STORIES NOW. (Please don't find me creepy, I apologize if I enjoyed something so much)
Chapter 1: omg it's so heartbreaking but im happy that hyuk can see there's hope and not giving up with life with hae guiding him
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 1: I did like the story but it was a little confusing,and i think it just need a little more.Like i would have liked to know 1: who was in this car accident 2: Did anyone die or how bad they were hurt and 3: Did Hyukjae get hurt at all in the accident.Just so i could know why he's hurting so much at least enough to hurt himself or wish he would die. Still like i said it is a good story!!!!!
Indyie7 #4
Chapter 1: This was so sad, but also so cute~!!
Chapter 1: this is so beautiful... T-T.. Great job author-nim!! ^-^