Wo Ai Ni


Let me tell you the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night just to let him breathe.


If you ask me who is the person I care about the most,


I'll tell you it’s my brother.


The brother who looks identical to me.


The brother who loved me more than he should.


The brother whom...I've hurted a lot.


Let me tell you more about my brother,


He was still a kid when we first met,


A kid with a hot and cold attitude like a Tsundere.


Always clinging to me calling 'Luhan hyung! Luhan hyung!'


When he's angry? He can hide it with others, but never with me.


I've memorized the truth behind his expressions.


When he's happy? He smiles like a little child.


He always, always, uses aegyo to win an argument.


Cute right? Who wouldn't learn to love and adore that little ball of sunshine?


But at some points my brother can be a bit over protective.


Sometimes, he acts manly and strong (which I still find cute).


It even came to the extent that I was asked...


'Luhan which do you prefer: the cute or the mature Sehun?'


I thought for a while, that's a tough question.


But when I remembered what was my brother like, I knew exactly what to say.


I unconsciously smiled and answered


'I like both equally but...I love Luhan's Sehun the best'


I was really happy with my little brother.


He's probably the cutest, most adorable little brother anyone could have.


But I seem to have forgotten that he's slowly growing up.


Yeah, sure, I was beyond proud to see him grow but,


Now that he says he's a big boy


He doesn't need me anymore.


He doesn't want me anymore.


What's worse is, he tries to push me away.


Why? I don’t know. Maybe because of feelings I couldn't return.


It had hurt me a lot, I admit.


To see him treating me coldly,


To hear him pushing me away, it hurts a lot.


But I didn't stop. I will never.


Even if he sues me for following him around like a puppy, I won’t stop.


What can I do?


I still have the old habit of standing in front of him.


The old habit of caring and sheltering him from the crowd.


The old habit of loving my brother more than I love myself.


I wouldn't ask for more as long as I can stand by his side.




With me and him trapped in this sticky situation?


With me and him being separated by a barrier?


With me not knowing what to do?


With him...hating me?


I think it’s impossible.


Things changed.


Times passed.


Feelings were not as it was before.


Everything was falling apart, including me and him.


Hard? Hell yeah. But at least I still have one thing,


One thing that will always remain true.


The love and place in my heart for my brother will always be here.


Sehun~ah, I'm sorry.


I hope someday you'll understand why I'm doing this.


Luhan hyung will always be here for you Sehun...


Wo Ai Ni  


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exoticroyalty #1
Chapter 1: I can't stop crying whyyy i love you author!
JheydHyun #2
Can't stop crying! . T_____T I've been thinking about this story for the whole day. Urghh.
Chapter 1: I hate you for writing thiiiiiiis. I'm a crying mess. :(

By the way, I congratulate you for writing this. IT. IS. BEAUTIFUL. :">
Chapter 1: NO!! Don't end the story like this! Don't close the book yet!! WHATTT HAPPENN TO LUHAN!!??? TT 0 TT ?!!

sequel please..

sorry for being crazy :3
ChocoAikocream #5
aww.. so sad :(
sequel please?
TearsoftheRiver #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^